THE BANKRUPTCY of economic policy was on display with the U.S. Treasury’s recent release of its “watch list” of potential currency manipulators.
Conspicuously absent was the biggest manipulator of the 21st century: Uncle Sam himself. Washington’s decision in the early part of the last decade to “gradually” weaken the dollar to stimulate the economy and boost exports led to the economic disaster of 2007–09 which in turn led to the disastrous election of Barack Obama.
Countries that are fooling around with their money are only following our dreadful example.
Volatile money hurts investment the key to a higher standard of living. Like a computer virus currency instability corrupts the information that market place prices are supposed to convey. The surge in oil prices from around $20 to $25 a barrel to well over $100 led people to believe we must be running out of the stuff. As happened in the 1970s when we last debauched the dollar prodigious amounts of capital were directed into the energy sector. When the dollar strengthened oil crashed and considerable anguish ensued.
Currency manipulation never leads to long-term economic strength. Ask Brazil Argentina and Zimbabwe.
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:翻译加工厂 转载请注明出处
Jan Italia 12 hours ago
Of course the U.S. is the world’s largest currency manipulator. It has always been. Playing with interest rates right from the Greenspan days to move the value of the USD. Until interest rates became so low that the Fed could do no more. The U.S. is also the world’s largest hypocrite – always calling out other countries for doing what the U.S. does.
News Junkie 7 hours ago
Exactly! well said
Ilya Gikhman 4 hours ago
Current financial situation is followed from 1. derivatives market development. A huge amount of money treasuries were printed say to hedge themselves. 2. wars which by definition needed money to be printed to reimburse such investments with huge negative return. 3. trenches&QE policy which have pumped cash to the market
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