The Obama administration may have been caught on its back foot by China’s rapid island building in the South China Sea over the last few years, but despite its lackluster policy response, its preference for multilateralism over containment may be achieving success. Fortunately for Washington, its allies and partners in the region have come together to confront Beijing’s deeper, more assertive expansion in the South China Sea. Washington’s hub-and-spokes security architecture in Asia now appears to be coalescing at the eleventh hour, as Pacific nations warily await a ruling from the International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea (ITLOS), widely expected to rule against Beijing’s claims.
The region’s emerging security cooperation—primarily partnerships between middle powers such as the Philippines and Vietnam, but increasingly spearheaded by Japan’s reformist Abe administration—has materialized despite the lack of coherent strategy from Washington. To wit, smaller countries are coming together based on common self-interest, in the absence of coordinated U.S. leadership. This new Asian multilateralism may be more durable in the long run because it is not simply part and parcel of the U.S. rebalance, but rather an organic reaction deeply rooted in middle powers’ strategic interests.
B Teoh • a day ago
Despite numerous FON by US, China continues its island building. No sign reclamation and island development were affected by US's actions. China is definitely on the winning side.
jonbigbootay • 16 hours ago
The solution to this problem is simple: The U.S. in coordination with Vietnam, Philippines and the other claimants of the South China Sea, should pick a spot within the nine-dash line, but beyond 12 miles from any of China's occupied artificial islands, and start dredging up their own artificial island. And, if China interferes, then the USA should cancel all of the Chinese Treasury Bonds and Notes currently held by the China government (approx. $800 billion USD).
Result: instantaneous collapse of the Chinese economy.
Maybe World War III, too. But, hey, life's no fun without an occasional nuclear exchange.
Lichdar • 20 hours ago
I'm glad they think its working. If it continues to work this well, I think everyone will be happy.
Joseph Siew • a day ago
The whole issue of SCS was blown out of proportion due to HRC's announcement of PIVOT TO ASIA. By stating that it would move 60% of the US troops to Asia, HRC is claiming that they would militarize Asia. Also, the announcement also emboldened the likes of Japan, Pinoy and Vietnam, making the situations worse. In order for Obama to leave the office with pride as the POTUS with a Nobel PEACE prize, the PTA initiative should be discarded. When the aggression is stopped, peace will be restored.
thesurvivor • a day ago
If US feel great, it's ok.
Since they gagged Adm Harris and Defense secretary Carter, the press have less disinformation to report.
China is very predictable, freedom of navigation has never been an issue. China is only reacting to US militarization of SCS. If US stop provocation China will not aggravate the situation.
New Philippines president Duterte brings new hope to the situation. He doesn't seem to be a US puppet. Hope CIA don't plot a coup.
自从他们堵住Adm Harris(美国太平洋总司令部司令,译注:曾扬言要做好在南海的开战准备)还有国防部长Carter的臭嘴后,媒体的虚假报导就变少了。
老三 thesurvivor • a day ago
When we talk about the South China Sea, we must treat "freedom of navigation(FON)" in legal terms, not linguistic terms. In legal terms, freedom of navigation has ALWAYS been an issue in the South China Sea. China claims the area within the 9-dash line to be her territorial waters. According to UNCLOS, no country is allowed to have FONs in territorial waters. That is, UNCLOS gives China the right to DISALLOW any country the FON in her 9-dash area. If China ALLOWS the FONs in her claimed area, of course it, DISALLOW vs ALLOWS, becomes an issue.
If the US asks China, if it is your territorial waters, why you allow me FON? How will China answer?
thesurvivor 老三 • 9 hours ago
China never claim the entire sea within the 9 dash line. China only claim the land/ rock/island and the EEZ/Territorial sea/continental shelf associated with those island/rocks.
The problem is there are a lot of lazy journalists and even more lazy readers who have never bother to find out the facts.
老三 thesurvivor • 8 hours ago
You were among those who have never bothered to find out the facts. Your "China only claim the land/ rock/island and the EEZ/Territorial sea/continental shelf associated with those island/rocks" means to me, China claims 12 nautical miles of the sea as her territory. Whenever the US does freedom-of-navigation operation in the Chinese claimed sea (12 nautical miles), it immediately becomes an issue. But you claimed it has never been an issue. Why?
