百度CEO因学生之死被召见 [美国媒体]



Authorities have summoned the head of Baidu after the death of a student who sought a cancer cure on the Chinese search giant, reports said Tuesday, prompting a barrage of criticism for prioritising paid search results.


Wei Zexi, 21, had already been diagnosed as having a terminal soft tissue disease when his family found an experimental immunotherapy treatment at a Beijing hospital run by the armed police force via a Baidu search.


Private healthcare firms from Putian, in the eastern province of Fujian -- which have a reputation for overprescription and false advertising -- are believed to have links with the hospital, media reports said.



Local governments have no authority to supervise hospitals run by the military and armed police, making them especially appealing to unscrupulous third-party service providers -- especially since patients trust public health facilities more than private ones.


The People's Liberation Army and armed police have significant business interests. But in March authorities ordered them to stop providing "paid services", which could eliminate such hospital contracts.


dante 12 hours ago
Blame on Chinese consumer stupidity and naiveness, blame on greedy hospitals and foreign medical pharma drug companies for price fixing on drug price, and for baidu wants to milk every drop of cent just to miss the rear end of its investors and wall street, and blame on the China government for deregulating and conspirating with the insurance companies to pocket money out of 1.3 billion chinese's life living. If someone is sick, he runs out of money, his medical need is denied on the spot despite he is suffering devastating illness. That is a common practice in every developing nation. If he wants to see a doctor, pay the fee upfront before seeing by the doctor. Americans and the people live in the West should be thankful that no matter how bad the current health care system they have, it is 100% better than what china and the rest of world people have. Medical disparities, educational disparities, and limited resources are the problem!



Richard 7 hours ago
Wait, aren't nearly all the major medical facilities in China run by the government? Why, with such a great healthcare system that promises the best care to everyone, would a person ever need to consult a search engine for an alternative?

David 17 hours ago
Why would anybody suppose a search engine was qualified to uate the effectiveness of experimental cancer treatments?

Harry Kneecaps 14 hours ago
The internet isnt really anything new. There were magazines, newspapers, television and radio. The internet does what they did but it delivers content through a new medium.


I never blindly believed everything I read in newspapers or magazines. I never blindly believed everything I saw on television or heard on radio. I dont blindly believe everything I read on the internet either.

When I search the internet I dont automatically assume the top results are the most reliable. I dont assume every review I read is reliable. If youve lost or never developed the skill of critical thinking its no ones fault but your own.



GWB 10 hours ago
so here is what i gathered.

 嗯 以下是我所了解到的。

this hospital stole a research from a US institution, while this is still in the research stage in the US, the chinese thieve decided this material is good enough to be performed on a real chinese so they went ahead with the procedure. they went ahead with the procedure caught in the act with stolen intellectual technology 2) now will be charge with murder.

 2) 可能会被指控谋杀。

Dan 11 hours ago
1) Don't trust everything you read on the internet.


2) There are financial risks in giving unsecured loans to terminally ill borrowers.


3) Experimental therapy doesn't work 100% of the time. If it did, it wouldn't be experimental.


4) Neither the death due to cancer nor the failure of the treatment can be blamed on Baidu.


5) Why do you believe this terminally ill person when they said they found out about this treatment via Baidu?



flyppster 13 hours ago
Wow, even in China freedom of expression, such as top internet searches, is trumped by money.

Bill 21 hours ago
You see it too often in China. People believing all sorts of things that have no support, but a news article said so or a person said so. What ever happened to the scientific process and reasoning? They supposedly learned it so well in their "tough schooling".....



Vanities 13 hours ago
Sounds like someone wants to take control of BaiDu. Makes for a good reason to nationalize them.

Eric F 21 hours ago
More nonsense from China. So the "Cyber Administration of China" along with the countries "health authorities" and "business regulator" will launch an investigation. Baidu has been operating in a grey area? The communist party newspaper making this claim should state that everything in China operates in a grey area including themselves. What a joke. I am coming to the conclusion that China is a fake country. I am really, China is pathetic.

Kamil 17 hours ago
US companies should beware. The Chinese government is trying to set a precedent so they can slap US and other countries with law suits. They will then drop the charges on Baidu behind closed doors



Bill 21 hours ago
How is that Baidu's fault? You're 21 and haven't learned to question advertisements? Due diligence and research? What? You Baidued it and bought the first thing you saw? It's too bad what happened, but how is that a company's fault...?


HowardN 14 hours ago
Hmmm...Government-owned hospital advertises "cure for cancer". Patient buys "cure for cancer" and it doesn't help. Government blames search engine for informing patient of drug that Government advertised on search engine.



David 1 hour ago
Has the guy tried that melamine based chinese baby milk formula? It might work sort of like chemotherapy, try it out. How about those ethylene glycol toothpastes available in China? If it keeps radiators healthy, maybe it can clear up his problems too. As a last resort, get the CCP to call his problems "baseless accusations and State secrets"...problem solved!

Skeptic 3 hours ago
China is showing Baidu who's the boss. Time to bribe the rulers.



Richard H 7 hours ago
There's a cure for cancer?

Peter B 14 hours ago
What's the big deal? Google has been doing this for years

Cup of tea 14 hours ago
No search engine will guarantee the ads quality. Not even any TV channel as far as I know.
You can by any ads if you want to pay.
It is up the viewer to use common sense to judge it.

