中国在年度报告中谴责美国人权 [美国媒体]


China condemns US human rights in annualreport


China slammed the US for its human rightsrecord on Thursday, state media said, denouncing it for police brutality andcivil rights violations a day after Washington criticised Beijing's ownperformance.


In a report sourced mainly from US media,China said "the US government refuses to hold up a mirror to look atitself, it has to be done with other people's help", according to theofficial Xinhua news agency.


The document is released each year by Chinathe day after the US State Department issues its annual global human rightsreport. Beijing does not release rights reports on other countries.


China's foreign ministry also condemned theUS report at a regular press briefing, saying other nations should not commenton China's affairs.


Massengill_D9 hours ago
Actually, there are FAR more countries thanjust China that have become sharply aware of Washington's gross hypocrisy onthis issue. The best example is from just two days ago...when more than 400protesters were arrested in Washington DC for having a simple protest againstthe corrupt campaign finance system that has allowed the US to become aplutocracy.
If we are to make direct comparisons, thenI would like to draw attention to the Hong Kong protests that Washington made sucha big deal of (which they did in order to get their money's worth from it,because a great deal of evidence suggests that Washington funded thoseprotests, as well).
In Hong Kong, the protests lasted roughly 2months. Western media issued DAILY stories about this. Nearly ALL of thesestories contained many falsehoods regarding how the west had brought"democracy" to Hong Kong (and completely ignored the fact that HongKong's populace was never even allowed to vote for a governor prior to a returnto Chinese administration). Further, the western media continued to issue thesestories on a daily basis for at least 3 weeks AFTER those protests were stoppedby agencies local to Hong Kong.
In Washington, the arrests were immediate,and you actually had to look for the story, because it disappeared quicklyafter seeing any coverage at all.
Washington has a wonderful habit ofdecrying others for somehow having less rights...while continually proving thatthey themselves are NOT any better.
And of course, there are Washington'sstaunch "allies" the Saudis, the Turks and all the othervarious petty puppet dictators that Washington fails to mention in theirreports.
It's OK for Washington to print these"reports"...but at this point, the only thing they accomplish is toremind people (on a global scale) of Washington's increasingly obvioushypocrisy.


DanielDaniel3 hours ago
If a country funds, trains and armsmurderous brutal dictators and notorious human right violating regimes aroundthe world for decades and decades...
By creating endless reasons like"Communism, National Interest, Anti Terrorism coalition, etc".
Who is going to respect or listen its emptyhypocritical preaching every year?


loliloli5 hours ago
China is wrong. There is no human rightsviolation in the US since those who control the power do not consider Blacksand Hispanics as human.


Stupid FlandersStupid Flanders9 hours ago
Is Saudi Arabia on the report? Is Turkey onthe report? Did Washington put THEMSELVES on the report? No? Then I'd sayeveryone can see that these reports are just political tools for pointingfingers.


allenallen5 hours ago
China has no room to talk but, they arecorrect when they say the US needs to look in the mirror. Sadly, when anAmerican says that they are labeled a traitor instead of someone who lovestheir country and sees the reality of things in this country and wants itaddressed.


JJ11 hours ago
Indeed, China is CORRECT in making thecomment that the USA refused to look at itself in the mirror!!! If you do nothave the pale complexion, you are a second class American!


Most Chinese that I know have the palecomplexion,
at least the ones from northern China.


HeathHeath2 hours ago
That is because they wear makeup! Checktheir arms. Most Chinese women ignore makeup for their arms! LOL, if their armsare darn skin, they don't have real pale complexion.


UBanIdiotUBanIdiot11 hours ago
There's the pot calling the kettle black!Faith and begorrah!


RR8 hours ago
The reason the U.S. government holds thatthere are no "Human Right's " abuse in the U.S. is because it holdsthat there are no Human beings to be found within it's boundaries, only"race's" of white, black,red, yellow, brown and blue. Those of thehuman race are only of one race.

