如果你必须在中国、俄罗斯和美国之间选择入侵和占领你的国家,你会选择哪一个? [美国媒体]


If you had to choose between China, Russia, and the United States invading and occupying your nation, which would you pick?


Vincent Maldia
Answered Oct 2, 2017
The USA.
Sure a lot of anti USA peoplehave correctly pointed out that it is the USA that in actuality has in recenttimes acted “imperialist like” and has invaded or had a hand in regime changein many countries like panama, iraq, afghanistan, libya, etc. The others arenot as innocent as they seem. Russia has “annexed” crimea and china has“annexed” tibet and many islands in the philippine sea for example. You canargue that there were reasons why they did that that make it OK but you canalso argue the same way for the US “invasions”. At the time you can argue thatthere was compelling reason for the USA to invade.
Its not subject for argument thatthe USA has invaded more countries specially in recent times. It has. What issubject to argument, debate and misunderstanding is what that means. Could itbe that the reason why Russia and China have invaded less countries is becausethey lack the military/political strength, the means and the opportunity to doso? Has the USA done more invasions because it wants to, or because it had boththe means and was “forced” (forced meaning it wanted to prevent a worsesituation and had no other means than an invasion) to do so?
The USA unlike the others has amilitary designed for force projection over long distances, as well asexperience doing so. Plus politically the USA has had a much easier timejustifying its “invasions”. Tibet had a rather flimsy justification, while forcrimea, the justification sounds a little better. But there are very very fewoccasions where russia or china could politically justify one. Its just muchmore common with the USA. It is the USA, not the other countries, that is seenas the global policeman, for good reason.
Another argument although weak isthe historical effect of the USA on invaded countries. A lot of countriesinvaded by the USA specially in ww2 like japan and germany have becomeeconomically strong. This was parodied in the movie
Another argument is the fact that the leaders of the USA changeevery 4–8 years via an election. This means that even if occupied there is achance that the leadership will change its mind and pull out every election.
Speaking of elections, elections are very dependent on publicopinion. Russia and specially China have governments that are more totalitarianin character. The Russian and Chinese governments care much much less aboutpublic opinion in their countries or in the world as their leaders are muchmuch less vulnerable to it. If you are oppressed by the US government and bringyour grievances to the press which gives it widespread coverage, who do youthink will be more concerned about bad public opinion? Obviously the governmentwho is facing an election soon.
Another argument is that the USA historically invades yes, butit almost never occupies for very long (with the most glaring exception thephilippines being very long ago) unless there is a reason like ongoingfighting. Panama and grenada are examples where there is little ongoing troubleso the USA pretty much leaves the local government alone to do its own thing. Foriraq and afghansitan there is still some political pressure on the localgovernment but as of now it doesnt feel like a full on occupation. Anotherexception is arguably puerto rico. But the USA has given the puerto ricans achance to vote in elections whether to become a state, status quo or becomeindipendent, and always status quo wins. I dont see china or russia doing thesame thing.
Another argument is that as long as you play nice, the USAgenerally treats the occupied people relatively well. The philippines and japanhave been invaded and occupied by the USA in the past but they are very proWestern, and they know full well how the USA treats countries it has occupied.


JacobTsutsumi, Japanese-American, knowledgeable inhistory and linguistics.
Answered Jul 4, 2017
I would pick the United States (Ilive there but if I was in another country, I’d pick USA).
USA tends to occupy nations inthe cleanest way possible. They avoid mass execution, corruption and more.China and Russia tends to be rather careless of the citizens in the newlyinvaded country, the citizens may receive harsh treatment and more. Also, theUSA attempts to follow the rules of war. While they have broke the rules fromtime to time, they have not done so as much as China and Russia. For example,Russian-funded Ukrainian soldiers were using cluster bombs in the Donbas War,which is against the rules of war. Russia did not do ANYTHING in response ofthe cluster bombs. In the USA, there was a minor outrage and they weren’t evenpart of the Donbas War.
United States have proven to bemore trustworthy, helpful and tries hard to not break the rules of war. Chinaand Russia tend to be more aggressive and ruthless against others, this evenhappens in their own countries. China and Russia have very little freedom ofpress, etc.
In the past, the US occupiedJapan, instead of abusing the Japanese people, they helped and sorted out theJapanese situation where territory lines were messy (Japan occupation of Korea,Phillipines, etc.). While the Japanese abused the people who were invaded bythem, the USA treated them nicely. Japan is only an economic powerhouse becauseof the United States.
Ukraine: MoreCivilians Killed in Cluster Munition Attacks
China (World Report 2016, from Human Rights Watch)




Dmitry Ivanov, lives in Russia
Answered Jul 4, 2017
I live in Russia, but I think ifthe US would invade it would be great!
It’s easy:
1. Most of the great companiessuch as Apple, Microsoft, Google etc are located in the US
2. US makes GREAT cars such asDodge RAM, Ford F-150, Ford Mustang etc. It’s legends!
3. The US is the English speakingcountry, If you will know the English language you will able to go everywhere.
4. The US has the dollar ascurrency. It’s World currency. If you will want to go anywhere you haven’t needto charge your money! It’s great!
This is at least 4 main featuresfor me.
I very love American food,American culture, American films etc.
This love was with me from mychildhood. I’ve grown up with this love to the US.
And I don’t so much love Russia.
What have we made? Almost nothing!!!
Almost all “our” developing hasbeen stolen! Cars? Stolen! Technologies? Stolen!
Almost all our culture andsociety has been built on lies!
That’s why I don’t so much lovemy country.
Kind Regards, Dmitry.

