中国的“娘娘腔现象”:北京方面担忧“病态文化”对青少年造成的负面影响 [美国媒体]




Posted byu/UseThePorgLuke 3 days ago
Despite the growing popularity of effeminate males in Chinese youth culture the portrayal of soft masculinity in Chinese media has received a strong pushback from powerful players in Beijing.



Applying foundation nose contouring and filling in eyebrows are standard practice for many women getting ready to head out.


But for many men in China and in other parts of Asia using cosmetics is part of their routine too.


"I basically wear makeup every time I go out and buying clothes also makes me happy" Zhang Yangzi a 22-year-old teacher from Shanghai told the ABC.


He said he spends about a third of his monthly income on his appearance mainly on clothing and cosmetics.


"Perhaps I feel that makeup will make me more confident and I think men should polish ourselves better" he added.


Mr Zhang is part of a growing trend in China where men are displaying a softer form of masculinity sparked by the rise of effeminate male celebrities in Chinese media and popular culture.


[Mr Zhang poses for a photo with makeup and temporary face tattoos]


Statistics from research firm Euromonitor show the market for male grooming products is rapidly expanding in China with a 44 per cent sales increase (in real terms) of male grooming products from 2011 to 2016.


Julia Illera research consultant at Euromonitor International anticipated global sales of male beauty products would continue to rise over the next five years particularly in the Asia Pacific market.

欧睿国际的研究顾问朱莉娅·伊莱拉(Julia Illera)预计,未来五年,全球男性美容产品的销量将持续上涨,尤其是在亚太地区市场。

"When looking at regions Asia-Pacific is the fastest-growing region in men's grooming globally" Ms Illera told the ABC.


"Contrary to other regions where sales of men's grooming is driven by shaving and deodorants in Asia-Pacific men's skincare is the largest and fastest-growing category."


'Sissy pants' boys part of a 'sickly culture': state media


Despite the growing popularity of effeminate males in Chinese youth culture the portrayal of masculinity in Chinese media has received a strong pushback from powerful players in Beijing.



Last week Chinese state media Xinhua published an editorial slamming the portrayal of men in Chinese media claiming the popularity of the "sickly aesthetics" in effeminate celebrities was having an adverse impact on teenagers.

上周,中国官方媒体新华社发表了一篇社论,抨击中国媒体中的男性形象,声称 "病态美学" 在女性化名人中的流行对青少年产生了负面影响。

Xinhua said that "sissy pants" or "little fresh meats" — who they describe as effeminate young men who use makeup are slender and wear androgynous clothing — were hurting China's national image.

新华社表示"娘娘腔" 或 "小鲜肉"——这些使用化妆品、身材苗条、穿雌雄难辨服装的女子气的年轻男人——损害了中国的国家形象。

"In an open and diverse society aesthetics can be varied and people can enjoy what they do" Xinhua's editorial said.

新华社的社论称: "一个开放多元的社会,审美自可参差多态,各得其所。”

"However everything should have a limit … in this case it's no longer a matter of aesthetics but it is an enthusiasm for ugliness and vulgarity.


"The reason why the sissy pants phenomenon arouses public antipathy is that we cannot underestimate the negative impact of this sickly culture on teenagers who are the future of the country."


The editorial stressed that "what a society's pop culture should embrace reject and spread is really critical to the future of the country."

社论强调, "但一个社会和国家的流行文化拥抱什么、拒绝什么、传播什么,确乎是关系国家未来的大事。”

The editorial with its use of strong derogatory terms like "sissy pants" received a mixed reaction on Chinese social media.

这篇社论使用了如 "娘娘腔"等强烈的贬义词,在中国社交媒体中受到了褒贬不一的反应。

"It would be a country's tragedy if the whole society accepted this sissy culture and teenagers started following it. Supporting cultural diversity does not mean that this culture should become part of the mainstream" wrote one Weibo user DRA Spider.


"It is up to the individual to decide who they want to be. Even if a boy likes to wear makeup and speak softly it doesn't mean he has no sense of responsibility" posted another user LiRoFi.


The comments also received strong opposition from another state media People's Daily — which is often referred to as the China Communist Party mouthpiece — which denounced Xinhua's use of derogatory terms like "sissy pants".

这番言论也受到了来自另一个国家媒体《人民日报》的强烈反对——经常被称为ZG喉舌——谴责新华社使用的贬义词,如 "娘娘腔"。

"A valuation based on gender characteristics which equates male quality with appearance is a simplistic approach" said People's Daily.


They added that masculinity came from within citing "courage and responsibility" and the "behaviour of abiding by the law" as more important factors of masculinity.


-------------译者:WORKING DAD-审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

antifocus China 27 points·3 days ago
Probably because China had been heavily influenced by Japan and South Korea pop culture.


bpsavage84 13 points·3 days ago
Japanese guys like Gackt in the 90s heavily influenced Korean pop culture's perception of the "Westernized-Asian beauty standard" for the lack of a better term. Meaning dyed hair contact lenses make up effeminate / slender look. H.O.T was the original flamboyant kpop boy band and they went all out in emulating Japanese fashion trends and now we have the likes of BTS influencing even teeny boppers in Western countries due to youtube and Instagram. China lacked a modern pop culture so they just straight up copied Korea as well.

