美国最被误读案件的连环变态杀人狂老死监狱 [美国媒体]

Winston Moseley在1964年杀害了Kitty Genovese,据称Kitty的邻居们对她的呼救不闻不问,现在81岁的凶手上周死在监狱中。美国网友:这个案件发生的时候,我在上高中,我永远也忘不了这事。这个低级的人渣就应该被吊死或者枪毙。他谋杀了一名28岁的女子,而他却活到81,有一天三餐可吃、一张床可睡、还有健康保险等等等等。全都是纳税人付钱。简直就是浪费!几颗子弹或者一根绳子花的钱可少多了。

Erin Fuchs,Business Insider

Kitty Genovese. 


Winston Moseley, the man who killed Kitty Genovese in 1964 while neighbors reportedly ignored her pleas for help, died last week in prison at 81. 

Winston Moseley在1964年杀害了Kitty Genovese,据称Kitty的邻居们对她的呼救不闻不问,现在81岁的凶手上周死在监狱中。

Moseley, a psychopathic serial killer and necrophiliac, was one of New York's longest-serving inmates, The New York Times reported Monday.


His gruesome rape and murder of 28-year-old Genovese more than 50 years ago is one of America's best-known crimes and was even featured on an episode of the New York-based HBO show "Girls" this week.


The case also appears in psychology textbooks as a classic example of the bystander effect, in which the presence of other people discourages people from intervening in an emergency.


In recent years, however, experts have called into question many aspects of the Genovese murder that were initially reported back in 1964.


The Times reported back then that 38 people had watched a killer "stalk and stab" Genovese. Those 38 neighbors in Kew Gardens, Queens, none of whom called the police, reportedly experienced a "diffusion of responsibility." In other words, they thought somebody else would help Genovese, who was barely more than 5 feet tall.

当时纽约时报报道称,有38人看到了凶手“跟踪并狂捅”Genovese。这38人是住在皇后区Kew Gardens的Genovese的邻居,据称他们在“责任分散”的心理下,没有一个人报警。换句话说,他们认为其他人会帮助Genovese,一个不足5英尺高的女子。

Winston Moseley's booking photograph. 


While psychologists went on to prove that the bystander effect is a real phenomenon, the parable of Kitty Genovese that inspired much of that research is largely false, according to experts who have revisited the case. It's not clear that 38 people actually saw the killing after all — or that nobody called the police. 

尽管心理学家专注证明旁观者效应是真实存在的一种现象,重新研究此案的专家认为,关于Kitty Genovese的心理学理论基本都是胡扯。并不清楚那38个人是否真看到了杀人,也不清楚是否没有人报警。

''Yeah, there was a murder,'' lawyer Joseph DeMay, who has pored over the case, told The Times on the 40th anniversary of the murder. ''Yeah, people heard something. You can question how a few people behaved. But this wasn't 38 people watching a woman be slaughtered for 35 minutes and saying, 'Oh, I don't want to be involved.'"

“是的,那是谋杀,”律师Joseph DeMay仔细查阅了这个案件,在此案40周年时他对时报说,“是的,人们听到了一些声音。你可以盘问几个人,他们当时做了什么。但是不可能38格人眼睁睁的看着一个女人被杀死,看了35分钟,然后说,哦,我不想卷进去。”

The first in-depth account of the Genovese murder came two weeks after the crime, in a front-page story in The Times that took a damning view of the neighbors who failed to call the police. From that story, which appears to be based on police sources:


For more than half an hour 38 respectable, law-abiding citizens in Queens watched a killer stalk and stab a woman in three separate attacks in Kew Gardens ... Not one person telephoned the police during the assault; one witness called after the woman was dead.


Later, the story says, one neighbor "sheepishly" told the police, "I didn't want to get involved."


The thought of a tiny woman getting stabbed while her neighbors watched was indeed horrifying, and the Genovese story quickly gained traction. The number of people who supposedly didn't help — 38 — was repeated again and again. 


But people who have revisited the case have found crucial errors in The Times' account, as Nicholas Lemann wrote in The New Yorker around the 50th anniversary of the murder.

但是重新研究此案的人发现了时报报道中的重大错误,Nicholas Lemann 在此案50周年时在纽约客发文称。

Here are the crucial facts, according to Lemann. Genovese's killer, Moseley, was driving around and looking for a victim when he spotted the young woman and followed her home. She parked across from her apartment, and he attacked her with a hunting knife. She screamed, and a neighbor named Walter Mozer opened his window and shouted, "Leave that girl alone."

