中国对川普说:你被雇佣了! [美国媒体]

不要介意中国人为唐纳德特朗普起的外号“大嘴巴”和“破床”(或床破)- 一种劣质建筑的蔑称(听起来很像中国人说Trump时的发音)。这位美国共和党总统候选人经常说话粗鲁,威胁要对中国进口征收45%的关税,并在白宫宣称北京是个“没经验的货币操纵者”。尽管中国人有厌恶川普的种种理由,但事实看起来完全相反:很多中国人并不讨厌川普。


Never mind that Chinese have nicknamed Donald Trump “Big Mouth” and “Broken Bed” (or chuang po), an unflattering reference to shoddy construction (which also sounds like the way Chinese say “Trump”). Or that the U.S. Republican presidential candidate often talks tough, threatening to levy 45% tariffs on Chinese imports and declare Beijing “a currency manipulator on Day One” in the White House. Despite all the reasons why the Chinese should lobby to dump Trump, just the opposite seems true: Many Chinese just can’t get enough of The Donald. 

不要介意中国人为唐纳德特朗普起的外号“大嘴巴”和“破床”(或床破)- 一种劣质建筑的蔑称(听起来很像中国人说Trump时的发音)。这位美国共和党总统候选人经常说话粗鲁,威胁要对中国进口征收45%的关税,并在白宫宣称北京是个“没经验的货币操纵者”。尽管中国人有厌恶川普的种种理由,但事实看起来完全相反:很多中国人并不讨厌川普。

Part mogul, part politician, 100% entertainer, Trump appeals to many Chinese youth who are spending more, traveling more, and thinking more independently than their parents ever dreamed of doing. You know the type: Just stroll past Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in New York and you’ll likely encounter excited Chinese tourists snapping selfies. “To many Chinese who have affection for the controversial figure, Trump is more than a politician.



The real estate tycoon’s reality TV show ‘The Apprentice I’ has a score of 8.8 out of 10 on Chinese media review site,” reported the state-run newspaper Global Times, which often reflects nationalistic views ( is the Chinese equivalent of On a recent visit to Beijing, an American foreign-policy analyst who met with Chinese counterparts came away concluding that “all they wanted to know was what to expect from a Trump presidency. It was Trump, Trump, Trump.”  To be sure, Trump has his share of Chinese detractors. In a scathing editorial titled “Trump opens Pandora’s box in U.S.,”


the Global Times recently described him as a “rich narcissist and inflammatory candidate” and initially a “clown.” Now, Trump has “even been called another Benito Mussolini or Adolf Hitler by some Western media… The rise of a racist in the U.S. political arena worries the whole world.” The paper pointed out that both Mussolini and Hitler rose to power “through elections, a heavy lesson for Western democracy… The U.S. had better watch itself for not being a source of destructive forces against world peace, more than pointing fingers at other countries for their so-called nationalism and tyranny.” 



Different Chinese social groups see Trump through different prisms (list is below). Yet nearly all find compelling novelty in the prospect of a world leader who’s got it and just flaunts it. For four decades, since the death of Mao Zedong, China’s top leaders have been cool, calculating types who have obeyed the rule, “hide your capabilities and bide your time.” But now the American political system – supposedly the most developed in the world – has unexpectedly spawned a flamboyant loudmouth who just might become the most powerful man in the world. (Or, maybe the second most powerful, behind Chinese President Xi Jinping.) “I’ve watched many of Trump’s speeches… His plain way of speaking is quite appealing,” said Sun Wei, a Chinese employee of Tianjin Airlines. “I sincerely hope Trump wins, which could bring the world more fun.” Here’s how different groups in China view the leading Republican presidential candidate


Werewolfking 7 hours ago
Trump may want to dump on the Chinese exports, but that fact remains that he sponsors lots of wealthy Chinese who want to immigrate to the US. It was reported that lots of rich Chinese just need to spend $500K on a Trump Towers condo to get a fast track to US citizenship. That doesn't sound like what a prez candidate should be doing. As for Cruz, he's not a natural born citizen and should drop out before the courts rule against him. The Founding Fathers didn't want any foreigners, like Brits, becoming prez so I believe the SCOUS will rule against him. Don't be surprised that a brokered convention doesn't fast track either Kasich or Ryan to stop Trump.

