川普:美国政府永远不必违约,因为可以印钞 [美国媒体]

唐纳德.特朗普这周刚开启就抨击媒体对他的国家债务评论进行了虚假陈述。CNN“新的一天” 采访联电川普,他曾说不打算去找债权人及重谈债务。美国网友:他居然在公开场合这么瞎说,太吓人了,民众对我们如何偿债的方式可能会造成永久性的误会。更吓人的是----他是否真的相信自己说的。


Donald Trump is starting his week by firing back at media outlets for what he felt was a misrepresentation of his comments on the national debt.


In a telephone interview with CNN's "New Day," Trump said that he doesn't intend to to go out to creditors and renegotiate the debt.

CNN“新的一天” 采访联电川普,他曾说不打算去找债权人及重谈债务。

"So here's the story, just to have it corrected. If we have an opportunity where interest rates go up and you can buy debt back at a discount," the presumptive nominee said.


"If we are liquid enough as a country we should do that," Trump said. He added that the repurchasing of debt is something that happens in business all the time.


Trump added that there is no way the U.S. government could default because it prints money.


"This is the United States government. First of all, you never have to default because you print the money. I hate to tell you, okay? So there's never a default," he said.


Chris 16 minutes ago
He's said a lot of dumb things but this is hands down the dumbest. Any first year business student can tell you that even if the government did print it's own money( it doesn't the Federal Reserve and it's independent) if you flood the market with new money then the old money becomes worth less and therefore the dollar on a whole becomes worth less. It's a real wonder why this guy has been bankrupt so many times. A real wonder indeed.

Jonathan 31 minutes ago
It says in our constitution that we can scrap the current govt. at any time we chose. Congress only has an 11% approval rating so I think now would be the perfect time to wipe the slate clean and start over new and this time write in the new constitution that lawyers can not run for public office, term limits of only 4 years then you are gone with NO PENSION, you got to use the same healthcare system as everyone else, no wars or tax increases without a popular vote, lobbying is punishable by death, taking bribes and kickbacks is punishable by death on national television, political parties are banned, you can not get any type of govt. welfare unless you are participating in the workforce and then it is limited to a certain amount of time... There are tons of things we can add to it to make it a "more perfect union".



Sancho 19 minutes ago
Technically Trump is correct. Currency is based on faith. We could print money and pay off our national debt tomorrow. It's called debt monetization. We already do it in small increments - as do all developed nations. As long as nations have faith in the U.S. economy, they'll continue buying our dollars. Monetization of the U.S. dollar to pay off our debt would destroy world economies so we don't do it. We continue to add to it. Our national debt is more notional than real. As long as the world agrees that the dollar is pegged to something of value like the future economic integrity of the U.S., the debt simply metastasizes off to the side ignored. It's not being paid down. It's being subsidized by countries who need U.S. market in order to sell their stuff. and isn't included in anything serious. Seriously - without US markets, Chinese manufacturing would be devastated. It remains in the world economy's best interest to purchase our dollars, our debt and all those bundled mortgages.


chico81 11 minutes ago
This is what happens when you vote for someone who isn't a "politician", you get someone who doesn't understand the national economy, global economy, civics, the constitution, history, civil rights, or the consequences of his actions. This is why I would rather trust someone who has devoted their life to the public good, to political theory, to civics, to macro economics, to history, and to law. Yes, Clinton and Obama have a somewhat tarnished record, but I can guarantee you they wouldn't be saying dumb things like this. This isn't a reality tv show, you can't call bankruptcy on our nation, you can't just print money to pay debts. Anybody who took a high school civics class knows that it leads to massive duation of currency and hyperinflation. Look at post WWI Germany. How can the presidential nominee be this clueless? But as he so eloquently stated, "I went to the best schools, I'm like, a smart person".