像Gackt(神威乐斗)这样的日本人,在90年代严重影响了韩国流行文化对“西化的亚洲审美标准”的看法。(因为没有更好的术语能表示,大概意思是染发、戴隐形眼镜、化妆,女性化/纤细的外表。) H.O.T是最初的韩国流行男子乐队,他们都全力以赴模仿日本流行趋势。现在我们有像BTS这样的组合,甚至因为油管和Instagram而影响到了来自西方国家的少女迷们。中国缺乏现代流行文化,所以他们就直接抄袭了韩国。

JillyPolla Taiwan 3 points·3 days ago


MrsPandaBear 33 points·3 days ago
Who cares? Makeup and grooming doesn’t make a man. Being a good person is what makes a man. Maybe people should be more concerned with any number of urgent matters that’s affecting China right now.

谁在乎? 化妆和打扮不能造就一个男人。做个好人才算是个真男人。也许人们应该更多地关注那些目前正在影响中国的一些紧迫的问题。

steaminghotgazpacho United States 9 points·3 days ago
The guy in the article spends 1/3 of his monthly wage on clothes and cosmetics. I might understand this kind of spending if it were some other hobby where one developes a skill or an inner quality. This seems to be just abject consumerism that's defended as self-expression/individuality.


downvotesyndromekid United Kingdom 3 points·2 days ago
People make a living these days just shopping and showing off their look of the day. I suppose there's usually some talent some skill and some hard work involved.


jostler57 4 points·3 days ago
[Being a good person is what makes a man.]
No being a good person is what makes any human. This shouldn’t be a 1 gender expectation.
What you mean though is manliness is variable and can be interpreted how a person who identifies as male sees fit.


marcopoloman 15 points·3 days ago
Yeap. My 75 year old mom came to visit. After 2 days she asked me if there were any straight men in this country. Lol. Makes me laugh to think of the.



jostler57 14 points·3 days ago
[Makes me laugh to think of the...]
implications because it implies she thinks I’m not straight which I totally am and can prove it because I’ve kissed a girl. Also I only wear makeup when I’m going out so it’s not like all the time or anything and it’s not a skirt grandma! It’s a long shirt.


TheDark1 10 points·3 days ago
TFW not sure if offensively racist or offensively homophobic.


bpsavage84 5 points·3 days ago
Shes old and will die soon so it's okay :)


plorrf 9 points·3 days ago
I don't think this is very prent or mainstream yet. At least not in the North where you're lucky when a guy changes his shirt twice a week. Generally spoken most Chinese men unlike their counterparts in Korea and Japan don't really care how they look I'd say.


bpsavage84 11 points·3 days ago
Because most of the ones you come across at poor migrant workers who don't have the time or money to spend on that shit. This article is obviously talking about the city dwellers / new middle class.


xbillybobx 3 points·3 days ago
I wish I didn't click on that lix.


bpsavage84 1 point·3 days ago
They copied Korea who copied Japan. Fucking Japan lol.


Lord-Uranus 2 points·2 days ago
Protein powder on its way


EwaldSphere7 2 points·2 days ago
All those feminizing toxins in products finally got to them.


Calver-o 4 points·3 days ago
Good opportunity for male grooming and skincare products though.



newhavenlao 5 points·3 days ago
Many of these 'dudes' on tv or Chinese hip culture have no muscles. Was watching that shitty rap show and NO ONE had an ounce of muscle fiber even the fat dude who is like 6'5 has no muscles what so ever. There needs to be a change in order to make the chinese society masculine. And yet even the gym rats has no personality what so ever.. Because during their trial teenage years they do not develop a sense of self worth. So yea everything goes back to the shit school system they have. More time studying during the 13-15 = less muscle development even though the times of immense hormone production.


bpsavage84 3 points·3 days ago
How do you know they have no personality? Are you hitting on guys in the gym or what?


Kopfballer 3 points·2 days ago
China is such a weak country.


They are afraid of Gay/Lesbian couples
they are afraid of somebody calling their Leader "Winnie the Pooh"
they are afraid of Religion
they are afraid of other cultures and ethnicities
they are afraid of not all people having the exact same opinion
they are afraid of critical thinking
they are afraid of somebody saying Taiwan/HK/Tibet are not part of China
they are afraid of somebody saying China is NOT Numba 1
they are afraid of dogs
they are even afraid of Hiphop

Now they are also afraid of some teenagers looking too female.


ComradeMisato 2 points·3 days ago
Worth noting that People’s Daily strongly contradicted this; the headline is kind of misleading and makes it sound as if it’s some kind of official government policy/party line which it’s not.


heels_n_skirt 1 point·2 days ago·edited 2 days ago
Probably none of the men wants to have a beer belly and wear pants up to their chest
