平均而言,一个说英语的人需要88周才能学会中文(下) [美国媒体]


On average it takes an English speaker 88 weeks to learn Chinese


16 points
The funny thing is that Mandarin is actually the easiest Chinese language out there. Languages like Hokkien and Cantonese are even harder to speak. Mandarin speakers have a very hard time learning those languages. I think the only hard part about Mandarin is the writing part. Speaking and reading are actually not that bad if you put in the effort. I will consider Vietnamese to be harder to speak.


3 points
As a native English speaker without musical ability, tones are really hard. For me, they are far harder than the writing, which was a grind, but not a real mindfuck.


2 points
I get your pain. I have so much trouble learning Taiwanese because the tone is even more messed up (in Mandarin there are like 5 tones, but in Taiwanese there are 9). I think you should just try your best to pronounce the tones. Even if you don't get your tones right, 90% of the time people can easily guess what you are trying to say by looking at the context. No one is expecting a foreigner to have perfect tones since that would mean you have to sound like a native speaker. Think of tone as accent. It is just as hard for a native Chinese speaker to speak English without accent. As long as you are understandable, you should be fine.


15 points
Just wanted to point out that Chinese also has hanzi with multiple pronunciations (多音字). 乐, for example, can be "le" or "yue." In 快乐, "joyful," it's "le," "kuai le," but in 音乐, "music," it's "yue," "yin yue." There's actually a lot of these in Chinese (行 can be xing or hang, 长 can be chang or zhang, 觉 can be jiao or jue, 的 is usually "de" but sometimes "di," in three different tonal varients.) Sometimes it's even just a tonal variation, with 好 sometimes with a rising-falling tone and other times with a sharp falling tone.


18 points
Yeah, but I think Chinese has very few of those while Japanese has a lot of kanji with the different pronunciations. And the tones change depending on the tone next to it and you can get the hang of it with practice. I'm not saying Chinese is easy in any way. I just think Japanese is more difficult in comparison.


14 points
while Japanese has a lot of kanji with the different pronunciations
Virtually all of them, I think.


7 points
A couple months of watching anime.


6 points
This is funny because when I started learning Mandarin I watched one too many episodes of Xi Yang Yang. And now I sound like a whiny lamb.

5 points
I look forward to spending the rest of my day with the Xi Yang Yang theme music going round my head.

