Is Jack Ma right that the US-China trade war will last more than Trump's presidency? Does it make sense for the US and for China?
Paul Denlinger, worked at Forbes
Answered 13h ago
Yes, but it is not really about the US and China.
It is about the US.
You see, the Chinese are thinking it is all about Donald Trump, but Donald Trump is not the cause, he is just a symptom. Trump has given a voice to many white Americans who feel that they have been disenfranchised by all the changes which have taken place in the US over the past 30 years, and the reason he was elected was because the Democrats did not recognize or address their anger.
The problem with the US democratic system is that it is slow to change, and when change happens, it is often because of some earthquake which happens in society. My prediction is that US society will be ripe for some earthquakes in the next 20 years, and some of these earthquakes may be violent.
美国民主制度的问题在于改变缓慢,而当改变发生时,通常是因为社会发生了强震。我的预测是未来20年美国社会将会发生强震 ,而其中的一些强震可能是暴力性的。
In analyzing the current American situation, the concept of class struggle is very useful. It is a classic case of capital trying to lock in their interests, while labor is looking not just for leadership and a voice, but more simply, for jobs, because many of their jobs will soon be replaced by AI. In the current class struggle, not only has labor lost leverage, it has almost no leverage at all. In the US, the Democratic Party has traditionally represented labor, while the Republican Party has traditionally represented capital.
It is very interesting, but to this day, the Marxist concept of class struggle works well for diagnosing the problems of American society.
When large numbers of labor lose hope, and then organize with no clear goal, you get social violence. This violence only ends when the political system reaches a new steady state which addresses some of labors’ complaints.
This is why many smart people are leaving the US. They understand that the US is undergoing an internal struggle, and until these issues are resolved, the US is kind of a waste of time.
Better to go somewhere else which is growing so that they can be productive, and then maybe come back to the US when the political system more accurately represents the society.
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