中国正对可袭击美国的核导弹进行最后润色 [美国媒体]


China is putting the finishing touches on anuclear missile that can strike the US


China's DF-41 has been described as "theworld’s longest-range missile," capable of striking the US from anywherein China, and it could be ready as early as this year, the South China Morning Postreports.


“Given the number of real reported tests,it is reasonable to speculate the DF-41 will be deployed to PLA StrategicRocket Force bases in 2016,” Richard Fisher, seniorfellow at the International Assessment and Strategy Center in Washington toldthe Financial Times.


Jack 12 hours ago
I am just curious. What does victory looklike in a nuclear war?


Tony 12 hours ago
For years China was bitter enemies withRussia and once even sought an alliance with U.S., to thwart off Russianaggression. But now that they have an endless supply of money (courtesy oftheir one-sided commerce with U.S.), they are turning their backs on us,becoming cozy buddies with Russians and Iranians, and now have Nukes that cantake out U.S. How about advertising them as Nukes that can take out Russia?POLITICIANS in this country have to acknowledge the Chinese threat and FREAKINGSTOP commerce with China!


Nikolai 11 hours ago
The U.S. is the largest single exporter inthe world. You know what we export? Food. We literally feed the world and ourbiggest customer is China. In exchange, they give us cheap goods we buy atWal-Mart. A large, very large source of their food (specifically grain used tomake rice) comes from us. They wage war against us and they'll have a billionmouths to feed and nobody to feed them. Their military would starve todeath...and if it so happened that they did defeat our military, then they'dhave to occupy this country. Good luck occupying a land where there are moreguns than people who are free enough to use them. That is why we have thesecond amendment, something liberals can't comprehend.


Tony 5 hours ago
China doesn't have a strategic advantagewhen it comes to launching from anywhere on the Chinese mainland. To go throughthe North Pole, it would have to go through Russia and Canada to get tonorthern US. The fastest route would be to launch over the Koreas or Japan justto be able to hit Alaska. If it wants to hit any other States, it would have togo through Alaska as well. Another long route would to go through the middlePacific hitting Hawaii or over it to get to the continental US. All of China'slaunch options are pretty bad. There are so many sensors between China and thecontinental US that US would probably be able to strike China first.


1 12 hours ago
For all you idiots buying Chinese productsnow you know what their doing with all that money.


BigC 11 hours ago
You can thank Bill 'Slick Willie' Clintonfor this one. Chinese rockets could not be controlled for any accuracy what soever and then Bill CLinton declassified the Hughs guidance system and had RonBrown sell it to them through the Dept of Transportation. You see the Chinesemob cleaned up after his trists with teenagers when he was still in Arkansas.He owed them big time. CLinton's su_ck.


U.S.A rules... 7 hours ago
It's amazing how the author makes believe,we have an effective shield for such icbm s. The Thaad systems aren't even at a50% success rate yet, secondly it will have to be destroy during it's secondstage, which is probably a 1 to 2 minutes time frame, and once they 'rE-enterthe atmosphere and it's all over. But if China were to strike us, I'm surethey'll do surprise strikes from ballistic subs off our shores first, afterjamming and knocking out our abilities to detect and track their movements,before actually striking. The stupid author must know nothing about nuclearicons.


Christopher Driscoll 8 hours ago
Not that a war would start... but a missilewith so much hangtime wouldn't have a realistic shot of making landfall beforebeing destroyed.


Scott S 11 hours ago
the 10 million dollar question would beWHY??? Who is threatening them militarily where they need a long range nuclearmissile?? North Korea? Cuba?? Canada??? etc etc etc???? The answer is, NoOne!!! So why do they need these??? If your a liberal and your obvious responseis, well we (the US) have them!!! Then your an idiot, maybe even a usefulidiot, but that's a whole other question. China is looking at expanding theirborders and area of influence. We have already seen what they are doing in theSouth China Sea and how that is affecting their neighbors, our allies. Whatsnext????


Jacob 8 hours ago 
Nobody wins a nuclear war.

