寻找黑洞的卫星在太空中失踪 [美国媒体]


ALYSSA NEWCOMB,Good Morning America 13 hours ago .

Japan is abandoning its recently launched $273 million Hitomi space telescope after two solar array panels apparently broke off the satellite, sending it spinning wildly into space. 


Hitomi was launched in February with the goal of using its x-ray vision to shed new light on black holes, supernova remnants and galaxy clusters. One month later, the space agency said it was unable to figure out the health of the satellite after it became unresponsive and debris was spotted around it. 


Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) said it received three signals believed to be from Hitomi; however, further investigation revealed the signals were not from the satellite and were “due to the differences in frequencies as a consequence of technological study,” the space agency said.


On Thursday JAXA said "it is highly likely that both solar array paddles had broken off at their bases where they are vulnerable to rotation," making it virtually impossible to get the satellite back on track. 


While there is no possibility of retrieving Hitomi, JAXA said in a news release it now plans to focus its effort on what caused the anomaly, including scrutiny of design, manufacturing, verification, and operations.


Mark 2 hours ago 
Guess it found a black hole sooner than expected.


James 14 minutes ago 
How about figuring out how to get rid of all the radioactive water at fukushima without dumping it in the ocean?


Amerejuanican 18 hours ago 
People are starving and finding black holes is priority. Mother Mercy!


charmer 1 hour ago 
When satellite malfunction,it is understood, but when a panel broke off from a handle,
that is considered gross in competences.


Lloyd H 1 hour ago 
Clearly someone dropped the ball on this. And fixing it would probably cost more then sending a new one up. But now we have the problem of more space junk. We are approaching a problem of not being able to send anything into space due to the junk orbiting our planet....
Anyone have a space sweeper?


tom s 3 hours ago 
Well, the only thing left for them to do is drink some tea and pull out their knives. Just kidding. They really take things seriously, don't they. That commitment to excellence is why they make superior products. Usually.

Denys 15 hours ago 
I don't suppose there was a warranty?


Dustin 8 hours ago 
Back to the drawing board, please do not give up Japan. This project could change everything we think we know about the Universe.
Start fresh tomorrow and we will all appreciate your continued work.


elson l 1 hour ago 
I know quite a few Japanese myself. That culture will work itself to death before they give up.


Tough Bret 16 hours ago 
I lived in Japan for three years and even learned to speak the language somewhat passably but I never did figure out exactly what the point was of that thing they do where the company executives or agency leaders stand in front of a table, apologize for some screw up that occurred, and then bow for several minutes while cameraman furiously snap photos of it. 


Commenter 16 hours ago 
That's called losing face, intentionally. 


paul 16 hours ago 
Its got more to do with honor than anything else. Living there that long, I'd assume you knew that? 


Tough Bret 16 hours ago 
It's been explained to me in those terms, sure, and maybe I'm just a thick-skulled westerner, but still I never fully grasped the cathartic effect it presumably had for people.


Corporate Executives: "Sorry, villagers, that we intentionally dumped poisonous chemicals in your lake and killed a bunch of you. Gomenasai. Our bad."


Villagers: "Well, I'm still not thrilled that half of my family is dead, but you ARE bowing pretty deeply, so ... let's just not let it happen again, OK?" 


Richard 16 hours ago 
the act of humility is something U S executives could learn , instead they get $$$$ when they screw up 


PackerBacker 15 hours ago 
In Japan the business climate is much different that in the US. Japanese take great pride and honor in working for a company as many are family owned still. When you make a major mistake it's not only embarrassing but shameful losing honor and respect. Remember harakiri? In the US it's oh well I'll get another job no big deal...moving on! 

