中国军力激增,欲比肩美国 [美国媒体]

Yvonne Chiu是香港大学专业研究中国军事和外交的助理教授,此文是她的个人观点。香港(美联社)中国军队正在进行一系列改革,努力实现军队的现代化和专业化。这向世界发出了一个强烈的信号:中国军力将激烈膨胀成为一个全球性的超级力量,与美国一试高低。

Opinion: China's military is gearing up tocompete with the U.S.


By Yvonne Chiu    作者: By Yvonne Chiu

Updated 0206 GMT (1006 HKT) March 10, 2016


Yvonne Chiu is an assistantprofessor at The University of Hong Kong specializing in China's military anddiplomacy. The views expressed here are solely her's.

Yvonne Chiu是香港大学专业研究中国军事和外交的助理教授,此文是她的个人观点。

Hong Kong (CNN)China's military is sending strong signals that it'sgearing up to compete with the U.S. as a global superpower, engaging in amulti-faceted reform effort to modernize and professionalize its military.


One of the most significant developments is China'splans to establish an overseas military base—which would be contemporaryChina's first—in Djibouti. Construction started last month.


There has been some speculation that China negotiated a 10-yearcontract, although China will not confirm details for what it carefully calls"military support facilities."


The stated purpose is to provide "betterlogistics and safeguard Chinese peacekeeping forces in the Gulf of Aden,offshore Somalia and other humanitarian assistance tasks of the U.N."including anti-piracy missions, according to Ministry of National Defensespokesman Wu Qian.


China's new base will be near the only U.S. militarybase in Africa, also in Djibouti.


It is an extremely strategic location and would offergreater ability to protect oil shipments from and give greater access to theArabian Peninsula.


China announced Saturday that its military budget would grow by7.6% in 2016 -- slower than the double-digit increases in previous years ---but the real increase will likely be much higher.


Its announced 300,000troop reduction in September ata massive military parade initially seemed to be about trimming a littledeadweight, as the People's Liberation Army would still be over two-millionstrong, but there are recent indications that cuts will target the officercorps—including political officers.


This is part of a broader transformation program overthe next two years to restructure the military.


In February, the seven military command regions were streamlined intofive (north, south,east, west, central); some agencies governing armaments, logistics, personnel,and politics have been placed directly under the authority of the ChineseCommunist Party's Central Military Commission.


And there are ongoing efforts to turn the PLA from amilitary dominated by the army to one that better integrates ground forces withthe now-peripheral navy, air force, and missile (PLA Rocket Force) units, intojoint command operations.


These are efforts to not only upgrade the military'sefficacy but also to bring to bear more Party control over the PLA, which has been moreautonomous in the past.


In nearly doubling its weapons sales during this decadeso far, China hasbecome the world's third-largest weapons exporter behind the U.S. and Russia,and last month, it displayed its older J-10 fighter jet at the Singapore Airshow in order to sell it.


(Potential buyers might include Pakistan, Iran, orSyria, although this is speculative.)


Being able to sell weapons is not only a source ofrevenue, but also a sign of military influence and global leadership, and canhelp bolster political alliances.


China also acquired its first aircraft carrier by retrofittingan incomplete former-Soviet carrier, and had its firstsuccessful carrier-based fighter (J-15) landing in 2012. it is alsotrying to build its second carrier indigenously.


This is commonly taken as an indication that it willdevelop a blue-water navy (one capable of operating across open oceans), whichat the time of its aircraft carrier purchase seemed less plausible, but mustnow be reconsidered in light of institutional restructuring to enable jointforce command.


The PLA has until recently focused on protectingChina's own borders, in part because, ideologically, China has rejectedactivities (especially maintaining overseas military bases) that it considersfascist or imperialist.


Efforts to restore and reclaim China's rightfulstanding in the world also serve a domestic purpose and they have alsounwittingly become one of the benchmarks for the Party's legitimacy, insofar asit is able to deliver on the nationalist flames it fans.


Taken together, do these developments belie China'sclaim of pursuing a "peaceful rise?" Yes and no. Clearly, China wantsto compete with the U.S. and not just in the Asia-Pacific.


It has started doing so regionally by laying claim tothe South China Sea and building"islands" inorder to test international reactions to its attempts to extend its sovereignterritory.


Future long-range capabilities that will be affordedby joint operational command, aircraft carriers, and overseas bases, however,unmistakably indicate that China intends to be a global superpower one day.


This doesn't mean that China wants a conflict ineither the South or East China Seas. It would likely lose against mostsignificant enemies in the near future, especially the U.S.


China has not fought a war since 1979, and acontemporary war would require very different practices from those used inVietnam. In the meantime, a significant military loss would call into questionthe very legitimacy of the Party and have enormous consequences for itslongevity.


A "peaceful rise" is clearly prudential: theParty would like China to become a global superpower without ever fighting awar, but it is walking a dangerous line.