Let me repeat. The Americans do not accept your Chinese claim. To show their non-acceptance is to conduct freedom of navigation in your Chinese claimed area (12 nautical miles or 9-dash line). Is it an issue?
Also, I have given you the legal meaning of the term freedom of navigation. You simply did not try to understand it but blindly came up with blames on journalists and readers. You are here to defend and protect China's interests. If you lose by way of terminology, China also loses.
thesurvivor 老三 • 7 hours ago
Do you know the meaning of territorial Sea and the rules prescribed by the UNCLOS? There are criteria for innocent passage. Go read about it!
thesurvivor Ferdy Marcos • a day ago
As long as Duterte is smart, works for the interest of Philippines and not a CIA puppet it is easy to deal with him. The most difficult people are US puppets. US national interest is misery in Asia. The more the misery the better they feel about themselves as saviors of the world.
老三 thesurvivor • a day ago
You even do not understand the easy issue with freedom of navigation, how can you understand the harder issue of US?
Andre • a day ago
Speak softly and carry a big stick...
GLI0213 • a day ago
Next to SCS claim, China is eyeing the Indian Ocean.
Jackie Thai • 2 hours ago
Simply supply around 1000 battle and destroyer ships to the surrounding countries like Vietnam, Philipine, Malaya, Autralia, New Zealand, Indonasia, Singapore, Thailand. Then summon the convict and ask them to leave the islands within 24 hours. If not, all the countries attack those islands and shoot down any jets flying around. Just do the simple way like ISIS. Do not think complicate to hold your post forever. China is stacking up steel in effort to mass producing ships. They will run out of fuel after 30 days of battle. They can not use the mass to attack like land or Korea any more. Secure your border to prevent them from stealing food like Vietnam battle. Don't worry about Russia because they will not involve.
Alan Smithee • 6 hours ago
I guess you can spin it that way. But the fact is when the Pivot to Asia was announced there were no tensions. China wasn't building any islands. Now China has built islands and what was the US's response? Nothing. Wasn't the pivot suppose to deal with this very situation? Where the US led world-wide isolation of China. Where is the economic isolation of China? Where are the Americans ready to sacrifice their lives to go to war with China? Obama didn't do anything until after a year and it's well short of anything promised by the Pivot to Asia. If the US were to truly exercise Freedom of Navigation why doesn't the US put some soldiers in a boat and go ashore one of these islands and have themselves picnic without any notice to China? Sending ships within 12 miles of these islands is a superficial gesture. Yeah go ahead and spin this as the US acting. But it's actually far from what the pivot to Asia promised. So who do you think is actually winning? It's ain't the US or any of its allies in Asia. Another sign of the US losing is the advertising of how the US is going to lift the arms embargo with Vietnam. Yeah the US wants Vietnam to fight its war on China because Americans wouldn't be able to handle the losses China would inflict on the US even if China lost a war with the US.
我认为你这么脑洞大开也行。但事实是,刚宣布重返亚洲时,并没有紧张局势。中国那会儿没造任何岛呢。现在,中国已经造了一堆岛,美国有什么回应?嘛也没有。这个重返亚洲 不就是假定用来处理这种情况的吗?哪里找得到美国领导的世界范围内孤立中国的行动?对中国进行的经济隔离又在哪里?准备牺牲自己的生命和中国交战的美国人在哪里?奥巴马在中国造岛一年后才开始行动,这和重返亚太的承诺相去甚远。如果美国真要争取航行自由,为什么不事先未经通知中国就派一艘装满士兵的军舰过去,停泊在其中一个岛上让士兵们野餐?在距离这些岛屿12英里内派军舰过去只是表面文章。是的,以此作为开端继续干吧。但这实际上离许诺过的亚洲轴心相距甚远。那么,你认为谁是真正的赢家?既不是美国也不是它在亚洲的盟友们。美国失分的另一个迹象是广而告之将如何取消对越南的武器禁运。是的,美国希望越南与中国交战,因为美国人不知道怎么处理中美之间的冲突所造成的损失,即使中国输掉与美国的战争亦然。
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...