如何处理中国的垃圾?烧了它 [美国媒体]


What to Do With China's Trash? Burn It.




Shenzhen, China's high-tech boomtown, sprung a surprise on its 12 million-plusresidents this week. Construction has begun on three giant, state-of-the-artincinerators to handle the heaving tide of trash that the city tosses outdaily. One of the mega-burners -- resembling an American-style football dome --will be the world's largest waste-to-energy plant when it opens in 2018.


Far from being ominous, however, that giantburner is good news for Shenzhen -- and for the environment.


Thirty years ago, with middle-classconsumers still rare, Chinadidn't have to contend with the large volume of trash that affluent societiesgenerate. But like so much else in China, garbage has changed, and ina big way. Today, Chinathrows out more stuff by weight than the U.S., making it the world's biggesttrash generator. By 2025, the World Bank estimates it will toss out 1.4 milliontons of garbage a day -- nearly tripling its current rate.


The trouble is that China alreadygenerates far more trash than it can safely handle. Last year, scientistsdetermined that Chinawas the largest contributor to the millions of tons of plastics that enter theocean every year, via mismanaged (or not managed) waste dumps. Drive to theoutskirts of any Chinese city and you'll run into a ring of informal landfillsemanating all kinds of un-recyclable stench.


Shenzhen might be ground zero for thisproblem. In 1979, the city generated 50 tons of solid waste a day. Now, it's generating15,000 tons a day. Its trash heap is growing by 6.1 percent annually. Thatgrowth comes with risks, and not just the environmental kind: In December,dozens of people were killed when an unlicensed landfill for constructiondebris collapsed.


Ideally, Shenzhen would recycle itsproblems away. For decades, Chinese scrap peddlers combed urban streets foranything reusable, and made a remarkable contribution to keeping cities clean.But the ranks of migrant laborers who flocked to that kind of work arethinning. And city governments, with an eye on property values, are pushing outthe small-time recycling markets that enabled the trade. More pertinently, in aslowing economy, manufacturers simply can't use everything that's beingrecycled: The world is over-supplied in commodities, and that goes for bottlesand cans, too.


Landfilling still has its place, but China's driveto urbanize means that today's remote garbage dump is tomorrow's urbannuisance. That's what happened in Shenzhen, where one major landfill has beenexpanded six times and now abuts newly built apartment towers, where residentsunderstandably complain about the smell. The central government, meanwhile, isincreasingly concerned about reducing soil pollution, preserving arable landand ensuring long-term food security. Landfills don't help any of those goals.


That leaves incineration. In recent years,incinerators have caused protests and riots among Chinese concerned about theirhealth and property values. They have a point: Historically, China's trashincinerators have been environmentally hazardous. But lately, cities such as Shanghai have been trying to emulate (and import) theadvanced and environmentally secure waste-to-energy incinerators that Europeand Japanrely on. The projects underway in Shenzhen follow that model. According to thelocal government, they'll actually exceed European Union emission standards.


That's worth cheering. But it shouldn't bethe end of the discussion. For incineration to gain wider acceptance, localgovernments will have to be more transparent. Waiting to announce anincinerator project until after construction has started -- as Shenzhen did ---doesn't help. To ensure that incineration doesn't undermine recycling, itshould be paired with so-called pay-to-throw programs, in which residents aretaxed on the volume of trash they're tossing. Finally, the government shoulduse its considerable administrative power to encourage alternatives to thesingle-use, unrecyclable packaging that's currently clogging China'slandfills and waterways.


There are no easy ways to take out China's trashproblem. But burning is a necessary step to addressing it.


John Spencer • 3 days ago 
I always see comments like China is theworst emitter of CO2. Well, yes, for two reasons, it has the highestpopulation, or second perhaps to India,and more importantly, all that CO2 is from the plants that make a huge numberof products for the US.We are indirectly responsible for these emissions. Another point, China is theworlds leading country in renewable energy production.


John Spencer • 3 days ago 
Incinerators are a great alternative toburning coal. Incineration obviously will emit CO2, but so does coal, and inabout equal amounts. Incinerators can have very good scrubbers/precipitatorsinstalled, and assuming the operating temperatures are above 1800deg F, therisk of things like dioxin from the combustion of treated wood is minimized.Obviously the incinerators heat will be used to generate steam for powergeneration. I say obviously, but I really don't see why they wouldn't.


Jerry • 3 days ago 
Very good article on what I see as one ofthe biggest problems for the heavily populated urban areas of the world, pushedforward by ever growing populations & modern throw away societies. Theworld is rapidly approaching the time when population growth in some parts,must be brought to a stand still. Face it, people make pollution & too manypeople make unbearable pollution.


Liberty  @Jerry • 3 days ago
not according to the over-crowdedEU..........they're so desperate for more people they importing unskilled,uncouth, fast breeding muslim and african refugeeze


Kelly Luck @Liars N. Fools • 2 days ago
Please - Let us know ALL the wonderfulbenefits of burning trash {besides its cheaper) to the enviroments etc...


jimt5367 @Kelly Luck • 2 days ago
Video about Hamburg's solution:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8StpMP9eDoo


Kelly Luck @jimt5367 • a day ago
Thanks - Fantastic site !


Jimmy • 3 days ago
Trash today is a majority of plastics -that is petroleum. Just need lime injected bag houses to collect the chlorine-then sell the Calcium Chloride for ice control.


Bernt Bowles • 3 days ago
If Bloomberg is so obsessed in publishingjunks or trashes of China,why not eat these to satisfy its appetite for a while.


Daniel Barger • 3 days ago
China isalready the number one producer of CO2 and most all other 'environmentaldangers'. While they will promise to do this 'cleanly' that costs money....andmoney comes before anything else. These incinerators will just exchange oneproblem that is local for another that goes everywhere.


John Spencer  @DANIEL Barger • 3 days ago 
The incinerators should be equipped togenerate steam and thus electricity. The coal usage will thus be reduced, andthus the CO2 should stay nearly the same. I would have to see more details though,like are they in fact installing the steam generation capability. I don't knowwhy they wouldn't.


Ed Jack • 3 days ago
that could be arranged


Thom Preston • 3 days ago
Well written and informative. Very niceintroduction to this issue.


Leaves in the wind • 3 days ago
Perhaps, the 3 Rs would be better for theChinese state, than new incinerators or landfills. One could learn from itsneighbors, Japan and Taiwan in thatregard.


John Spencer  @AdamMinter • 3 days ago
There is a very large incinerator near Newark NJ.Other than the steam coming off the building you can't tell it's running.


Leaves in the wind  @AdamMinter • 3 days ago
True that, could you send me links/evidenceto back up your claims? My knowledge on 'clean' incinerator tech is inadequateto say the least.


AdamMinter @Leaves in the wind • 3 days ago
You can click some of the links in mypiece, or just google Japan,incineration. There's pages of info.


existanceonly • 4 days ago
the mind boggles with the thought of China'strash,................................


Frederick King • 3 days ago
They will likely increase the amount of groundtrash used as food supplements soon.

