XpakistaniRealignment with the goals of thenew government was necessary for the CPEC project. PTI is leading the countryin the right direction by giving impetus to socio economic goals so that thepeople are benefited directly.新政府对中巴经济走廊项目进行目标调整是很有必要的。通过推动可使人民直接受益的社会经济发展项目,巴基斯坦正义运动党正在带领巴基斯坦走向正确道路。
It must go on at a swift pace andspeed to its conclusive end at the earliest possible. This project is of greatinterest for regional and global economic development for both countries. Chinaand Pakistan must not let it slowdown for any reason in its any shape and form.这个项目必须要快速发展,并尽量在最短时间内实现其最终目标。对于中巴两国而言,该项目均可以推动区域和全球经济发展。中国和巴基斯坦必须保证,这个项目不会出现任何形式的拖延和放缓。Any another regional country’sare most welcome to join and invest in these CPEC projects. Long live Pakistanand China friendship.欢迎所有的区域国家来投资这些中巴经济走廊项目。中巴友谊万岁!
KhurramWhy CPEC articles always haverhetoric but no numbers. Mega project, new era of economic growth, hub ofindustrialisation and what not. Give some numbers please other than loanamount.为什么文章介绍中巴经济走廊项目时用词华丽却根本没有具体的数字呢?比如,大型项目、经济增长新时代、工业化中心等等。请给出一些除贷款数量之外的具体数字吧。
GoharChina has the highest heavyindustry in the world with highest pollution and due to heavy US tariffs, manyof them in turmoil.中国拥有世界上最大的重工业和工业污染,现在由于美国征收的高关税,中国许多重工业领域都出现了混乱。
ShahInviting industries to locatetheir production in and around Gawadar is the key for development andemployment.邀请行业企业入驻并在瓜达尔港口内外建立生产线,才是推动发展创造就业的关键因素。
Pitbull"Pakistan and China wishedto steer clear of adverse criticism from the US and India"借此,中巴两国可以避免某些国家(尤其是美国和印度)的指责。Will Pakistan allow IndianInvestors to invest in CPEC?巴基斯坦会允许印度投资者来参与中巴经济走廊项目吗?
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