美:北京的南海“造地”会使其失去和平吗? [美国媒体]



China's leadership faces difficult decisions in the South China Sea. China is at some risk of achieving what it sees as a military success at the price of losing the peace.


There is increasing evidence that its land creation (for they are not 'reclamation') activities in the South China Sea are developing a network of bases that will support fixed sensors, such as radars and underwater arrays, as well as the operations of air and seaborne surveillance units.


The cumulative effect intended by Chinese planners appears to be to make it too dangerous during a conflict for other nations, most notably the US, to conduct significant military operations in the area, whether on, under or over the South China Sea; and certainly to make sure that none will go undetected in peacetime.



A good argument for China behaving moderately in its own interests. If only the US regime would limit its intrusion into matters that are no business of its own to giving such good advice, rather than actively seeking to foment trouble for China with its neighbours, and generally behaving in a way that results in China rightly seeing US activity and military power as a genuine threat that requires a defensive response.
Of course, America-uber-alles types are constitutionally unable to accept that any country other than the US is entitled to respond to such perceived threats, even when they are as well founded as those that recognise the US as a serial military aggressor with a track record of claiming ideological differences as a justification and pretext for its own aggression.
"China's goal is to be able to regard the sea areas south of Hainan Island as a safe haven for its naval forces,particularly its submarines"
Imagine! The sheer cheek of any modern state even thinking it is allowed to have effective defences against potential US aggression, let alone acting on such a rogue notion.



The moment that chinese began dumping sand on the shoal the peace are already gone! It replaced by anxiety and fear among the neighborhood that someday the middle kingdom will impose his fabricated sovereignty over the vast of SCS all the way to the coastal water of the surrounding nation.


Just here to comment
The moment they dumped the sand, the aquatic ecosystem in the area was ruined. Sucks to be a fish.


Nobody will be fooled by you except for those s t u p i d ones. Philipine started to build islands on China owned territory or reefs in SCS long before China built any island!!



The whole SCS is not Chinese territorial water ever since, even since the beginning of time except for those water near in your coastal water and dont start to recite any treaty like a broken recorder because nobody recognized that treaty was intended for chinese to owning the whole SCS. Philippines are not building island over a reef its just china who build island over a reef in a unprecedented speed and size with malicious intent.


We never claim the whole SCS is our territorial sea, we never did that. We claim those Islands and reefs are ours.


Did you build islands before China started to do so?



Fre Okin
" this slowly ticking time bomb."
This time bomb is the making of the US. Can anybody explain why China should not take Defensive Measures against US submarines? The world should wake up to the vulgar US behavior, creating an Existential Threat to China with subs Lurking Under The Sea, Very Near to Hainan. A couple of Ohio boomers went to SCS over a year ago to test drive the area and to intimidate China.
Possible places are just to the East of Bashi Channel and areas around the Palawan, thus the importance of Subi/Mischief Reefs and even Scarborough Shoal. This is why USN is very active doing FONOP there hoping to drive the Chinese away.
There should be a UN resolution to BAN subs from operating in the SCS and vicinity, Especially Nuclear subs from US. Any war will result in a potential Nuclear Radiation Leak if the US subs nuclear reactors are hit by Chinese crab torpedoes.



China doesn't wage wars of aggression, instigate chaos, back coups or destroy countries, how would China "lose the peace"?


Your question showed to us you did not understand the author's paper. You are ignorant of so many things and strangely you keep commenting on each.


Just here to comment
This might explain why Beijing keeps asking other countries to promote peace and stability in the region. China keeps losing it.



One thing I agree with the author in the article is the idea of "Share". China should starting to share resources in the SCS with friendly countries. Nevertheless China has been long promoting the idea of co-development. It is time, begin with China's friends such as Brunei at first. Can incl. other non-claimant ASEAN members as well. Joint company to explore petro within the entire 9-dash line. Tighten the control, more coast guard ships; gradually will win over the hearts and minds of others in order to to join the exploration. Money talks. 


There will not be any war in the South China Sea. No one wants to fire the first shot and start a war.



It will be quick air and naval engagement and china will back down. china will not escalate because they rather stay in power. That is what the CCP cares the most.


Frank Blangeard
Yes, and 'the troops will be home by Christmas'. That's the line that warmongers use to lure people into war. 'It will be a cakewalk'. 'They will welcome us as liberators'. 'God is on our side'.


Frank Blangeard
Wait. Hillary may be coming to power.



Relatively certain that some finesse will indeed be coming. China tends to plan several years ahead - the governing style allows them to have a rough plan which they can deviate from, while still maintaining focus. So the islands will likely remain, and to some extent, so as long as the US is continued to be provoked into spending money in an arms race, I believe its also their goal as they feel the economic war is in their favor.

