南海新局势:中国强化控制,美国面临考验!(无评论) [美国媒体]



NEAR MISCHIEF REEF, South China Sea — Asthe United States Navy reconnaissance plane banked low near Mischief Reef inthe South China Sea early this month, a Chinese warning crackled on the radio.


“U.S. military aircraft,” came thechallenge, delivered in English in a harsh staccato. “You have violated ourChina sovereignty and infringed on our security and our rights. You need toleave immediately and keep far out.”


Aboard the P-8A Poseidon maritime patrolaircraft, flying in what is widely considered to be international airspace, Lt.Dyanna Coughlin scanned a live camera feed showing the dramatic evolution ofMischief Reef.

这架“P-8A 海神”(P-8APoseidon)海上巡逻机当时正在一片有广泛共识的国际空域内飞行。机上的狄安娜·考格林中尉(Lt. Dyanna Coughlin)拍摄了一段实况视频影像,展现美济礁上的巨大变化。

In congressional testimony before assuminghis new post as head of the United States Indo-Pacific Command in May, Adm.Philip S. Davidson sounded a stark warning about Beijing’s power play in a seathrough which roughly one-third of global maritime trade flows.

在今年五月接任美国印度-太平洋司令部总司令一职前,菲利普·S·戴维森上将(Adm. Philip S. Davidson)曾在国会听证会上发出警告,表示北京正在海上采取高压攻势,而约有三分之一的国际海事贸易都需要经过这片海域。

“In short, China is now capable ofcontrolling the South China Sea in all scenarios short of war with the UnitedStates,” Admiral Davidson said, an assessment that caused some consternation inthe Pentagon.


In a June meeting with Defense SecretaryJim Mattis, Mr. Xi vowed that China “cannot lose even one inch of theterritory” in the South China Sea, even though an international tribunal hasdismissed Beijing’s expansive claims to the waterway.

在6月与美国国防部长吉姆·马蒂斯(Jim Mattis)的会晤中,**誓言中国在南海“领土一寸也不能丢”,尽管一个国际法庭已经驳回了中国对这片水域的广泛领土主张。

The reality is that governments withoverlapping territorial claims — representing Vietnam, the Philippines, Taiwan,Malaysia and Brunei — lack the firepower to challenge China. The United Stateshas long fashioned itself as a keeper of peace in the Western Pacific. But it’sa risky proposition to provoke conflict over a scattering of rocks in the SouthChina Sea, analysts say.


Could somewhere like Half Moon Shoal be thenext flash point in the South China Sea?


“A crisis at Half Moon was averted, but ithas always been the risk with the South China Sea that a small incident inremote waters escalates into a much larger crisis through miscommunication ormishandling,” said Ian Storey, a senior fellow at the ISEAS-Yusof IshakInstitute in Singapore. “That’s why this is all so dangerous. It’s not just apile of rocks that can be ignored.”

“半月礁的危机得以避免,但是南海一直存在这样的风险:在偏远海域发生的一件小事,如果沟通不畅或处理不当,可能会升级为一场规模大得多的危机,”新加坡东南亚研究所(Institute of Southeast Asian Studies)的高级研究员伊恩·J·斯托雷(Ian J. Storey)说。“这就是为什么这一切如此地危险。这不仅仅是一堆可以忽略的岩石。”

On the scratchy radio channel, the Chinesechallenges kept on coming. Eight separate times during the mission this month,Chinese dispatchers queried the P-8A Poseidon. Twice, the Chinese accused theAmerican military aircraft not just of veering close to what Beijing consideredits airspace but also of violating its sovereignty.


“Leave immediately!” the Chinese warnedover and over.


Descending as low as 5,000 feet, thesurveillance flight this month gave a bird’s-eye view of the Chineseconstruction.


On Subi Reef, a construction crane swunginto action next to a shelter designed for surface-to-air missiles. There werebarracks, bunkers and open hangars. At least 70 vessels, some warships,surrounded the island.