4. 美国将美元作为货币。这是世界货币。如果你想去任何地方你甚至都不需要换钱!太棒了!
我们做了什么?几乎什么都没有! ! !

Rick Wang, Professional Quora basher that knows abit about China.
Answered Jul 4, 2017
My country is China, so obviouslyI’m going to pick…
What? Why? This is disgusting!The imperialists? Why not China since China already “owns” China?
Well, hear me out. The US claimto be a western style “democracy” right? So that means they would have to giveevery single Chinese citizen the right to vote right?
“The Communist Party of China is officially elected as theruling party of the United States with Xi Jinping elected as president” -CNN
“The United State government is to hold referendum on changingthe name of the nation into The People’s Republic of China and the officiallanguage of the nation into standard Mandarin” -CNN
“An amendment to the PRC constitution adopted from the former‘US constitution’ is to be made, stating that the CPC is the sole governingparty of the PRC”-CCTV (formerly CNN, translated from Mandarin)
“Socialism with Chinese Characteristics is adopted as theofficial belief of the People’s Republic of China” -CCTV (translated fromMandarin)
“We f*cked up” -Donald Trump
Well, the second most powerful country in the world justcompletely engulfed the only superpower in the world without wasting a singlebullet, losing a single person or spending a single coin to create a “godpower”nation. Sun Tzu must be proud of his descendants.
*Complete fiction, just for laughs, no scientific research andsurveying was done to back up the contents of this answer


Armando Arcia
Jul6, 2017 · 2 upvotes

Mmmm….California with a population of 39.250.000 has 55 electoral votes. China with1,4 billion would have more than that, right?


Jul11, 2017 · 1 upvote

Thelack of population is proportionate to power of the voter.
AWyoming voter has several times the power of a Californian voter.
Chinawould be the place with the least proportionate power.


Ilja Schmelzer, Diplom from Moscow State University (1983)
Answered Jul 10, 2017
I would pick Russia.
Being US-occupied means endlesscivil war (see Iraq, Afghanistan). Being Russian-occupied means the border isprotected for free, and you can do what you like in your country (SouthOssetia, Abkhasia are protected from Georgia, and nobody cares how the localsrule the country). If becoming part of Russia, like Crimea, there would be evena lot of Russian investment (bridge from Crimea to Russia). China would be lessclear. Many Tibetians and Uigurs are not happy with Chinese politics, but thiswas occupied long ago.
I have to add that in the past,with Soviet Union, Mao time China, and the US of that time my answer would havebeen US.


Ed Badgerale
Answered Jul 4, 2017
My choice would be Russia.
The USA, for all it's faults,does have many of the same values as me - democratic accountability among them.However, they have a much better (or worse maybe) history of assimilation oftheir conquests. my worry is that like Hawai or New Mexico, there would come atime when my country would start to look and feel like another US state.
China, with it's vast populationwould be able to achieve the same thing in a different way. It would be likelyto transfer so many people to Britain that it would overwhelm the natives andwe would eventually become chinaified.
Russia, possessing a surficientlydifferent culture to Britain would be unlikely to ‘convert’ us. It also has arelatively small population compared to the other two, so is unlikely tosignificantly change our demographics in favour of feeling Russian. At somepoint in the future I'm sure we'd become independent again.


Dwayne Palmeira
Answered Aug 16, 2017
Portugal for sure. If you studythe history you will see, that their intentions with the west, whereto build the biggest empire alive of EDUCATION. Arts, music,literature, etc. If you read the book “The lusiads”, illustrates itself theperiod.
What the greeks dreamed of, be smaller from what the portugueses wanted.
But as you don’t give me thischoice, for sure I choose USA/UK.
Why° That’s easy. Just look to India. The indians fought so hard to get rid ofthe British Empire, Ghandi did a great influence in brainwashing the indians toget back to their miserable way of life(for religions purposes).
But when they got independent, they got more and more and more poor. At thepoint that someone said that they were better with the britishs.
Did you know, that some AfricanCountries even beg to be a colonia of the Britishs?
But why not Russia, why notChina? If you need this question to be answered, you for sure need to read morehistory books.


NoelLeong, Chief Financial Officer at Semiconductors
Answered Jul 4, 2017
Yes to USA, basedon what it did in Japan after WW2.
No to USA, based on what happenedin Iraq.
No to Russia; remember the SovietUnion?
No to China; country with a thinskin leadership should not invade another country.


Answered Jul 4, 2017
I don’t like theidea of any of them invading any nation. They’re all capable of doing terriblethings and they have histories of doing terrible things to other people.Choosing between Donald Trump, Valdimir Putin and Xi Jinping. That’s one of theworst ultimatums I’ve ever heard of. I guess that I’ll go with the US. At leastthere will be societal backlash towards the invasion and occupation. It won’treally do anything to stop it, but at least a bunch of armchair liberals wouldsupport the cause.

Peter Hornhardt, studied at Ballarat High School
Answered Jul 4, 2017
China… they buildmore infrastructure and make better dumplings

