看看美国的医生到底赚多少钱 [美国媒体]


Here's how much money doctors actually make


Business Insider    
Erin Brodwin and Dragan Radovanovic
April 2, 2016

Ever wondered how much money doctors make in various specialties? Well, you're about to find out.


The online medical resource Medscape, which is owned by WebMD, just came out with its 2016 Physician Compensation Report, which features data from more than 19,200 doctors in 26 specialties. All the data is self-reported and based on information collected for Medscape's yearly survey.


The five highest-paid doctors, by specialty, were orthopedists, cardiologists (doctors who deal with heart issues), dermatologists (doctors who deal with skin issues), gastroenterologists (doctors who deal with stomach and intestinal issues), and radiologists (doctors who use things like X-rays and ultrasounds to diagnose or treat disease).


The five lowest-paid doctors were pediatricians (child physicians), endocrinologists (doctors who specialize in hormonal imbalances), family physicians, HIV and infectious-disease specialists, and allergists.


Take a look at the graphic below to see the average earnings for doctors from each specialty:


BI_Graphics Overall physician pay

Doctors are making more overall, but a few are making less


Overall, all doctors made more on average this year than they did last year, according to the survey. Yet there were some exceptions. Compared with average salaries from last year, for example, allergists and pulmonologists (who specialize in lung conditions) saw their incomes dip by an average of 11% and 5%, respectively. Two other specialties saw no change: pathologists and plastic surgeons.


Interestingly, rheumatologists and internists (doctors who treat autoimmune conditions and chronic conditions, respectively) made significantly more money this year (their averages increased by a whopping 12%), while nephrologists and dermatologists saw increases of 11%.


Travis Singleton, senior vice president of national physician search firm Merritt Hawkins, told Medscape he thought one of the reasons internists are making more is simply because their demand is increasing as baby boomers reach retirement.

医学领域猎头公司Merritt Hawkins的资深副总裁Travis Singleton认为,内科医生挣的更多的其中一个原因很简单,就是因为婴儿潮一代正在步入退休,使得内科医生需求量大增。

"Over 10,000 baby boomers turn 65 every day, driving demand for internists, and their compensation, higher," Singleton said.


Two other factors that affect doctors' incomes: geography and gender


The three states with the highest earners this year were North Dakota ($348,000), New Hampshire ($322,000), and Nebraska ($317,000); the states with the lowest included Rhode Island ($224,000), the District of Columbia ($226,000), and Maryland ($231,000).


Women also earned significantly less than men overall. While male primary-care doctors made an average of $225,000, women with the same job title earned an average of $192,000. Male specialists made roughly $324,000; female specialists made about $242,000.


BI_Graphics Male and female doctors pay gap

