中央台报道了这次比赛的14个项目;解放军战士和中国军迷们坐在电视机前观看比赛。而中国的军事评论家们对比赛的每个角度都进行了分析 。美国网友:很明显中国可能是一个对俄罗斯地位的长远威胁,不过北约是一个更显然且现实的危险,克里姆林宫领导人面对着被西方入侵的可能。
Does Russia see China as a threat to its territory?
Inside China: Chinese parade, Russian games
State-owned China Central TV tracked every one of the 14 events of the games closely; PLA soldiers and China’s multitude of military buffs were glued to their TV sets to watch broadcasts of the games. China’s military commentators had a blast breaking down every possible angle of the competition.
中央台报道了这次比赛的14个项目;解放军战士和中国军迷们坐在电视机前观看比赛。而中国的军事评论家们对比赛的每个角度都进行了分析 。
Artiom Rombakh, Interested in geopolitics
429 Views Upvoted by Владимир Гордеев (Vladimir Gordeev),I'm native Russian
No, it doesn't. I explained it here
Artiom Rombakh's answer to How have Chinese/Russian relations evolved since the fall of the Soviet Union?
Artiom Rombakh's answer to How have Chinese/Russianrelations evolved since the fall of the Soviet Union?
As for games - they're just games, nothing special.
Artiom Rombakh,对地缘政治感兴趣
Artiom Rombakh's answer to How have Chinese/Russian relations evolved since the fall of the Soviet Union?
Alexey Shulepov
Strangely enough it doesn't. Russian government makes a lot of fuss aboutterritorial claims almost everywhere: Krym, Abkhazia, Prednistovie,Transnistriaeven Arktika but doesn't care about China. If fact it gives awaylittle bits of its territory to China: World’s biggest country becomes a little bit smaller
China is playing its cards very smart. It doesn't openlyclaim any of Russian territory likeJapan does. Instead China pressure Russia with its economic power and biteslittle pieces of territory.
Alexey Shulepov
Xiao Chen, programmer
651 Views Upvoted by Владимир Гордеев (Vladimir Gordeev),I'm native Russian
Chinese media are saying Russian cheated in these games butno one thinks it is because of hatred. Russia is the host and host hasadvantage in all kinds of games. China's complain is just like Liverpool maycomplain that the Manchester United non-gk player touched the ball with hishand but the reference didn't award apenalty kick.
Russia host the games for proving they have the best tanksand wish to sell them better. It's understandable if they did cheat in someways.
Xiao Chen,程序员
Renatus Peregrinus, graduated in Pol/IR from the Universityof Hull ('08)
China is the only nation that can pose agenuine military threat to Russia at present. It shares a massive land border,and the distance between Moscow and Beijing make nuclear warfare a viableoption, provided "Hanshoots first" at the slightestwhiff of trouble in the cantina.
But why doesn't Russia see China as a threat to Russia assuch?
Renatus Peregrinus,毕业于Pol/IR from the University of Hull('08)
中国是现在唯一一个能够部署实际部队威胁俄罗斯的国家。两国有很长的边境相连,并且莫斯科和北京的距离使得核战争是一个可行的选择,就像"Hanshoots first"酒馆里面一有风吹草动就拼个你死我活那样。
(注:"Hanshoots first" :简单来说,1977年的原版里,汉·索洛(HanSolo)直接开枪把格里多(Greedo)打死了,但在1997年的特别版里,乔治·卢卡斯把这一幕改成格里多先开枪,但射偏了,然后汉·索洛反击,打死了格里多。(当时出版的配套小说和漫画对这一幕都模糊处理,因此受影响的只有电影。)
“HanShot First”这句短语的直接出处是1979年4月出版的《星球大战》衍生宇宙小说《HanSolo at Stars' End》。在小说里,汉·索洛有句经典台词:“Ihappen to like to shoot first, Rekkon. As opposed to shooting second.” 以后,人们就用“HanShot First”来描述和吐槽电影里的那一幕及其后续改动。(其实在1997年特别版问世前,并没有什么人注意这一幕)
后来,卢卡斯影业官方也经常在《星球大战》衍生宇宙里自黑。比如,在2005年的游戏《StarWars: Battlefront II》里,如果玩家扮演汉·索洛,会听到敌人大叫:“It'sSolo, and he's shooting first- that's not fair!” 在《StarWars: Legacy of the Force》九部曲小说里,书中人物至少三次提到“HanShot First”,分别是汉·索洛的老婆莱娅·奥加纳·索洛公主(PrincessLeia Organa Solo)、汉·索洛的老对手波巴·费特(BobaFett)和汉·索洛的女儿杰娜·索洛(JainaSolo)。
值得注意的是,2015年9月,打着迪士尼《星球大战》新正史旗号的小说《ANew Hope: The Princess, the Scoundrel, and the Farm Boy》沿用了1977年原版的场景,即只有汉·索洛开枪,格里多完全没有开枪。从理论上说,这一处理是违背了新正史原则的。因为新正史应该以乔治·卢卡斯最后的设定为准,而不是最先的设定。
Firstly, the distance also means that if China invadesRussia, it will have a long distance before it can physically bring the elitesin Moscow into striking range. This means that while China can invade Russia,it will take some time before they can reach the entire nation, provided ofcourse China thinks Western Russia is worth saving. China truly has an interestin supplanting Russia if NOT letting NATO and Russia cuteach other to size, but seeing that most territory that China can effectivelytake and police from Russia is fairly underpopulated, underdeveloped and wouldnot really destabilise Moscow by their loss, it is clear that Russia does notsee China as a real threat.
Secondly, the political systems of both Russia and Chinaresemble one another, so Russia is happy to cede scraps of territory to China,even as Chinese influence undermines Russia's presence in Central Asia,relegating Moscow to being a "junior partner" in the ShanghaiCo-Operation Organisation.
ON THE OTHER HAND, the presence of NATO which can well hitMoscow in just hours if it wanted, and the two-headed serpent of Westernliberalisation and individualism poses a massive threat to the Russianleadership, which always harbours suspicions of the West for various reasons.
It is clear thus that China may be a long-term threat toRussia's position in the world, but NATO is a far clearer and more presentdanger in that the Kremlin's nomenklatura face the prospect of being underminedif not invaded by the West.
Kane Smith
yes there are some politics going on with both country side still we can sayRussia would t make unfaithful with china because now Russia need a big support form power full nation like china to maintain other country's even china too . so both countrytry to adjust and solve the issue to move head . still i can say both country has the diplomacy and un trust :)
Kane Smith
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