五角大楼正在危害我们与中国的经济关系 [美国媒体]



When China refused to allow the USS John C. Stennis to dock in Hong Kong 10 days ago, it got only modest mention in the news reports. Keeping the nuclear-powered supercarrier and  its strike group out of a port where American ships have docked for decades is a calculated signal of worsening relations between Washington and Beijing—passive aggression in very pure form.


Given that Hong Kong is among the busiest commercial ports in Asia, we’re on notice now. Every American with an interest in our dense, multisided trade and investment relationships with China should start paying close attention to the mounting tensions between Beijing and Washington.



The first thing you see is this: America’s economic ties with China have been out of whack with national security policy since Deng Xiaoping’s reforms began opening China in the early 1980s. Business booms, while military and geopolitical competition intensifies.


This isn’t going to do any longer. There is an emerging danger that rivalry for strategic influence in the western Pacific will damage trade and investment relations.


KJM 59 minutes ago
Perhaps the better path is to begin to disentangle our business affairs and reconsider all our trade agreements with 'Red' totalitarian China on a 'case by case' basis. Even democrats like Martin Sheen, the actor, have bluntly stated that we have a raw deal with China that is not in the interests of the U.S.A. Now the presumptive Republican candidate is saying essentially the same thing. In any case, who wants to buy products produced in gulags and slave labor camps run by military units that self finance red chinese military build-up with the profits? What? You think that isn't true? Some would not buy rum a century or two ago because it was produced by slave labor. I guess it is not a problem now. I have no problem with China patrolling the South China Sea as they do not attempt to interfere with other powers doing the same to guard the sixth of all such trade worldwide that transits through this area, according to news reports.
A.A.J. 9 minutes ago
This entire article reeks of weakness and greed.



Cheetahe 15 hours ago
Let us face the facts, China is a Communist Party run country with which our Wall Street elites want to trade. On the same token our military industrial establishment and the internationalists want the US to act as a policeman of the world, and here we have a conflict or interests and ideas.
In the middle of all of this is the average hard working American who pays for this charade with his taxes, job insecurity and sends their young to fight in the four corners of this globe.
As people we want to spend our efforts to defend only this country and be self sufficient not relying on any foreign sources for our technology and be financially prudent and independent to pursue our national interests. The UN should handle any conflicts which the rest of the world thinks are a danger to world peace.



Dave 4 hours ago
Anything and i mean anything that does not put china in the best possible light, the Fiscal Times, yahoo, main stram government (clinton) pushes nothing but gloom and freaking doom! !All of the above mentioned eould have us saying a pledge to chaiman mao

KJM 48 minutes ago
I do think that it is clear that both Communist China and Russia are engaged in reckless provocations near our naval vessels, etc. Sooner or later, these must be answered. Diplomacy without substantive and decisive military strength to achieve any required military offensive and defensive objectives, when required, is no different than negotiating with the Nazis, prior to World War II. They knew what they wanted and we have to know what we want.



Newborn 5 hours ago
First of all, we’ve to remember that U.S. inherited rubble all over the world after WWII, 70 years ago. The world was then pure rubble. Pearl Harbor? Forget it… peanuts in comparison. China? Rubble. Japan? Rubble. Europe? Rubble. The Pacific Ocean was as dead as merchants vessels were sunk. USS Navy reigned all over dead waters and dead cities. Now, 70 years later, U.S. pretends the world is still rubble or people has to still ask for dollars to survive hunger. Unexpectedly, to U.S. view, nowadays the world is different. Old world revived and either Europe and Asia have reconstructed and are striving. So much as to become powerhouses, either industrially and also militarily. U.S. is unable to acknowledge the new reality.



Michael 1 hour ago
That's all fine, except they are not following the rules of business or trade either! Look at what is happenning with Apple!
TonyG 7 hours ago
#$%$ u patrick Smith! The blame is notthe US,, it is China and its normal stance of every totalitarian regime throughout history! Hunger for control and domination as we see this upon Chinese society!
Maybe what the US is guilty of is letting corporate greed flow into the pockets of politicians along with keeping the American public as ignorant as possible about the China issue! Again, a tactic taken right out of China's authoritarian type of control over its population.
Why are you #$%$ writers not pushing for transparency and help to force the hand of the news media?
I understand why you Patrick,is not doing that just by reading your deceitful title of you article here!!!
Sick bstrd!

为什么你 #$%$作者不去推动透明度,帮助夺回新闻媒体的权利?


wenshen k 7 hours ago
US media is one-side story. US media did not mention the bully of Japan military ships toward Taiwan fisherman, and claims the tiny reef and 200 miles around it as economic zone, building artificial platform around it and claim it is Japan's territory.
US also warn Taiwan Present not to visit Taipin island and back Philippine on the issue that Taipin is an "inhabitable" island. US is so easy to turn its back on its old ally, abandon its own friend when needed.



Eric 3 hours ago
Why does the US want any economic relationship with China right now in the first place. Countries like Indonesia, Vietnam, and India have more cheep manufacturing and stealing secrets in not a government affair there. Besides China is STILL dumping money into their failing economy faster than they can print it. We should be looking for more reasons to cut all ties with China because they are just going to fail their trading partners in the end. I am however excited if China makes the US their next "enemy" communist parties always need a place to point the finger at, you know some students in a square in 1989 then people to exercise (Falun gong) now the US. I guess that is why they went from building ghost cities to building up their military, building useless stuff you wont need is a GREAT way to make your GDP look higher than it is.



Peter Wolf 9 hours ago
Uh, what?? The Pentagon is the ONLY branch of the U.S. government that Beijing DOESN'T hold in utter contempt!! So, far from criticizing our military, we should be making them MORE responsible for how we deal with China.

Daniel 12 hours ago
What Patrick said makes no sense at all. The reason why China is flexing its military muscles is because the U.S. has turned a blind eye to China's aggressiveness and has done nothing to keep China at bay. The author emphasizes we must understand China's perspective of history. This also makes no sense at all. Public policy cannot be based on someone's wounded pride and a misguided sense of the so-called "Western Imperialism". The United States has fallen into this trap for too long. It is time for the United States to recognized that China has used this mind game to play the United States for too long and this dirty trick and will work no more.

帕特里克说的毫无意义。为什么中国开始炫耀武力,是因为美国对中国的攻击性视而不见,对于牵制中国没有作为。作者强调,我们必须了解中国的历史观。这一点也没有任何意义。公共政策不能建立在某人受伤的自尊心和被误导的所谓“西方帝国主义”的基础上。美国已经落入这个陷阱太久了。对美国来说,是时候承认:中国已经用这个心理游戏把 美国玩太久了,这个肮脏的把戏将不再奏效。
