【书评】儒林外史、子不语 [美国媒体]


【其一】《儒林外史》(The Scholars,607页,1972年)



【其二】《子不语》(Zi bu yu,418页,1996年)


This was just brilliant. Earlier this yearI'd read a French translation of some of these stories, but this was 100 of 750and so a lot of these stories were new to me. It seems like the translatorspicked the naughtiest ones for this collection. They were wonderful ghoststories full of sex. My favourite was about a young gay couple who were killedand then their local town dedicated a temple to them and they turned into gods.The local magistrate tried to have the temple destroyed but the couple defendedthemselves and the temple was rebuilt. There was cross dressing and gendertransformation, posession by ghosts, a monk who was reborn who became obsessedwith pornography and group sex, but was still enlightened. Some stories were abit disgusting including pooing in a skull and eating poo, and necrophilia buton the whole the lessons were not all ghosts are bad and justice is done. Ihope one day a full translation of all these stories is made and I am able tostudy enough to be able to read them all in the original Chinese.


1、四星,Jackson Cyril,24岁
Finished in 1750, this novel depicts theworld of the Chinese literati, gently lampooning the corruption among theirranks and the failures of the Imperial examination system-- how it valuescertain skills over another and how certain formidable candidates areoverlooked due to the caprice of individual examiners. Though it lacks thestructural unity of say the "Golden Vase" or the "redchamber", and remains largely a collection of loosely related stories, itmakes for delightful reading; and few novels of the 18th or 19th century canmatch its stunning realism.


die satirischen Aspekte, ohne Zweifelvorhanden, sind doch für den heutigen comedy-übersättigten Menschen sehr imHintergrund, insbesondere, da die chinesische Prüfungskultur auchohne Satire für uns extrem fremdartig und fast schon komisch wirkt. Was einempositiv auffällt sind eben die Beschreibung von "echten Menschen",nicht von großen Helden wie in "Drei Königreiche" oder hässlichenDämonen wie in "Reise nach Westen"; die Scholaren dieses Buches habenGeldprobleme, lassen sich von umtriebigen Bösewichten hereinlegen und geratenauch mal auf den falschen Weg. Bestechung, Betrug und Plagiarismus werden alsgang und gäbe beschrieben, gleichzeitig Alkoholismus und Weltvergessenheit der"Literaten" ebenso angeprangert wie die Geld- und Machtgier gewisserOffizieller.


Ein Kritikpunkt, der des öfteren gebrachtwird, ist, dass dieser Text eigentlich kein Roman im eigentlichen Sinne ist: Erhat keinen klaren Fokus und keinen durchgehenen Handlungsstrang, die Personenkommen und gehen und werden dann nicht mehr erwähnt. Das "RulinWaishi" liest sich also mehr wie eine Sammlung von Kurzgeschichten dennwie ein Roman; man muss aber sagen, dass die übergänge mit einer mir in dieserForm bisher unbekannten Bravour so fließend sind, dass man erst einige Seitenspäter merkt, dass der Autor uns klammheimlich einen neuen Handlungsstrang mitneuen Personen untergeschoben hat. Daher stockt der Erzählfluss nie, und, wennman sich darauf einlässt, breitet sich vor dem Leser ein Kaleidoskop derunterschiedlichsten Szenen aus dem Leben der chinesischen Scholaren aus.


3、五星,Hubert Byron,美国
This is the companion piece to The Story ofthe Stone series where instead of being immersed into the lives of women inImperial China, you see it from the side of the men.


4、三星,Andra Constantin,奥地利,女,32岁
This is a book about a corrupt societywho's values are upside-down at most times. A society where the women are alittle more than furniture.


Interesting reading. One advice - do notread it on an empty stomach. Every second page there is a meal described and inpretty appetizing terms too.


5、四星,Dylan Suher,纽约
In structure and in narrative viewpoint, anodd book, and a wonderful book for being odd, possessed with the rareflexibility of being able to effectively, viciously savage a system of valuesin one section, and redeem those very values in the next section. A structurethat therefore makes that most uncommon and correct statement that just becausea philosophy is taken advantage of by the worst people doesn't mean that itisn't worth believing in.


The world of Wu Jingzi is full of so manycharacters and situations. You won't remember them all. Hell, you won't evenfully get what each scholar does, Jingzi walks trough the story with such speedbut with a clear vision of the world and it shines; trough its bleakness andhopefulness and the few moments of wisdom and tranquility amid all the racingfor status and fortune and glory, forsaking duty and life


7、两星,Shala Howell,美国,女
Decadence, check. Relentless scorn forliterati, check. But what strikes me most is that even in feudal China, successin life was all about who you knew.

