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Posted byu/Tren-Bot 16 hours ago![]()
Yesterday Sunday a local alx went out between many of the parents in our local area on many local wechat groups about a young boy of 16 who had ran away from home. He had left a note and his phone in his room and wrote down that he won’t be coming back.
First day first body count.
RIP kid
TehBonus 21 points·15 hours ago
Wtf is wrong with some of the comments in here? Poor kid.
owyowy 10 points·15 hours ago
Sadly it's very common.
Alkazar-Gui1 7 points·16 hours ago
Do you have a source or a news article for this?
Machopsdontcry 3 points·10 hours ago
Parents using their kids to show off,you can see it everywhere in the world but in China it seems to be so much steonger
papabear_kr 1 point·1 hour ago
many people took this routine too seriously: Olympics - The silver medal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xK9rbwM3omA
(译注:视频链接是杰瑞·宋飞(Jerry Seinfeld)有关奥运会的单口相声。
I think I have a problem with that silver medal. I think if I was an olympics athlete, I would rather come in last than win the silver. If you think about it, you win the gold, you feel good; you win the bronze, you think, well, at least I got something. But you win that silver, that's like congratulations, you almost won. Of all the losers, you came in first of that group. You're the No.1 loser. No one lost ahead of you.
slowinternet -2 points·2 hours ago
Way to use a child's death as a chance to sprout your shitty racism. Are school shootings in the US a white thing? Is white skin color the reason those kids shoot up their schools and the US government doesn't do a thing about it?
Pressure and emotional distress manifests itself on different ways and degrees in different contexts. If you just write it off as a race thing then there's no way to do anything about it or have a productive discussion about actual solutions.
HakanAzeri Wales 1 point·1 hour ago
Polypinoon European unx 2 points·3 hours ago
When you are pressured so much by your parents because they only view you as their retirement plan it's not unexpected that some kids can't deal with it and choose a way out.
x0vash0x United States 1 point·1 hour ago
[None of the local parents school or government education departments will learn from this and will continue to push their kids into depression.]
It is not depression it is anxiety and the inability to deal with the high stress levels. Sure part of it is depression but these kids do not often show signs of depression. They show signs of desperation.
I once has a freshman high school student come up to me almost crying and asked me: "Anon if you asked your mom for a hug what would you mom do?" I wasn't really sure I understood so I said confusingly "My mom would give me a hug.... why?" The girl replied: "When I asked my mom for a hug she said hugs were a sign of weakness and that I shouldn't ask for hugs.... Anon can I hug you?" Naturally I gave her a hug.
Basically shitty parents drive their kids to commit suidice because they're shitty parents and humans.
Katergroip 13 points·14 hours ago
The best students get the best scores on the Gaokao and therefore get the best University offers and then the best jobs.
-IntoTheVoid- 5 points·14 hours ago·edited 14 hours ago
Basically it comes down to a poor cultural understanding of stress education and parenting skills. Students who aren’t constantly exhausted are thought to be lazy sleep deprivation from study that starts to inhibit memory generation is encouraged and students who don’t top the class are blamed for their parent’s loss of face (in part because rankings are generally publicly displayed). There’s a belief that getting into the right university which is directly lixed to the university entrance exam score is more important than having a happy adolescence maintaining your mental health developing social and emotional skills or developing self-knowledge. Mostly this attitude is driven by salary and marriage prospects.
China doesn’t release any data but there’s evidence that they have one of the highest rates of youth suicide in Asia (South Korea officially has the highest followed by Japan).
MrsPandaBear 13 points·14 hours ago
I think most Chinese parents understand exactly what’s happening and hate the system as much as the students. I don’t think think there’s a poor misunderstanding of any of this.
In fact I see the opposite. My cousin’s all felt pressure to do well in school because of the high stakes put on the exam not because their parents are adding pressure to save face. The general attitude is I can enjoy by teenage years and suffer later as an adult in job and marriage prospects or I can sacrifice these years and enjoy the rest of my life. But none of my relatives or family friends see this as a positive thing. If anything I’ve heard many say they’d rather take their child’s place in the entire process. One mother who grew up during the famine told me “I have a better life than my daughter she may have more things but I had a real childhood”.
Plenty of Chinese immigrant parents in America have happily let their kids enjoy their childhood because there’s much not much at stake in school. I grew up as one of those kids and attended Chinese school with some of them . My parents never concerned themselves too much with my grades and most of my Chinese friends didn’t either. You always get that one tiger mom that can’t shake the pressure cooker mentality but most parents couldn’t give a fig if their kids weren’t valedictorian.
-IntoTheVoid- 7 points·13 hours ago
Sounds like you had a supportive and progressive family. Did you grow up in a 1st tier city? I ask because I think things work very different in places like Shanghai compared to the rest of China.
In tier 3 cities like mine the parents seem to be the ones who drive the education system. The government attempts to restrict term times to allow students to take proper holidays only to have the parents enrol their students in cram-schools over the summer. There’s a belief that students need to ‘catch up’ to their more urbanised peers by studying as much possible regardless of the efficacy of that study.
Each of my cousin who I saw going through the gaokao during their last year had that mentality. “If I’m not studying someone else is and I’m going to fall behind”.
This manifests itself as increasing cram classes jn the lower grades and excessive studying in the higher grades. I actually experienced it myself in med school especially during boards. I studied all the time as did most of my class. Even as a pretty smart group of people we bought into the idea that a bit more studying will help us score a few more points allowing us to get into our desired speciality.
In any high stake exam system I think rationality goes out the window and everyone just scrambles to cram as much as they can regardless of the logic of it. China just has the misfortune of stretching this out throughout the better part of their children’s lives.
hcc415 -20 points·15 hours ago
Natural sextion
bigwangbowski United States -35 points·16 hours ago
Fuck that. There was clearly something else going on.
Every kid gets that pressure but not every kid kills himself.
kimmelzhang123 24 points·15 hours ago
Apparently you know nothing about chinese middle schools.
Salva252 7 points·15 hours ago
We don't have the full story so I obviously am skeptical but to respond to your "there was clearly something else going on" pressure can get to people and not everyone responds the same way in the same situation so it could definitely happen.
cuteshooter 1 point·2 hours ago
Not everyone can handle the pressure you _______!
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