Every year at this time, we see the same kind of headlines: “U.S. biggest military spender in the world.” They're are all based on the release of the global military spending database, an annual report compiled by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).
What the headlines usually miss is that U.S. defense spending is going down while global military spending is going up. The fact that the U.S. spends more on defense than any other individual nation dramatically misses the point.
First, we live in a world of growing threats against U.S. vital interests. China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea are driving the details of the Pentagon's latest defense budget proposal. In the 2016 Index of U.S. Military Strength, China, Russia, and Iran were assessed as being particularly aggressive against the interests of the United States, while North Korea was rated as downright hostile. Each of these countries is actively attempting to coerce and bully its neighboring nations, and they all pose high to severe threats to the United States and our interests.
Second, the U.S. military budget has been cut by 25 percent in the last five years. This has resulted in dramatic declines in the U.S. military's ability to fight and win. Fifteen years of conflict and years of tight budgets have taken a grave toll, worsened by these budget cuts. Top military leaders have told Congress that their readiness is, as the vice chief of staff of the Air Force recently put it, “at a near all-time low due to continuous combat operations, reduced manpower, an aging fleet, and inconsistent funding.”
Third, a big part of why the U.S. maintains a large military is because we have learned that major conflict in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia can be devastating to our economy.
"First, we live in a world of growing threats against U.S. vital interests. "
Only if "US vital interests" include things like who forms the government in longstanding Russian allies like Ukraine and Syria, who gets to control military traffic an industrial activity in the seas next to China and on the other side of the world from the US, and exactly how super-dominant an already militarily dominant particular US ally is going to be made in the Middle East, by US subsidies and military interventions.
Mostly correct, "longstanding Russian allies..." being more than a stretch.
How and why.
Because only the US is 'entitled' to allies,heh?
Global stability is a vital national interest for a status quo power. That means preventing larger nations from bullying other nations like Russia is doing in Eastern Europe and China in the pacific.
You look at the map of NATO bases that Russian apologists keep trotting out like it's some how NATO causing tensions. I see the singular failure of Russian foreign policy that so many see them as a threat.
"Global stability is a vital national interest for a status quo power." That statement can be considered true.
"That means preventing larger nations from bullying other nations like
Russia is doing in Eastern Europe and China in the pacific."
That's where your post became intellectually dishonest. Notice how you didn't say like the US did to Iraq or how the US is trying to do with Iran. It's a nice trick though. You start off with a mostly true statement followed with [insert a self serving statement that fits my hypocritical agenda here].
Bromhidrosis American
Hmm, your statement is quite interesting, it is like a real Killer accusing others to be potential killers.
America did not win WW1 or WW2:They always arrive late. in fact, the U.S. has never won any MAJOR WARS.It was the Russian's who were responsible for defeating the Germans.The U.S. and Europe was no where near eastern Europe, so the Russians did that on their own, with a little help from the winter(lol).The U.S. couldn't even defeat North Korea with the help of the United Nations or Vietnam.Vietnam was the first and only communist country to defeat the U.S. militarily.America dropped more bombs in Vietnam than they did in ALL of WWII and they still lost.What a waste.So America is now finding out military spending and adventurism is getting expensive, since they are exporting their jobs to China ( who help the Viet Congs to whoop their a$$) and a shrinking middle class.Reality is now setting in.
True. If it were not for the Soviets, the Western world would probably be saluting the Swa stika and hailing to the N azi Party. Come to think of it, Donald Trump would probably be a member of that party.
Military aid from the United States to the Soviet Union during WWII saved the Soviets from being overrun. Stalin admitted this himself. If not for Lend-Lease, the Soviets would have run out of arms and ammunition. The Germans would have easily subjugated them.
When the Russians arrived in Berlin for their rapefest in April of '45, the city, and most other cities and industries in Germany, were all in ruins. If the Germans had only to worry about the eastern front and not invasions in Africa, Sicily, Italy and Germany, plus the day and night strategic bombing campaign, Russia would have been conquered by their former allies in 1942. Might want to check out how much war material was shipped to Russia by the U.S., especially trucks and ammo.
Vasya Pypkin
Bravo, I like stand up comedians. you are the best!
We already have a powerful military that is fully capable of achieving its constitutionally mandated mission, which is to protect the continental United States (plus Alaska & Hawaii). What America needs to debate is what else, if anything is also our national interest. It is high time that debate be had.
All these commentators and foreign policy elites automatically default to the position that our worldwide network of alliances and military bases is a necessity. That these authoritarian powers need to be contained, then confronted, and eventually overthrown (by force or via a color revolution). Naturally to achieve the aforementioned, they say that we need to spend much, much more on defense.
It is the American citizenry which needs to determine if that is true. If the American public agrees, then we increase the defense budget and continue to maintain & expand our network of allies & bases. If the public disagrees, we then shrink our defense budget and reduce or perhaps even eliminate the network of allies & bases.
And you write like someone who's uninformed and confused. He never said anything about isolationism. He said we should have a debate and let the American people decide vs having you decide for them.
"The fact that the U.S. spends more on defense than any other individual nation dramatically misses the point"
Why this fact misses the point, eh?
US defense spending is well beyond its own defense needs. The only rational explanation for its astronomical spending figure is, US is trying to enslave the whole world.
We're spending less as a share of gdp than we have in 70 years. We're spending 16% of the federal budget, 3.3% of GDP. It's been a cataclysm in the military.
We have the smallest army since WWII, the oldest and smallest airforce in it's history and the smallest navy since WWI.
Obama has destroyed the US military to his ever lasting shame.
The Republicans forced the sequester and Bush squandered resources in the middle east for a decade...Oh well don't let reality get in the way of hating Obama.
How do you figure? Even now the 2 year budget deal was only possible because the Republicans caved. If Obama sent up a budget today increasing military spending, it would pass by wide margins in both chambers on a bipartisan vote. It's only his Veto that is preventing it.
Watch some hearings on cspan. House armed services/Senate armed services/Senate foreign relations. Any of them. Congress is more panicked about these cuts than the pentagon.[-
Why only Russia and China? That's a good news for whole Planet, USA included.
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...