根据Lemann的说法,此案有一些关键的事实。杀死Genovese的凶手 Moseley那天开着车转悠,想要找一个受害者下手,当他看到Genovese的时候,他跟在她车后到了她的家。Genovese把车停在自己公寓对面,然后Moseley用一把猎刀袭击了她。Genovese尖叫,接着一个名叫Walter Mozer的邻居打开窗子,叫道“放开那个女孩。”

Moseley drove off. Genovese, who was wounded but alive, ran into a vestibule of her apartment building. Moseley came back to the vestibule and attacked her again. The second, more brutal attack, occurred indoors, out of the view of most of her neighbors.


The Kew Gardens Long Island Rail Road station near 82-70 Austin Street in Queens, New York, seen March 6, 2014. 

Kew Gardens长岛铁路站,靠近纽约市皇后区奥斯汀路82-70号,2014年3月6日

While neighbors may have heard parts of the attack, DeMay, the lawyer who researched the case, told The Times that many of the neighbors believed the fight was a lovers' quarrel or a drunken argument. Moreover, according to Lemann, two neighbors did actually call the police. 


To be sure, more people probably could have called the police. The 1960s in New York City was a time when people didn't necessarily trust the police, however, according to Kevin Cook, author of "Kitty Genovese: The Murder, The Bystanders, The Crime That Changed America."

更多人本来也是可能报警的。但是1960年代,纽约处于这么一个时期,人们不信任警察。Kevin Cook,“Kitty Genovese: 谋杀、旁观者、改变美国的犯罪”一书的作者说。

"It was a time when the police weren't necessarily your friend," Cook told NPR. "You can't call a central dispatcher; you call the number on your yellow pages, usually, and then a desk sergeant, whoever picks up the phone, [a] communications officer, will take your report."


Of course, now people can just call 911 when urgent help is needed. Most people these days are also probably aware of the bystander effect, thanks to the mythology surrounding the Genovese case. In that sense, the (falsely reported) Genovese case may have inspired people to report violent crimes to the police.


Just a couple of years after Genovese's murder, The Times reported that Queens residents acted quickly to try to save a woman who was being attacked by an ax. Even then, the police were using the Genovese story as a cautionary tale.


One unnamed police officer told The Times, "It was the exact opposite of the Kitty Genovese affair."

一不具名的警官告诉时报,“这是跟Kitty Genovese事件完全相反的一个案件。”

Stanley 3 hours ago 
I learned briefly about the "bystander effect" and it's so true! Most people see someone in need and go about their business because there are other people around; they think someone else will help...


Unfortunately for this young lady she became the victim of a deranged maniac hunting for someone to hurt back in the 1960s


I live in New York City and in my hood, the majority of people lock their doors and don't come out for nobody unless they need to go out or they need something. Most people ignore sounds of a fight to protect themselves; some couples are crazy and will turn on you if you meddle in their business but, people will at least call 911 nowadays unlike this case.


We're only reading about this story because the murderer died after serving more than 50 years in prison, but things have changed a bit since then, yet, we still need to watch out for one another. 


CC-Seattle 3 hours ago 
I was in high school when this crime occurred, and I have never forgotten it. This low-life piece of excrement should have been taken out behind the prison and either hanged or shot dead for what he did to Kitty Genovese. He murdered a 28 y.o woman who had her whole life ahead of her and he lived to be 81 years old - receiving "3 hots and a cot", health care, dental, vision, clothing, etc. - all paid for thanks to the taxpayers. What a waste of money! Less money would have been better spent on either bullets for a firing squad or a rope to hang him from. 


R.. 11 hours ago 
BS! Before 911 if you had an emergency you dialed the operator and told them you needed the police or an ambulance. They took care of the rest. People continued to do it for years after 911 was instituted, because the three digit emergency number wasn't advertised very well and much of the general public didn't know about it for years after it was put in place. Sadly, people just don't want to get involved, period. They're worried something could happen to them or that they'll have to testify in court. They ARE apathetic, and this was shameful. That's why they teach you to yell FIRE if you're being raped, beaten or someone is trying to kill you. People will come out/arrive/invetigate if they think something of theirs is being threatened or their own lives are at stake. Again, shameful. 

