中国女孩被卷车底,众人出手相助 [美国媒体]



Surveillance footage shows a teenage girl in China being run over by a van, and then rescued by passers-by who pulled her from under the vehicle. Rough cut (no reporter narration).



Ken 1 day ago
I am half Chinese and white and I have seen plenty of videos like this which leaves me wondering: What the Hell Is the Matter with half of where I come from?! You got a woman being swallowed by an escalator in a department store, random sinkholes opening up in the middle of sidewalks, and now this. Wow! Make Me Sad China… Make me sad!


bright 21 hours ago
chinese need 20years to learn how to drive, i Live in China and there are worst incident that this one


Kris X 18 hours ago
There's something I noticed about this footage that is practically unheard of in the US. After the violent collision, notice the speed at which strangers come running to help. Before the van even comes to a complete stop, the first person enters the frame while sprinting across several lanes of traffic to help. The driver immediately exits the vehicle (doesn't hit and run) to locate the girl he may have just mortally injured. Then two more pedestrians approach the scene within moments, a motorcyclist (who had somewhere to go) pulls over, a cab stops so that the driver and passenger can get out to help, another pedestrian comes running across the street, a second cab stops and the occupants of that vehicle exit to help. Within SECONDS 10+ people are lifting a vehicle to save a life.
She isn't surrounded by people holding up cell phone cameras so that they can sell the footage or put it on a social media site for narcissists and twits. People aren't afraid to help because of fear for being sued. People aren't merely going about their business while calling the police from their cell phones. We Americans blame the politicians, the special interests, Wall Street, the corporate class, the government etc. Seldom do we ever look in the mirror and ask what we can do to help one another. Even Christians (who live by the tenant of loving others as they love themselves) spend more time judging rather then loving.
Food for thought.



Fid Face 1 day ago
Imagine that, there's a Chinese girl in China.


Services 20 hours ago 
why did it take the driver so long to stop, he would have felt the first thud, why didnt he stop, but rathe continue to run her down and still keep going....sheesh

LaoShur 11 hours ago
Drivers in China all too often simply don't care if there is a pedestrian in the crosswalk or not. They will bully their way through blowing their horns and NEVER attempting to hit the brakes!
It's a severe problem due to the fact the police don't enforce traffic laws in most places.


Sukr Bait 20 hours ago 
This is more proof that Asian CANT drive!!!!!


George 10 hours ago
Drivers in China are the worst in the world, that is from my eight years of observation while living and working in China.


Joeswansan 13 hours ago
like china really needs to start killing off the few women they do have.


Walter S. 1 day ago
As the driver was running over the girl, he had second thoughts and decided to see if she was alive....


DynO Mite 1 day ago
damn having slant chinky eyes, texting and driving is the worse!


A̴n̶g̵e̷l̴ღ 6 hours ago 
Glad this had a tell all title.



b 20 hours ago
In America, the group would be shooting video to post on you tube and want to see blood and guts, or in too big of a hurry to get where they are going or we would have to wait for emergency squad to come to get assistance.I think all those people were very thoughtful and helpful.


DavidM 8 hours ago
My comments do not pertain to country of origin. Here's what I see: 1) Wet pavement; 2) She was in a crosswalk but did she have a WALK light?; 3) Was the driver speeding or on his cell phone?; 4) She appeared to have her head down while walking. Did she have music earbuds playing?; 5) She seemed surprised and then stopped (natural reaction). Driver appeared to swerve hard left once he saw her (maybe van blind spot) thinking if she continued forward that was the only way to miss her. Anyway, hopefully she was not seriously injured.



Mongol 3 hours ago
Nice to see after the video I just watched from China where a motorist was hit and EVERYONE ignored his body in the middle of the intersection. It was surreal, nobody stopped, they just drove around him.


Charles 9 hours ago
Where was the importance in mentioning she was Chinese. If she were white no comment about her ethnicity.


IronBut 20 hours ago
That is great. Soon we will be communist .Thanks Democrat/socialist/communist party.


Je sais tres bien 17 hours ago
Bravo China! I understand there's no Samaritan Law to protect people from being scammed in China. Yet people don't hesitate to run to rescue. This is a far cry from the indifference shown before due to fear you end up paying (big money) for your good deed. Chinese people are getting better, mature and more worldly.
Any social progress should be praised.

中国做得好!我知道中国是没有《善良的撒玛利亚人法》的(《善良的撒玛利亚人法》(Good Samaritan laws),是关于在紧急状态下,施救者因其无偿的救助行为,给被救助者造成某种损害时免除责任的法律条文。)。然而人们还是毫不犹豫地去救人。这与以前因为好心却被罚导致的冷漠天壤之别。中国人变得更好,更成熟,并且经验丰富。


hotdognobun 7 hours ago
How can you miss a moving object in bright white jacket? Idiot driver....wait its in China


TheCurve 7 hours ago
The damn driver didn't see what's in front of his car? There's no sign of the van slowing down at all.


PUGH WILLIAM 19 hours ago
Idiot driver on his Made in China electronics


This Is Not The Country I Served For! 14 hours ago 
Hey, did I just hit someone? Let me go ahead and pull over to the side and make sure.


Mickey 10 hours ago
Ok, I don't speak Chinese, did she survive?



Boom! 9 hours ago
If this were to happen in Canada, Canadians would rescue her only to eat her alive.


Matthew 20 hours ago 
2016 Mr..Donald Trump for president of the USA..2016

2016 支持川普当总统

This Is Not The Country I Served For! 14 hours ago
It looks like she stopped to let the van go around her and then he hit her dead center. What the hell was the driver looking at? Accidents like this is why I do not hesitate or slowly cross the street. Even if I have the light I get across as fast as I can. You can't count on anyone else to do the right thing and have to always be aware.

DJ MM 4 hours ago 0 0
LOL, stupid fracking mainlanders

