Taipei may fall for Beijing's mind games.
The uncertainty surrounding the cross-strait policy of Taiwan’s newly elected president, Tsai Ing-wen, has produced a great deal of unease and concern in Beijing. China desperately seeks Tsai’s affirmation of the “1992 consensus” which provided the foundation for cross-strait relations under the Ma administration. As part of its effort to sway Tsai’s policy, China is increasingly turning to psychological warfare to pressure the incoming administration.
In late January, several days after Taiwan’s presidential elections, Chinese media aired broadcasts of what it claimed were large-scale Chinese military operations in Fujian province, opposite Taiwan. According to Taiwan’s Ministry of Defense however, these videos were not authentic and consisted of spliced scenes from earlier People’s Liberation Army (PLA) military exercises. In response to these broadcasts, a Taiwanese military official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said the broadcast may be "psychological warfare" warning the new Taiwan government to tread carefully.
The Norseman • a day ago
The Taiwanese are very well aware of the CPC/PLA's games, which backfired pretty bad, as the Taiwanese overwhelmingly voted in favor of the DPP this election because the Taiwanese want nothing to do with the Chinese government. It was the Taiwanese choice to make, and they made that choice via free & fair elections, which gives their position true legitimacy, unlike the Chinese government who is in power for no other reason than threat of force on the common Chinese people
The Taiwan Relations Act provides that the USA will come to the defense of Taiwan, if the Chinese communist dictatorship orders an attack on Taiwan. Both the USA and the CPC are preparing for this. Regional governments are preparing for this as well by establishing and strengthening alliances with each other and the USA & Japan.
This war that will happen will probably see the end of the Chinese government because of the catastrophic failure of it's policies through the decimation of it's naval and air forces, as well as it's space assets and much of it's strategic rocket forces.
The biggest victors, however, will not be the USA or Taiwan, but rather the common Chinese people themselves, as they will finally get to choose a modern government that supports basic human rights and freedom. It will be a big victory for all humanity.
xjp1953 The Norseman • a day ago
More or less I agree with this, but I am afraid we will pay an extremely big price for this. The Chinese higher leadership is now totally out of control. The power is rapidly slipping out of their hands, and they have no idea what to do, and this makes them nervous and they started to make random steps. The fall will be big and everybody will suffer.
xjp1953回复 The Norseman 我或多或少地同意这种看法,但是我恐怕我们要付出极大的代价。中国的高层已经完全失控,权力在从他们的手中快速溜走,他们现在有些不知所措,这让他们十分紧张,乱了步调。失败肯定是巨大的,所有人都将遭受不幸。
Inneed Ofabender xjp1953 • 10 hours ago
Maybe and hopefully not..........a potato begins its rot from within.....and eventually dies by itself. The Russians did not take advantage of this in the nineties and they fell back under dictatorship.......Maybe when this occurs again in China the Chinese will take full advantage of their chance
this time around.......history always repeats until you take charge and change it's direction. It's a waiting game.
Inned Ofabender 回复 xjp1953 希望不是如此……马铃薯是从中间先开始腐烂的,最终自己走向灭亡。俄罗斯人没有抓住九十年代的机会,又走回了独裁的老路。但说不定中国人会抓住这个机会……历史会在人抓住机会改变它的方向之前一直重复。这是一个关乎等待的竞赛。
philippinefailblog.com The Norseman • 10 hours ago
1.) Taiwan is a province of China and even the United Nations say so.
philippinefailblog.com 回复 The Norseman 1.台湾是中国的一个省,连联合国也是这样承认的。
2.) The Taiwan Relationships Act only requires the US to sell Taiwan "Defensive Weapons". It doesn't require or say the United States must go to war to defend Taiwan. Given that it requires nearly all the war planes in the United State Inventory to fight China over the Taiwan Strait, the Taiwanese will be on their own if war breaks out.
A.) http://warisboring.com/article...
"RAND crunched the numbers are decided that, by 2017, the United States would need to deploy 30 wings of 75 fighters each to the western Pacific in order to defeat outright a Chinese aerial assault on Taiwan. That’s “unsustainable,” according to the think tank."
The Norseman philippinefailblog.com • 5 hours ago
I see you chose to publish only *one* of the several scenarios in RAND's study which just so happens to not include the USA taking out China's airfields with cratering munitions which could be done by the USA's 4 Ohio class SSGN's ALONE. Each carries 154 Tomahawk cruise missiles X 4 Ohio's = 616 cruise missiles completely invulnerable to the PLA's A2/AD assets. Each hugging the terrain undetected by radar.
