我比较老照片看一百多年来中国是如何改变的 [美国媒体]

当大部分人旅行时,他们想到的是到达目的地。无论是爬富士山,凝视梵蒂冈的壁画,或是享受泰国的辛辣美食,大部分人想到的是目的地能够提供的东西,从文化到感性体验。我近来决定来一场时间而非空间上的旅行。我搜寻了中国近100 年间的无数照片,去了照片中的许多城市,并且尽我所能在一模一样的位置用一模一样的角度与焦距拍下了一模一样的镜头,创造了这些创意照片组合,就像“找不同”游戏一样。


When most people travel, they think of travelling to a destination. Whether it’s climbing Mt. Fuji, gawking at the frescoes in the Vatican, or relishing spicy cuisine in Thailand, most people think of the destination for what it has to offer, from culture to scenery to sensational experiences.


As a photography and creativity enthusiast, I like to do what others don’t do so that I have something new to share with the world when I come back, instead of taking the same set of pictures everyone else does.



I recently decided to travel not through space, but in time. I searched for numerous photographs from the past 100 years in China, went to several of those cities and re-took exactly the same shots, from the same perspective and same focal length, to the greatest extent possible, creating create pairs of photos, perhaps resembling a “spot the difference” game.

我近来决定来一场时间而非空间上的旅行。我搜寻了中国近100 年间的无数照片,去了照片中的许多城市,并且尽我所能在一模一样的位置用一模一样的角度与焦距拍下了一模一样的镜头,创造了这些创意照片组合,就像“找不同”游戏一样。

It wasn’t always easy to get that perfect angle match; in some places the vantage point ended up being in a private location, and in some cases there was a large obstruction or building preventing me from getting the same view. But nonetheless, I managed to capture several shocking contrasts over the past century of Chinese history.



It’s interesting to see what humans are able to change and what humans are utterly incapable of changing. On one hand, a city may rise out of nowhere in just a matter of a decade or two, showing sheer scale of China’s economic rise and rapid urbanization. At the same time, the profile of the mountains and rivers never budge, a constant reminder that we are still powerless compared to Mother Nature.



Bo Dez • 2 days ago
Incredible and a lot of work in it too!

Dheera Venkatraman  Bo Dez • an hour ago

 Dheera Venkatraman 回复 Bo Dez 谢谢!
Richard • 2 days ago
What a fantastic collection. The Shanghai shots are incredible (as are all of them).

Dheera Venkatraman  Richard • an hour ago

 Dheera Venkatraman回复 Richard 谢谢!
Rob Smith • 2 days ago
super job and well researched

Mike S. • 2 days ago
Nice work, but what is the takeaway? Is one sad or happy for progress?



Pedro Gomes  Mike S. • 2 days ago
I guess it is open for debate. I think progress is always great! I love seeing the contrast between centuries and how humanity changes its focus and values yet I don't see it as a negative, I find it very interesting especially how much we have evolved in these last 100 years.

 Pedro Gomes 回复 Mike S. 我觉得这是个开放性议题。我觉得进步总是好的!我很乐于见到这些相隔世纪的对比,以及人类在发展重心与价值观上的改变,但我不觉得这是一件坏事,我觉得这些事,特别是我们在近百年来的进步,都非常有趣。
Karmazen  Mike S. • 17 hours ago
Sad, first thought was: how money kills beauty.

 Karmazen 回复 Mike S. 伐开心。我的第一感想是:财富摧毁美景啊。
Dheera Venkatraman  Mike S. • an hour ago
Lots of positive and negative things have happened over time. As for the takeaway, I'll leave it open to the reader to interpret :)

Dheera Venkatraman 回复Mike S. 许多好事与坏事都在不断发生。要说感想的话,我就留给读者自行理解啦:)


Andrew Pope • 2 days ago
The results are both beautiful and thought-provoking, and I can see how the technical challenge was appealing. Outstanding work, Dheera.

Dheera Venkatraman  Andrew Pope • 2 hours ago

chphotovideo • 2 days ago
wow. Not just looking at the difference of 100 years BUT looking at the shots showing difference made since the 80's and 90's. In just 20-30 years the complete landscape changes. It's kind of amazing to see so many large buildings filling the skyline in such a short amount of time..... though I guess 20 years is a long time... dang it, I'm getting old I guess lol



markz • 2 days ago
While I enjoyed the shots and the project has both historical and aesthetic merit - I'd say try to take pictures of the towns and villages inundated by the Three Gorges Dam, and come back in a decade or two if the "Lanzhou New Area" plan goes ahead and literally flattens almost 700 mountains and the part:
" At the same time, the profile of the mountains and rivers never budge, a constant reminder that we are still powerless compared to Mother Nature."
doesn't ring quite true.

Dheera Venkatraman  markz • an hour ago
Thanks! I guess it's inevitable that one day we will be able to do so, and that day is approaching very fast. Just like 200 years ago we didn't have the ability to build the skyscrapers we do today.

Dheera Venkatraman 回复markz 谢谢你!我想这种结果是无可避免的,而且那一天到来的脚步非常快。比如说,二百年前我们根本就没有今天这种修建摩天大楼的能力。


Happy Tinfoil Cat • a day ago
In my first visit to China in the early 90's, most the roads were dirt and there were almost no cars just tractor-thingies, trucks, buses, motorcycles and bikes. Lots of bikes. In the late 90's the sky was full of cranes you could almost watch the horizon change. Roads were being paved and there were scooters everywhere but the tractor-thingies were mostly gone. Nowadays there are cars everywhere on the nicely paved roads. Entire country size cities have been built (some remain empty).

Toby Hawkins • a day ago
Great series! I love projects like this.

araczynski • a day ago
beautiful, always loved historical before/after photos. chengdu is amazing, in only 20 some years...



Eric Roche • 19 hours ago
Great article. Its funny, I had some time ago sort of the same idea with the yellow river. After the big dam was created to look for 1. towns which disappeared, 2. How a hill became an "island" , 3 how historic sites got moved etc. The question about what the take away is, is very valid. I think we all know how our town have changed (if one is interested in knowing). So what makes China so special? Is the just the last 20-30 years since I believe that the change has been enormous (hence my thought that the author picked China in the first place). Love it. Thanks

Tom • 13 hours ago
Back on Form Petapixel, fantastic article!


Mark Wynn • 2 hours ago
Modern guy is riding an "Ordinary" a high-wheel bicycle .... how cool is that!

