China's Defence Ministry denounced as gesticulation on Thursday speculation it would declare an air defense zone over the disputed South China Sea, after the United States said it had told China itwould not recognize one.U.S. officials have expressed concern that an international court ruling expected in coming weeks on a case brought by the Philippines against China over its South China Sea claims could prompt China to declare an air defense identification zone, or ADIZ, as it did over the East China Sea in 2013.
U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense Robert Work said on Wednesday the U.S. would view such a move as "destabilizing" and would not recognize such an exclusion zone in the South China Sea, just as it did not recognize the one China established over the East China Sea.
Ministry spokesman Yang Yujun, asked about Work's remarks, said any sovereign state had the right to set up an ADIZ.
美国防副部长Robert Work 称美国将视此举为破坏稳定的举动,将不会承认中国在南海设立的防空识别区,就像不会承认中国在东海设立的防空识别区那样。而发言人杨宇军称任何国家都有权设立防空识别区。
Julio 5 hours ago
The world is the business of the USA. It's economic and national security interests are affected by matters large and small on all parts of the planet. No, I am not being facetious.
Hopefully the Chinese will let reason rule and it won't come to armed conflict they cannot win.
Dan 4 hours ago
In view of all these bombings and mass shootings in the US, Europe, ......the US military goes to a place where it has no business. Europe will be taken over by holy people. US will be part of Mexico. US should be buying high-tech castles and high chain link fence--from China--to defend itself. Leave China alone. 100 million of us from China could be refugeeing to Europe, US, and else where. Instead of a bombing or mass shooting every few months, we can do 7 bombings and shootings everyday.We have more resources than the holy people who are doing them now. Think about
If our politicians and companies hadn't given them all our jobs and manufacturing, they'd still be growing rice in some pond. Thanks Walmart shoppers.
mr_e_guest1974 6 hours ago
Hey China, if the US minded their own business in WWII, your country would be called New Japan today.
Noway Jose 5 hours ago
Love the map and the claims. At least the Philippines, Malaysia, and Vietnam have somewhat non-competing claims against one another. Brunei's claim ends right where the gas field ends. China and Taiwan are just greedy.
喜欢地图和声明,至少菲律宾、马来西亚、越南彼此间有着非竞争性的诉求,文莱的诉求止于气田终止的地方。 中国和台湾地区就贪心 了。
Abelardo M 2 hours ago
Why argue and fight over the vast SCS?
Why not make it a free zone for all the countries around it and share what's the resources in it.
为什么不创造为所有周边国家一个公共的区域 分享其中的资源呢?
Fish, gas & oil etc.
渔业 天然气 石油
The Chinese can lead to explore the rich mineral resources in SCS as they have the resources to do just that and share accordingly the profits deriving from this exploration with all the claimant countries.
Make it an open sea fishing ground for everybody in the region and makes everyone's happy.
创造一个开放的海洋捕鱼区域吧! 为了这区域的所有人!让每个人都幸福快乐!
Nobody owns the sea and sky.
No such thing as owning something without a land mass.
richer 6 hours ago
All these loser nations keep producing keyboard warriors, yeah like that'll save the day.
所有那些失败者的国家常常盛产键盘侠,是呀 像这样打发日子。
To china it is about reclamation, all these former colonial slave nations are making claims from thieving colonial masters.
It is only because of china's civil war did these opportunists help themselves to Chinese islands/land.
China's 9 dash line claim is a inherit claim after a regime change. Though both gov. still exists today,
it's still consider family business, none of your business.
If one follows a 1947 map edition published by American map publisher Rand McNally, China owns almost all the islands in the South China Sea way before the UNCLOS and the 200 nautical miles limit came into the picture.
如果一方遵循1947年由美国地图出版商Rand McNally的地图划分,中国人拥有几乎南海所有岛屿,早于联合国海洋法公约和已写入图片的两百航海距离限制。
Moreover China signed the UNCLOS like many countries with a condition - Article 298 attached.
So it would be hypocritical for U.S. to say China cannot claim islands in the South China Sea because they are not within mainland China’s territory when America can claim Guam, which is thousands of miles away from home.
When USA demand China demilitarized all these islands then China should also as a matter of principle demands that USA demilitarized all her military installations from these faraway bases like Guam, Hawaii, Diego Gracia, etc.
Jon 4 hours ago
China should stop with all this sand castle building and worry about their economy, and for Taiwan, mind your own business. You are not even considered a country so stop trying to claim what isn't yours.
Seeyalater 2 hours ago
Good. It's nice to see a country stand up to a terrorist bully who has been destroying and terrorizing countries since the end of WW2. 100,000 innocent Iraqis murdered in a fake for-profit war. These people deliberately murdered 50,000 of their own soldiers in Vietnam for a few bucks. The US created the Taliban and ISIS. The list is endless....
guessmator 12 hours ago 3 29
Ignore please ALL of these things we do:
> All or pollution that drifts over your countries.
> Stealing patents and infringing on world patent rights.
> Child labour abuses.
> Selling items while knowing they contain contaminated products.
After all, we will do ANYTHING to protect the Generals and Communist Party leaders Swiss bank accounts!!
Thor 6 hours ago
China is building an Earth based "Death Star" to eliminate anything from the planet Earth that is not Chinese. There is nothing benign or friendly about anything the Chinese are doing - ANYWHERE - If you are not Chinese - wake up to the backroom plans of the few who run China.
John 8 hours ago
Thanks Obama! Oh never mind...Trump will fix that...
Reg 7 hours ago
I guess we'er preparing for the end of the world eh china?
Kenneth 6 hours ago
The USN and USAF will operate as always international waters and airspace .
Bejiings huffing and puffing anhd running to the U N like little girls whining is not going to stop the enivitable .
China will vacate those coral reefs after the Hagur rules .
Either by choice or force .
Chinese are cowards so choice will be # 1 .
中国人都是胆小鬼 因此选择当然是第一个
Galaxy 7 hours ago
The good news; the US owns China.
好消息 美国拥有中国
The bad news; China is worthless.
Gurtiger 7 hours ago
This is what america puppet government does .... All for the gain of world control and profit for its corporate establishment bilderberger shadow government
member of NO MA'AM 8 hours ago
Good luck, China. WE THE PEOPLE have been trying to get Washington to mind their own effin' business for too long already.
And by the way, we ESPECIALLY mean that in the middle east, but Washington went ahead and funded those "freedom fighters" anyway.
You know the kind of "freedom fighter"...the ones that become the Taliban, and Alqaeda and ISIS, and Bin Laden.
你应该明白这类所谓自由斗士,都变成了塔利班,基地组织成员 伊斯兰国和本拉登之流。
Washington's trying to "help" the region. Whenever that happens...people better start praying.
Luigi 5 hours ago
China is a barking dog, it can't stand the mighty UNITED STATES stands in its way of bullying the little ones in Southeast Asia.
And that barking dog knows better than just bark because if it bites, the mighty US will put that dog to sleep, and believe me, those Chinese dogs know it.
同时这狂吠的疯狗最好清楚 因为如果他咬伤了别人,美国人一定会让这狗永远的安静下来.相信我。那些中国狗明白这一点的
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...