A Yahoo reader 10 minutes ago
Why yes Donald that is true! ... BUT...The only thing, your "astonishing business mind" fails to understand is for each of those dollar printed the value of the US dollar decreases. The very same thing has been happening for thousands of years with out much success. THe poor middle class gets the brunt of it, but not for much longer, they are a dying class in the world today. I've got to tell you Donald, you have a nack for bringing up the obvious. You might want to go back to flaunting your intellect to yourself, because most of the rest of the world isn't fooled by your intellect in any way whatsoever.You can most assuredly explain it to yourself again so that you and your mind are on the same page.



Bronco Fan 22 minutes ago
Trump is such an idiot. First he believes he can solve a debt issue like he would with one of his real estate deals by threatening to default if the lender won't accept a discounted payoff.

Then he says we can just print money to buy back debt which any first year finance student knows won't work. So what's next? Will he offer a plan to put the US into bankruptcy and then just start a new country like he would with one of his businesses?

How in the hell can anyone take this guy seriously? He's like a reality TV show mogul and a game show host all rolled into one. Why did Joe Walsh ever stop running for President. This would have been his year to take it all. LOL

为什么会有人把这个奇葩这么当回事儿?他充其量就是个TV秀里的人物和娱乐节目里主持人的合体。为什么Joe Walsh放弃角逐总统大选。明明该是他一举拿下才对。哈哈


yoyoyo 27 minutes ago
Trump isn't stupid.
Anyone who thinks that Trump understands national and international macroeconomics is stupid.
We renig on debt as a nation, i.e. we negotiate to a lower debt with the countries we owe, , or we don't pay anything, and our credit rating as a nation will go down, and the economy will tank
No amount of printing currency can change that.
Default? IDK, but neither does Trump.
simple logic 1 minute ago
Moron and utter imbecile this Duck.



Infamoustimes 2 minutes ago
It's scary he would put that answer out there in public to be absorbed as a permanent misconception about how we pay on our debt. And even scarier - does he actually BELIEVE it.

paul 25 minutes ago
I do wish we did have are own money, then if we loan it out to people, we would collect interest to run our government.

chico81 30 minutes ago
Yeah, Germany tried this after WWI, worked out great for them. Hyperinflation, bread cost a million marks. It probably wouldn't get that bad but it would due our currency and the average American will have substantially lower buying power, thus making Americans poorer. Any other bright ideas for bankrupting our nation like you did your companies?



Robert 37 minutes ago
The comments show me people aren't understanding the difference between a default and hyperinflation. Trump is 100% correct, the US government can never default since it controls the supply of the very currency it owes its debt in.
Trump did not say that doing so wouldn't cause a whole slew of problems by itself.

shawn 36 minutes ago
Not true- the Federal Reserve bank prints money. And the Federal reserve is not owned by the US. They are the World Bank. America sold out to them in 1913. Look it up!!! That's why we pay interest on that money!


He who shall not be named 36 minutes ago
The government can print money NOW.
So why doesn't that fix our financial problems NOW?
Could it be because Government Finances don't work in the same way as Business Finances? Hmmm...



Isaac 37 minutes ago
“First of all, you never have to default because you print the money.” A great thinker Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe also thinks in the same way. In that country people go to market with bag full of money and come back home with pocket full of goods.

Ed 17 minutes ago
But you right wingers keep telling me that he is a genius. He keeps saying how smart he is. Will monopoly money be also available as well?

Nate Watermelon 29 minutes ago
Printing money costs MONEY. You have to pay:
The workers, for the paper, the ink, the shipping, the maintenance for the machines AND the machines themselves, plus the security at the facilities, pay whomever makes the paper fibers, the lumberjacks who cut the trees down, pay the armored car drivers, and lastly...you have to pay the electrical bill for the machines.


Wonderful, we have more than enough money to build the wall!



JJ 52 minutes ago
The Great Pumpkin has spoken. Unfortunately printing more money dues the currency.

Bill & Kalie 1 hour ago
Germany printed money after WWI as well. Results was massive inflation and unrest. It took a wheelbarrow full of money to buy a loaf of bread. The unrest gave rise to the #$%$ party.

buddybudd 40 minutes ago
The United States doesn't print money. The Federal Reserve does and the Federal Reserve is a privately owned bank.

