中国南海舰队进行升级版演练 [美国媒体]

北京(路透社)- 据周日解放军日报上发表的一篇文章,中国南海舰队已采用模拟实际作战条件的方法对舰队进行训练升级,以增加舰群的战斗力。美国网友: 从最近的叙利亚和中国南海局势来看,美国已经显露疲态了。俄罗斯就在美国眼皮底下堂而皇之地进行军事挑衅,而中国则根据美国的疲态表现变得越来越有底气来羞辱美国。


BEIJING (Reuters) - China's South China Sea fleets have conducted training drills with upgraded methods that resemble actual combat conditions to increase the fleets' combat effectiveness, according to an article published by the PLA Daily on Sunday.

北京(路透社)- 据周日解放军日报上发表的一篇文章,中国南海舰队已采用模拟实际作战条件的方法对舰队进行训练升级,以增加舰群的战斗力。

Begun on April 7, the drills include new methods such as training within an electromagnetic environment. Previously, the fleets have also conducted all-weather drills, beyond visibility range training and low-altitude, high-speed exercises to hammer their pilots into shape, the article said.



Thomas2 hours ago
Does anyone actually believe that China is not the most ambitious power-culture on the planet? Have you ever played Go? That is how they are progressing.

Byron WhitneyByron Whitney2 hours ago
China is a great Nation with great people. Just like AMERICA. THE people can't and don't control the government. Just like America. The governments in China and America is corrupt.


The MSM in America is biased and corrupt. They are nothing more than talking heads for the corrupt and criminal establishment elites in WASHINGTON.



BenjaminBenjamin13 hours ago
It seems that China is the only country in the world that have significant Territorial Disputes with virtually every major neighbor ? Russia, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, India, and several ASEAN nations ? They already gobbled up Tibet when the world was exhausted after WWII and wage a slow bleed cultural genocide on minorities like the #$%$ ? In Hong Kong, mainland China is busy wiping its bum with the Basic Law, negotiated with UK ? If we allow them to gobble up an entire sea ? a Global Maritime Commons that belongs to ALL people ? they will only be Emboldened to be even more aggressive ? China?s attitude is shockingly Immature for a wannabe superpower, America is a REAL Superpower and should Lead like it.

 看起来世界上好像就只有中国这个国家几乎和每个主要邻居都有领土争议?和俄罗斯,韩国,日本,台湾,印度,还有几个东盟国家?当全世界都因为经历二战而筋疲力竭的时候,中国人就把西藏给吞进去了,而且还对少数民族发起了温水煮青蛙似的文化清洗? 而在香港,中国大陆则忙着用基本法擦屁股,和英国谈判?如果我们允许他们去吞并整个南海?全球的航海自由属于全人类吗?他们只会有底气变得更具侵略性吗?中国的所作所为对于一个立志成为超级大国的国家来说十分不成熟,只有美国才是真正意义上的超级大国,而且也应该继续让美国领导世界。
GhostGhost11 hours ago
Evacuation Drills for a Tsunami.



NotdemNotdem9 hours ago
They continue to deny it but we have been at war with China for almost 70 years now. It makes no sense to continue and buy parts for our electronic defense from China when they may using them against US. It was Reagan that began the process away from buying American for defense and has continued the same ever since. We are relying on Chinese parts in Aircraft, Ships, and battlefield electronics. It remains a weakness and continues to take jobs away from US. It is the Military budget that has prevented US from following the rest of the world in medical care and public education. We spend more on our military than all the other industrialized nations in the world and doing it in trade with China. It is typical of the type of rational we have come to expect from the republicans. The corporations learned a very long time ago their best investment in the future was buying a congressman and it has worked very well for them. The money vacuum is not from the bottom as they continue to complain about, it is from the top. Corporate welfare, continuous tax breaks and allowing them to operate overseas while hiding their money to avoid paying taxes. The largest deal of defense spending is GE which is free form paying US taxes yet they continue to enjoy the protection of our military, utilize the infrastructure and highway systems to conduct their business which cost them nothing. That is what you are supporting, the corporations, not the people.



RodRod7 hours ago
The retreating US under the "leadership" of Obama has given wide birth to the aggressive appetites of Islamic terrorism, China, Russia and Iran. These, apparently, are the entities he sought to make friends with when he originally campaigned on assuring more of the world liked the US. Nice work, Barack.

jayjay6 hours ago
Btw hadn't Japan attacked the US and the US not went island hopping, cross eyed commie chits from mainland PRC remained Japan's imperial subjects. Btw Mao and cronies went piggy back riding on KMT and Allies fight against Imperial Japan. Btw the US continue traversing the international sea lanes and airspace of the SCS, and nothing is going to change whether cross eyed commie chits like it or not.



DanDan9 hours ago
Everything is ok in the South China Sea. You should worry about the holy wars in Europe, US, and elsewhere. People are getting bombed and shot by holy people. People are scared to go out and gather. Lifestyles are changed.Yet people are concerned about China trying to take care of its front yard.100 million of us could be refugeeing to Europe, US.....Instead of 1 bombing and shooting every few moths, we could do 8 bombings and shooting every day. Remember we have more resources than the holy people who are setting people on fire and plugging bodies with bullets. Leave us alone. You already came all the way from Europe, killed the Aborigines and Maoris, and grabbed the whole continent of Australia in our front yard. If we don t defend the South China Sea, where do we defend??? If we don t do it now, when do we do it??Go fight your holy wars.



ZhuanYZhuanY5 hours ago
To be honest, if I don't read news in Chinese, I will have the same views as people in the western countries have. Remember, every story, event has more than two versions. Do you know other side's version about the south China sea dispute? The nine-dash line was published in 1947, which did not get any contend from any countries, including the US and Philippine, until about last 10 years. There have never had any problems sailing through the south China sea. Did you have any examples that civilian ships, cargos, boats were blocked by any country in the region? No! Someone in the US wants to make a mess there to get the benefits by using ordinary people's life and blood and money. Peace!



Dan16 hours ago
With recent tensions in Syria and the South China Sea, America has appeared weak. Russia snubs its nose at the US with blatantly provocative maneuvers, and China is becoming emboldened seeing what they believe to be US "humiliation".

stevensteven11 hours ago
Unlike many others great nations, China communists are expert at four things: CHEATING, STEALING, LYING and BULLYING. China historical past has been well known for it cowardice. Good at crushing the nearby small neighbors and can never stand up to face the brave

