两艘英国船只抵达日本将把钚元素送往美国 [美国媒体]

东京(美联社)- 两艘英国船只周一抵达日本东部,根据双边协议运送一批钚(足以制造数十枚原子弹)到美国进行储存。据共同社和市民团体报道,这两艘船到达东海沿岸村庄(东京东北部),这也是日本主要的核研究机构 - 日本原子能机构所在地。它将花几个小时把加钚填充桶装载到船上,两艘船都配有舰炮和其他保护设施。


TOKYO (AP) — Two British ships arrived in eastern Japan on Monday to transport a shipment of plutonium — enough to make dozens of atomic bombs — to the U.S. for storage under a bilateral agreement.   The ships arrived at the coastal village of Tokai, northeast of Tokyo, home to the country's main nuclear research facility, the Japan Atomic and Energy Agency, according to Kyodo News and citizens' groups. It will take several hours to load the plutonium-filled casks onto the ships, both fitted with naval guns and other protection.

东京(美联社)- 两艘英国船只周一抵达日本东部,根据双边协议运送一批钚(足以制造数十枚原子弹)到美国进行储存。据共同社和市民团体报道,这两艘船到达东海沿岸村庄(东京东北部),这也是日本主要的核研究机构 - 日本原子能机构所在地。它将花几个小时把加钚填充桶装载到船上,两艘船都配有舰炮和其他保护设施。

The Pacific Egret and Pacific Heron, both operated by Pacific Nuclear Transport Ltd., will take the 331 kilograms (730 pounds) of plutonium to the Savannah River Site, a U.S. government facility in South Carolina under a pledge made by Japan in 2014. The plutonium, mostly from the U.S. and some from France originally, had been used for research purposes.



David C 2 hours ago
The Russians have been cheating on this for years while Obama has been decreasing our own nuclear stockpile. His policies have made us into fools. We are in deep, deep trouble.
当奥巴马在减少我们(指美国)的核储量的同时,老毛子们就一直在作弊。(意思是俄国表面上说减少了核储量实际没有,仅代表David C个人观点)。他(指奥巴马)的政策把我们弄得和傻瓜一样。现在我们有大大的麻烦了。
Tom 2 hours ago 
Lets Just tell the whole world what the ships are hauling
Rob in 3 hours ago
How much do you want to wager that there will be a curtain of LA Class attack boats shadowing this shipment?
Paul Revere 1 hour ago
Go ahead let everyone know this. Now watch a terrorists plot will happen and all that good stuff will fall into the hands of you know what? they deserve it. How stupid. They are the most stupid fools on Earth. If we pay these fools with our money we need to kill them. They put us in danger in the worst kind of way doing things like this. Announcing it. For the love of God how stupid. These people should never have got this far in life and should not be allowed to breed.



coolhandstar 3 hours ago
For all we know, Japan has nuclear deterrent kept secret to ptotect itself from Xi Jinping dynasty. That is one of the reason why China is so scared of Japan.

none 1 hour ago 
The leftist #$%$ gets so very old after awhile.
This is a very important news item, for reasons that have nothing to do with "how many atomic bombs" could be made....which the author is waaaaaay, to stupid to know with any ability at all. Quite frankly, the answer is zero atomic bombs. Without a modern refinery that exists in only two places in the world...one in russia and one in the US, the number of atomic bombs that can be made from this is zero...how about that.
What you SHOULD be asking is how much of the japanese or american coastline would become permanently poisoned were a ship like this to sink and its cargo disperse into the water.
The REASON this cargo is being shipped in the first place is the japanese proved in real world terms they cannot handle nuclear power...and nearly killed themselves with it. They came, VERY close and it is ONLY because of a few heroic senior scientists who literally sacrificed themselves to save everyone. Who are these people? Do you even care? They saved YOUR #$%$, you know.
Ask yourself something. You trust Obama with that?



legalizitt 41 minutes ago
FoxTards, FoxTards
Eat Them Up
Yum !!!
Scared brainless dupes, all of them.


PEASEHEAD 2 hours ago
How many Fukushimas (a real and on going crisis) are the people of the world prepared to live with as if they don't matter, while quaking at the specter of nuclear war?

Seeker 2 hours ago 
Why do we announce everything in the media....??

Meghann 1 hour ago
Isn't this the kind of thing that the media SHOULD NOT be telling the entire world about!

Carson 3 hours ago



PEASEHEAD 2 hours ago
So many gullible people are taken in by acts whose real intention is maintaining the western nuclear monopoly under the guise of "nuclear non proliferation." If the western obsession with nuclear non proliferation was real, and the great powers were concerned with the safety of all of humanity, than neither apartheid era South Africa nor modern Israel would have gotten free passes from the nuclear club's self-appointed police.


handle 2 hours ago
Nothing like announcing what you're gonna do before you do it.



terry 2 hours ago
well ,now you guys have blabbed about where the stuff is going and how it's getting transported, it makes me think that maybe that N Korean sub that's supposed to be missing is sitting somewhere waiting for that ship somewhere on their route where they can get divers to offload the stuff..Makes perfectly good sense,,N Korea wants the real thing and it' about to be put in their reach.


Owen Marshall 1 hour ago
Sounds like a good premise for a typical James Bond 007 movie. Or maybe Austin Powers... Nuclear Blackmail. SPECTRE or Dr. Evil hijacks the two ships on their way to America and demands 10 Billion British Pounds or so as ransom. Or else they will deliver the plutonium cargo to the black market or ISIS or somebody equally as sinister. Coming June 21st. To a Theater near you.



Matthew 1 hour ago 
But we already have their plutonium, it came by sea too but not by boat!
SuperG 1 hour ago
Wow, the media would publish our launch codes if they could get them.
SwineFlew2 2 hours ago
In Fukushima, Japan nuked itself.
No lesson learned?
KM 1 hour ago 
Blows my mind how people in the media think it's ok to let the entire world know what's happening with something capable of starting WW3 or become the ingredients for the worst terrorist attack in history. Sure, let's tell them when, where and which ships it's all going to be on. Incredibly stupid.



Bret 2 hours ago
If this is nuclear fuel used in power plants like they are leading on by saying things like power generation then it can not be used to make a nuclear bomb, because the purity of the material. Yes, it would still be bad for many reasons if terrorists got there hands on it like for if they someone how managed to get the  to pure it or if they made a "dirty bomb"


Quazzi 1 hour ago
Obviously these ships are the decoys. Who knows where the real stuff is right now.

Commenter 1 hour ago 
Nice going. Leaked out this new so the 2 ships can be targeted for hijack.

Henri 49 minutes ago 
Wow/ They're no Einsteins. Tell the whole freaking world about transporting one of the world most dangerous substances.



T 1 hour ago
Sound like Japan is returning the US Plutonium that they borrowed some years ago. And Japan is burning some Plutonium AKA known as MOX in some power plants and getting energy from it and not to have to store it in the ground for thousands of years ! The only mistake that Japan made was having dumb managers to put the Back-Up Diesel Generators in the basement on low ground to be shut down by a flooded basement ! Fire the managers and put them in jail ! China and India are doing research on Thorium MSR that are clean and safe and cannot be turned into WMDs. Also I would suspect that those two ships are being tracked by the US Navy and any ship near them. tjl

Paul 1 hour ago 
I don't suppose you have the ships registry numbers on hand. Oh, that's a good fellow .