川普也许想打击中国的出口,但是他同时也为中国那些想移民美国的人作担保。据说很多有钱的中国人只要在川普大厦购买50万美元的产业就可以很快拿到美国国籍。这可不是总统候选人该干的事情。至于克鲁兹,他不是美国土生土长的而这一点会让他出局。美国的建国者可不愿意任何外国人,例如英国人,成为美国的总统,因此我认为他会出局。Kasich 和Ryan很有可能会被破格提升以阻止川普。


Brad 7 hours ago
Chinese Americans have thick skin we are not insulted by Trump we see through the media bias, we've read Trumps books which have been helpful. We don't trust the government!
Trump put it best "We love you Mr. Trump" what I'm saying is Chinese will vote this year and we will vote for Trump, Trump will receive a very warm Chinese welcome in California.
PS Chinese will never take the time to respond to polls!

PS 华裔从不参加民意调查。

Scott 8 hours ago
We should not take advice from a population of people who allow communist repression. They are worthless and weak.

我们不应该接受那些任由共产主义压迫的 人的建议,这些人没有价值并且懦弱。


jon 6 hours ago
UH OH - " 2) Clinton charity never provided foreign donor data (Boston Globe): "An unprecedented ethics promise that played a pivotal role in helping Hillary Rodham Clinton win confirmation as secretary of state, soothing senators’ concerns about conflicts of interests with Clinton family charities, was uniformly bypassed by the biggest of the philanthropies involved. The Clinton Health Access Initiative never submitted information on any foreign donations to State Department lawyers for review during Clinton’s tenure from 2009 to 2013...During that time, grants from foreign governments increased by tens of millions of dollars to the Boston-based organization."



Jennie Ecker 6 hours ago
ALL ATTACKS BY FOREIGN LEADERS, IS PROOF WHO THEY FEAR. TRUMP IS GOOD FOR AMERICA NOT FOR FOREIGNERS. You don't see China, Mexico, Africa England, attacking Obama,Hillary or Ted Cruz. They are their friends. and American people enemies, Trump is the only real patriot running, and wise know it.The ignorant herd followed just follow the moos..
Recently, Congress prevented President Obama’s plan to transfer of U.S. sovereignty to an "Unaccountable group of foreigners". Called "The Globalists". This would feed the worlds GREED.
GOOGLE: No wonder Obama won't let us read TPP
GOOGLE: The Globalist Agenda. (How elite control your mind and Your life)
GOOGLE Heidi Cruz's work for the Council on Foreign Relations: Building a North American Community



YEP! 6 hours ago
If he gets in, the gravy train is over for all concerned! Donald Trump is well-positioned as an outsider who wants to turn Washington on its head. The establishment elites will prevent him from getting the nomination no matter if he wins all delegates.
The GOP thinks they can let this primary election go on for a whole year allowing people to think their votes count towards the person they picked and they pull the rug from under them at the end will be death to the GOP party! They better think again if Trump and his supporters are just going to lay down and say "Oh well we tried." and go away....NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!!
If everyone thinks he can't beat Hillary then why not allow him to go the distance and let the chips fall where they may. But, you can't deny the guy and the people after all the money he spent out of his own pocket that would be suicide to those who do this!



