2020年美国将取代中国成为世界第一制造强国 [美国媒体]


The U.S. Will Surpass China As the No. 1Country for Manufacturing by 2020


A key theme in this year’s presidentialrace is competitiveness of American industry, though candidates like DonaldTrump and Bernie Sanders tend to use more colorful language when describingtheir belief that the United States has lost its economic edge.


Both candidates despise recent trade deals,which they feel have proven that the U.S. can’t compete with countries likeChina and Vietnam, which have far cheaper labor and less onerous environmentalregulations.


But if you ask actual manufacturingexecutives, they’re far more bullish on America’s future than many of itspolitical leaders. On Thursday, professional services firm Deloitte teamed upwith the Council on Competitiveness torelease its 2016 Global Manufacturing Competitiveness Index, showingthat the United States is the second most competitive manufacturing economyafter China. What’s more, global manufacturing executives predict that by 2020,the United States will be the most competitive manufacturing economy in theworld.


Harry Kneecaps 1 day ago
"But if you ask actual manufacturingexecutives, they’re far more bullish on America’s future than many of itspolitical leaders."
If you believe the corporate executives whosold out American workers youre a fool. The corporate executives have nointention of bringing high volume manufacturing back to the US. It was justrecently that Ford announced plans to outsource truck assembly to Mexico. Oreocookies will now also be made in Mexico. Without intervention manufacturingisnt coming back to the US at any time.


64 Squares 1 day ago
My business manufactures here in the US andI know for a fact competing with China products isn't simple but I'm doing itbecause.... America!


Blackfin 1 day ago
Politicians, and especially GOPpoliticians, REALLY REALLY need to read and understand this article. There isno way the US could retain it's old labor intensive manufacturing jobs when weare paying $25-$30 per hour to build assembly line widgets. It's not a case ofcompanies or politicians selling out Americans, it's just plain old economicsand it can't be stopped. Same thing happened to buggy whip makers. China isalready experiencing the same thing too as their labor intensive work moves toplaces like Vietnam. The US has moved up the value chain and it is paying off.Off course there are people in the transition who get economically hurt. I amall for help in retraining and support for those people, but demagoguery and35% tariffs are NOT going to bring those low skill jobs back to the US...notever.


Kedrick 1 day ago
Does anyone actually believe this?


pablito 1 day ago
If Trump is elected president, maybe


Tony 1 day ago
Is that why Carrier is moving themanufacturing to Mexico , because they're so bullish on manufacturing in theU.S. ? How about what's going on with the company that makes Oreo cookies ?There isn't much of anything that you can buy that isn't made in China or someother country . The writer of this article is full of sh-t !


Michael 1 day ago
Then maybe the author can explain to me whyI can't find anything with a made in america tag anymore? And why is it thatmore and more jobs are leaving the US even as I type this? I know the unionshave had a lot to do with this, but, come on, let's try and deal with realityhere. Without strong laws doling out severe penalties for companies goingoffshore for their manufacturing and those that are staying don't pay enough tosupport a family of 3.


Commenter 1 day ago
Another made up liberal propaganda article,America is dying!


Commenter 1 day ago
If the US is so competitive, why is nearlyeverything we buy made elsewhere?


Commenter 1 day ago
This is only considering Trump is thePresident.


Commenter 1 day ago
The US going to have a hard time to bringback manufacturing ,The government are promoting college education insteadlearning skill .If they bring back the manufacturing from China ,need to bringthe Chinese over to do the job , Unfortunately lots of people looking for jobs.but have no skill nothing to offer .beside college diploma .The proud Americanskill and productivity will die out with the baby boomers


Commenter 1 day ago
Funny how they don't even mention Mexico.Manufacturing is booming down there, they are building plants left and right toreplace the ones in the US.