在渚碧礁(Subi Reef)上,一辆建筑起重机在一处专门用于地对空导弹的掩体旁开始工作。岛上有营房、工事和开放式机库。至少有70艘船和几艘军舰包围着该岛。

On Fiery Cross Reef, a complex of buildingswith Chinese eaves was arrayed at the center of the reclaimed island, includingan exhibition-style hall with an undulating roof. It looked like a typicalnewly built town in interior China — except for the radar domes that protrudedlike giant golf balls across the reef. A military-grade runway ran the lengthof the island, and army vehicles trundled across the tarmac. Antenna farmsbristled.

在永暑礁(Fiery Cross Reef),一片带着中式屋檐的建筑物排在这个填海岛屿的中心,其中有一座有着波浪屋顶,看起来像一个展厅。除了像巨型高尔夫球一样凸起的雷达天线罩,这里和典型的中国内陆新建城镇没什么不同。一段军用飞机跑道有整个岛那么长,军用车辆在跑道上缓慢行进。天线密布。

“It’s impressive to see the Chinesebuilding, given that this is the middle of the South China Sea and far awayfrom anywhere, but the idea that this isn’t militarized, that’s clearly not thecase,” Commander Purcell said. “It’s not hidden or anything. The intention,it’s there plain to see.”


“We are prepared to support China’schoices, if they promote long-term peace and prosperity,” Mr. Mattis said,explaining the snub. “Yet China’s policy in the South China Sea stands in starkcontrast to the openness of our strategy.”


For its part, Beijing claims the UnitedStates is the one militarizing the South China Sea. In addition to the routinesurveillance flyovers, Mr. Trump has sent American warships more frequently towaters near China’s man-made islands. These so-called freedom of navigationpatrols, which occur worldwide, are meant to show the United States’ commitmentto maritime free passage, Pentagon officials say.


The last such operation by the UnitedStates was in May, when two American warships sailed near the Paracels, anothercontested South China Sea archipelago. Beijing was irate.


“Certain people in the U.S. are staging afarce of a thief crying, ‘Stop, thief!’ ” said Hua Chunying, a Chinese foreignministry spokeswoman. “It is self-evident to a keener eye who is militarizingthe South China Sea.”


The United States says that it does nottake any side in territorial disputes in the South China Sea. On its maps,China uses a so-called nine-dash line to scoop out most of the waterway’s turfas its own. But international legal precedent is not on China’s side when itcomes to the dashed demarcation, a version of which was first used in the1940s.


“I hope China would temper its behavior,”Mr. Duterte said. “You cannot create an island and say the air above it isyours.”


Perceptions of power — and Chinesereactions to these projections — have led some analysts to criticize PresidentBarack Obama as having been too timid in countering China over what Adm. HarryB. Harris Jr., the former head of the United States Pacific Command, memorablycalled a “great wall of sand” in the South China Sea.

对力量的认识——以及中国对这些力量展示的反应——导致一些分析人士批评美国总统贝拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)反对中国在南海建造的“沙之长城”时过于胆怯——这个令人难忘的名称是美国太平洋司令部前司令小哈里·B·哈里斯(Harry B. Harris Jr.)提出的。

Critics, for instance, have faulted theprevious administration for not conducting more frequent freedom of navigationpatrols.


“China’s militarization of the South ChinaSea has been a gradual process, with several phases where alternative actionsby the U.S., as well as other countries, could have changed the course ofhistory,” said Alexander Vuving, a professor at the Daniel K. InouyeAsia-Pacific Center for Security Studies in Honolulu.

“中国将南海军事化是一个渐进的过程,在其中几个阶段里,美国以及其他国家的如果采取不同的行动,可能会改变历史进程,”檀香山亚太安全研究中心(Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies)的教授亚历山大·吴翁(Alexander Vuving)说。

Chief among these moments, Mr. Vuving said,was China’s takeover of Scarborough Shoal. The United States declined to backup the Philippines, a defense treaty ally, by sending Coast Guard vessels orwarships to an area that international law has designated as within thePhilippines’ exclusive economic zone.


“Do you see any construction vessels aroundthere?” Lieutenant Coughlin asked.


“Negative, ma’am,” replied Lt. JoshuaGrant, as he used a control stick to position the plane’s camera overScarborough Shoal. “We’ll see if it changes next time.”

“没有,女士,”约书亚·格兰特(Joshua Grant)上尉回答道,他操纵控制杆,将飞机相机对准斯卡伯勒浅滩。“我们下次再看看有没有变化。”
