旧金山湾区科技巨头的技术人员几乎买不起房 网友吐槽 [美国媒体]

根据Blind APP的一项调查,旧金山湾区的生活成本变得如此昂贵,以至于从亚马逊到苹果,超过一半的科技员工都认为生活成本的增加导致他们推迟了组建家庭的时间。

The San Francisco Bay Area is getting so expensive that more than half of its tech employees, from Amazon to Apple, say the increased cost of living has caused them to delay starting a family, according to a survey by the app Blind.

根据Blind APP的一项调查,旧金山湾区的生活成本变得如此昂贵,以至于从亚马逊到苹果,超过一半的科技员工都认为生活成本的增加导致他们推迟了组建家庭的时间。

Despite earning six-figure salaries, tech employees in the Bay Area can barely afford a place to live, let alone start a family.


About 50% to 59% of employees at Amazon, Intel, Lyft, Facebook, Booking.com, and Salesforce said they put off having kids due to cost of living. The only two companies where less than half of respondents said the same are Microsoft and Oracle — around 49% and 44%, respectively.


The average tech worker in the Bay Area earns $142,000 a year, according to a report by tech talent marketplace Hired. While a six-figure salary average is nothing to scoff at, in a land where the median price of a home is around $900,000 and in a world where the average cost to raise a child is more than $230,000, it may not be enough when it comes to growing a family.


Delaying having kids is a nationwide trend


These costs only increase as children age, no matter where in the US you live.


Mr. Mango To You
I worked in Tech in California and Seattle for 20 years. My co-workers all thought I was crazy when my family pulled up stakes and moved to Oklahoma, but it is all about work-life balance and standard of living. Short commute, little traffic, low cost of living, relatively high salary, low unemployment, a nice big house and yard, low crime, good schools, good neighbors, decent weather. The only thing I miss is family and the natural beauty of the North Cascades, but we have plenty of extra money to vacation wherever we want.


Why would you move to one of the dumbest states in the nation if you cared about your future kids?


currency duation.........1.00 in 1920 buys 10.00 of goods now.


I live in exactly similar house you mention one mile away from Apple's new campus. When I bought my home 10 years back I thought it was crazy expensive. But now I see that the price of these homes in my neighborhood has gone to 2 million dollars. And homes are hard to find in my neighborhood. Just how much money is floating around?


Thats Ridiculous and Insane! Is that 1.2 million dollar home a beach house or a 5,000 ft mansion? And it's definetly not "Rodeo Drive" Beverly Hills!


Debtor economy


@Brent "And that can be said for most places. My parents home sold for $7,200 when new in 1954. They bought it for $27900 in 1978. Sold it for $375000 in 2006. And that's in a small Twin Cities MN suburb."


NO that's not really true, It's the same place but now ruled by idiots and rulers instead of by the people. New taxes on every breath you take, every mile you drive, money to pay for free health care for ILLEGALS? Well duh! The people of California either stand up and fight this #$%$ or they lay down and don't expect the rest of America to pay for their cowardliness.


Yeap - I live in the Bay Area, got two kids, a house, and a six figure salary and it's expensive to live here.


I'm glad that I bought a house when the market crashed and was able to secure a fixed 30 year 3.5% loan otherwise even with a six figure income and my wife making closing to six figures, there's no way we be able to afford to live where we live with a combine income of over $200K and having 2 kids.


Between Pre-school and after school care we're spending close to $2K a month on childcare costs. That's not to mention all of the other things after school activities and other costs associated with having kids.


So yeah, I can see people here either delaying having kids or maybe having 1, maybe 2 kids max based upon how expensive it is to live here.


The problem with high cost of living and high wage areas is taxes. It is hard to get ahead as you make more. For a married couple in CA both working as your combined income gets over 200K every dollar you make gets taxed at a 9.3% CA tax rate and a 33% Federal tax rate.


Sane libs #WALKAWAY
I spent my 30 year career in Silicon Valley as an Electrical Engineer and Computer Scientists. Retired about 9 years ago. The people and attitudes have so drastically changed from back in the 80's. live in Arizona now and can't stand spending time in the Bay Area anymore.


I do not live in San Fran area. I work my full time job making about 50K and part time job making about 25K or so... My wife is home with my baby girl. When I come home in the evening from my second job, I feel satisfy that even though I work over 60 hours, I can afford mortgage, food, medical insurance, and other things, while my wife can be home with our daughter. I also can afford some vacation once a year and few other perks. I consider myself not that rich, but can afford all the basics and then some.


I've wondered for years why any company would consider locating there. I still do. It doesn't make economic sense.

