母亲杀死5岁儿子,因为他是个“负担” [美国媒体]



NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. (AP) — A New Jersey prosecutor painted a damning portrait Wednesday of a woman charged with murdering her 5-year-old son in 1991, telling jurors in closing arguments at her trial that the young mother killed the boy and dumped his body in a ditch because he had become a burden to her.


The image contrasted sharply with the one offered to jurors by Michelle Lodzinski's defense attorney in his summation, in which he cast her as a loving parent who worked two jobs to send the boy to a private school and had made plans to travel with him to Florida that summer.

这和Michelle Lodzinski(嫌疑犯)的辩护律师所提交的报告形成了鲜明对比,报告将嫌疑犯描述成一位慈爱的母亲,她为了送孩子上私人学校同时干两份工作且打算和孩子在夏天去佛罗里达旅游。

Lodzinski, of Port St. Lucie, Florida, is charged with killing Timothy Wiltsey in May 1991 when they lived in New Jersey. She told authorities at the time she lost track of her son at a Sayreville, New Jersey, carnival, then changed her story several times to claim the boy was abducted.

Lodzinski,住在佛罗里达圣露西港,被控在1991年5月居住在新泽西州期间谋杀Timothy Wiltsey。一开始她告诉官方他和儿子在新泽西州塞尔维尔的狂欢节中失去联系,然后又数次改口称儿子被诱拐了。


Nancy 18 minutes ago
The State of New Jersey should do the same to her so as to avoid her becoming a burden to the taxpayers.

A.C.F 18 minutes ago
Wow. She couldn't have asked for help or asked to put him up for adoption...

Terry 1 hour ago
Well, parenting has changed over the recent years.

Karl R 7 hours ago
Why wasn't the father given custody?

ruben 6 hours ago
The case was not reopened until 23 years later because they finally, after all that time found 3 witnesses to say the blanket had been in the boys home? Why did it take these babysitters 23 years to confirm that? 2 carnival witnesses say they saw the boy at the carnival and another said she was looking for him? There wasn't enough evidence the first 23 years against the mother but all of a sudden because of a blanket there is? That is the only evidence they have? Hmmm, I do not think as a juror I would be able to find proof without a shred of doubt based on just a blanket.



Douglas 7 hours ago
The depravity of humanity knows no bounds.

Summer 3 hours ago
Very sad for the boy. Obviously he had no idea what was about to happen and was instead having a good time probably. This is evident by the ninja turtle balloons. As a mother of a little boy this makes me really sad to read.

Noneyobusines 1 hour ago
If this thing is allowed to live it should be sterilized immediately before it has another and murder that child. Personally I think a bullet to the brain would be better kill it.

Arthur 1 hour ago
I hope they have the death penalty otherwise you are going to have to foot the bill to keep this thing alive for the rest of it's life.

Arthur 1 hour ago
I hope they have the death penalty otherwise you are going to have to foot the bill to keep this thing alive for the rest of it's life.

Jayson 31 minutes ago
And this is why abortion is so important in a society of over 300 million human beings.

Benjamin 34 minutes ago
Pour some gasoline on this woman's va-jay-jay and set her on fire.
Film it.
And walk away.



No 4 hours ago
The police arrested her and only a mother would leave a blanket by the body, clearly she's guilty.

JaquieM 6 hours ago
To those of you already convicting her, while she may have done it, based solely on the information in this news story, the chances are high that she will walk.
The jury is entrusted, nay, required to put all feeling aside and weigh the case on the basis of the evidence presented in court (this is why most prospective jurors on high-profile cases are rejected, because in most cases their opinions have already been swayed by the media and it would be hard for them to judge objectively). Anyway, if, after careful deliberation and carefully considering, comparing and weighing all the evidence, there is not an abiding conviction of guilt, or, if, having a conviction, it is one which is not stable but one which wavers and vacillates, then the charge is NOT proven beyond EVERY reasonable doubt and they must find the defendant not guilty because the doubt is "reasonable". It is to the evidence introduced upon the trial, and to it alone, that they are to look for that proof.
The fact that someone testified that she was looking for him 'later' (and here I would bet the jurors ask for clarification), is enough for reasonable doubt unless the rest of the Prosecution's case is airtight, and it in no way seems to be.



Tamara 7 hours ago
Something doesn't make sense, if he was such a burden why have him in a private school in the first place. And why was she working two jobs to pay for it, heck in Texas parents who see their children as burdens usually tie them outside with the dog.

BRONX 7 hours ago


Ronnyo 3 hours ago
A child is dead---can't change that---even if she could change herself, there is a disconnect with reality for these kinds of assaults on humanity----I don't want to say she's guilty; but it appears so and she should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. It's a pity the death penalty is such an outrageous way to solve problems; people like her will cost society many dollars that could be assisting someone who really needs it----1991, it's already cost taxpayers 25 years of room and board----and without the death penalty, that may be 50 years. The right and wrong of the situation is lost in the fine print......

Bristol's Baby Daddy 9 hours ago

Tim B 3 hours ago
At least she did not have an abortion. It seems that politicians only care about the unborn.