The Norseman 回复 philippinefailblog.com 我发现你只挑了兰德公司的报告中的一种场景来写。这个场景没有包括美国用杀伤性弹药事先干掉了大陆的所有机场,这件事用四艘俄亥俄级的核潜艇就能独立完成。每艘潜艇携带156枚战斧X4艘潜艇=616枚巡航导弹而且它们完全不会被解放军的反介入与区域封锁武器干扰。这些贴地巡航导弹也不会被雷达发现。
Every scenario of the PLA trying to subjugate the Taiwanese people through force has been picked apart to the Nth degree.
There is not any plausible scenario where the PLA even comes close to challenging the USA's military dominance.
Steve S philippinefailblog.com • 13 minutes ago
The only reason the UN doesn't recognize Taiwan as independent is because it doesn't want to deal with China's temper tantrum.
Steve S 回复 philippinefailblog.com 联合国不承认台湾独立的唯一原因是不想面对大陆的小孩子脾气。
Thinker philippinefailblog.com • 2 hours ago
Can someone please tell why this TOOL thinks what the UNITED NATIONS says is important. The UN is a UNITED STATES made institution to promote America first and Western ideals.The moment that goes the other way the USA will close that USA made institution. Stop with the UN banter... it holds no water to an educated American who teaches this stuff... The same holds true to the WTO.. American made for American export and influence... The UN is an American TOOL for AMERICAN ideas and ideals and business... Stop with your argument that the UN is important in the grand scheme of things...STOP!!
xjp1953 philippinefailblog.com • 4 hours ago
Yes, taking "back" Taiwan would be as easy as taking a pacifier from a baby, obviously. It is a real mystery why PRC did not do something in the past 70 years. Why not starting demonstrating PLA's superior power e.g. by taking back Jinmen? It is merely about 150 km2, it is of 2 km-s distance from Fujian. After this it would certainly be much easier to convince Taiwanese to "reunify".
Saron Pos philippinefailblog.com • 2 hours ago
Taiwan has always been independent and always will be. We have our own weapons too. And we love to fight cocky commie like you. Taiwan also has mach 3 plus antiship missles too, and china has no defense against them. Your PLA will be bodybags going back to china. If you have any doubts, then come and get it. You are a cocky pig. OINK OINK OINK!!
Don't mention the Americans. We Taiwanese be happy to bloody YOUR nose first!!
scanner The Norseman • 9 hours ago
good thing about a democratic china is Han bachelors will finally be able to import viet and Pinay hos without CPC smuggling laws https://www.instagram.com/p/BD...
potanarbor • 13 hours ago
China has no sovereignty over Taiwan. That's why Beijing needs this so called "92 Consensus" so badly. Beijing wants to use it to FORMALLY claim Taiwan!
For so many decades China's claim on Taiwan has been fake and fraudulent. The claim is only a front for its aggression and territorial expansion. This "92 Consensus" says it all.
Springfire potanarbor • 13 hours ago
"China has no sovereignty over Taiwan"
UN and all UN members say China has sovereignty over Taiwan. What you say hardly matters.
Thinker Springfire • 13 hours ago
That is only for TRADE... not a legit agreement. Nothing in writing... just verbal.
Springfire Thinker • 13 hours ago
As I said, what you said hardly matters.
xjp1953 Springfire • 13 hours ago
"all UN members say China has sovereignty over Taiwan" -- You mean that even those UN members which do not recognize China, recognize that China (which they do not recognize) have sovereignty over Taiwan? Huh, try again.
Springfire xjp1953 • 13 hours ago
Hah ... a few minor countries hardly matters.
Thinker Springfire • 2 hours ago
CHINA was a minor country until @2000...
Saron Pos Springfire • 2 hours ago
Why don't you come and get it?! Are you china afraid of a war with Taiwan? Taiwan has mach 3 + anti ship missles too. We be happy to give you a bloody nose. If you are too afraid to invade, the shut your pie hole. You commie squeal more than female pig giving birth. OINK OINK OINK.
philippinefailblog.com potanarbor • 10 hours ago
Taiwan is a Province of China and even the United Nations say so:
Thinker philippinefailblog.com • 2 hours ago
The UN is an organization that exists at the behest of its creator (the USA) to promote first and foremost AMERICAN IDEALS to the world. The moment that stops being the case the USA will close the UN...the same holds true to the WTO and the World Bank. Both are American controlled organizations that can get rid of ANY member at the behest of its greatest benefactor (the USA... the same with the UN... China would not have had a seat in the UN without the USA...remember that.).
Temujin • 1 day ago
Chinese psychological warfare may work on Taiwan but it does not work on Vietnam and Philippines, in fact it has the opposite effects - embolden both nations to prepare the need and ready fight/deter any Chinese adventurism and aggression.
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...