Jackie C. 5 hours ago
Just goes to show that Chinese youth are the Antithesis of American youth today! They're smart, industrious, hard working, independent and fearless. They are willing to compete and believe in the principle that opportunity be should be awarded to the most qualified and not based on race , gender, cross gender or any of the other undemocratically principled related factors.
They're old school Americans. Not a pack of brainwashed, self entitled cry babies marching to the beat of Liberal Puppet Masters like Obama, Clinton and the rest of the sold out establishment bearers on both sides of the aisle. If the republican party denies the will of it's majorities constituency by not nominating Donald Trump, it will insure more of the same path to destruction policies of the so-called democratic party. Because that constituency will not vote for whatever pig the republicans choose to nominate over the will of said constituency. It will prove that this nation's parties are two sides of the same coin.



Alex 7 hours ago
Entitlement leeches vote for Sanders...

A Yahoo! user 8 hours ago
Trump appeals to independent thinkers, rather than the herd followers.


Antho 7 hours ago
Many Chinese just can’t get enough of The Donald.
Its a shame the Idiots over here are so brainwashed and stupid to look a gift horse in the mouth!
Trump could save America and I bet he is the only one that could!
The Idiots are going to vote for Bought off Criminal Like Hilary!
If Trump don't make it you are going to see people going hungry like you have never seen before in this country!
We are siting on a Ticking time bomb - The 20 Trillion Debt!
In 5 Years it will be 30 Trillion!



Pat 7 hours ago
It because Chinese are not a burden to the economy like Liberals and illegals. It is simple if you help the economy instead of take from other what do you know your not a liberal.

Topspin 7 hours ago
China could eat Obama's lunch but they don't like that Afreakan ghetto food.

James 3 hours ago
Trump needs to step up his game at this point and 'act presidential' if that means preparing coherent speeches, and reciting brief references to more detailed policy platform positions that are clearly displayed on his website or other forums in an honest, transparent manner. Trump does not need to have all the answers to all the questions in the universe, and will come off as a fool if he tries to make up off the cuff quips to answer complex issue, when baited by the media to do so. It is OK for Trump to answer a question by saying " this is a complex topic, my platform and position on this is outlined in some detail on my website, but please understand that some aspects of this are dynamic, related to other issues, but in the most general sense, what we want to achieve is ..... " Mr. Trump the days of gaining notoriety thru controversy are over, everyone knows who you are now, you need to change your tack, or tact, as the case may be.



Anonymous 7 hours ago
Well let's elect who's best for other countries. Great idea.

Richard 7 hours ago
Just another article written to make people who support Trump look like they are stupid and motivated by trivialities. And of course no article about Trump would be complete without the required reference to Hitler and Mussolini.

Bill 8 hours ago
Can they vote?

T 7 hours ago
Why do so many Chinese like Trump? Well, here's one reason. They make the Trump bobbleheads! They have not been selling well and today, they were reduced from $29.95 ea to 19.95. (Really, this is not a joke, but in all fairness to the donald, I'd much rather have one of those trump steaks that he tried selling instead of a bobblehead)!



Mike 7 hours ago
I am not surprised that Trump badmouths China and the Chinese youth love him.


I believe its more of his demeanor, the confidence, and that he is a well groomed, suited, white American, more important than the things he says, that Chinese love him.

aldo 7 hours ago
Wake up people! you are supporting Trump or Cruz, the 21st CENTURY Hitler, and after you elect him don't say you couldn't have known,or that there were no signs. Just look at the history of Germany, beginning in the 1920s, on the path to Hitler's rise to power.


"November 21 , 1922, the New York Times published its very first article about Adolf Hitler. It's an incredible read — especially its assertion that "Hitler's anti-Semitism was not so violent or genuine as it sounded." This attitude was, apparently, WIDESPREAD among Germans at the time; many of them saw Hitler's anti-Semitism as a PLOY for votes among the German masses.Hitler's anti-Semitism was for SHOW. That was a popular OPINION during Nazism's early days. But that speaks to how UNPREPARED polite German society was for a movement as sincerely, radically violent as Hitler's to take power.


“The receptivity of the masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan.”
― Adolf Hitler

