中国大陆经济过去十年疯狂发展而台湾停滞不前,为何台湾不让大陆人来管理其经济呢? [美国媒体]


China’s economy has been growing crazily during the past decades while Taiwan stagnates. Why doesn’t Taiwan let Beijing people govern its economy since they have been doing a better job of it?


Jason Lee, B.S. Conputer Science, University of California, Davis (2000)
Answered Thu
Taiwan is about 30 years ahead in development than mainland China and its economy is in a different phase.
The PRC has been growing fast because it was so behind for so long so it could only go up.
The manufacturing that was in Taiwan mostly went to mainland China 20 years ago or more and now it is leaving mainland China for markets with cheaper labor.
So this trend was normal and has nothing to do with the management.
The ROC government has been inefficient due to corruption since the 1990′s though.
The PRC has grown mostly through manufacturing and infrastructure building. Their GDP growth is dependent on building and rebuilding things.


Rather than state opinion, driven by an agenda or bias, it is best to look at the figures produced by the IMF or similar authority.
If you Google… oh… I forgot, if you live in China you cannot freely Google anything.. but if you could Google, “Economy of Taiwan compared to China”, you will be answered with:
“Taiwan's economy is less influenced by communism, compared to mainlandChina. While Taiwan may not be as rich as mainland China, an individual living inTaiwan would be richer than an average mainland Chinese person. ... Taiwan's nominal GDP per capita is US$24,027. China's is US$8,481.”
So it would be appreciated if, when criticising Taiwan’s economy, some facts were presented from reputable authorities to substantiate the assertions being made.
To do otherwise, dues this forum.
Finally, my hope is that China’s economy will continue to grow and that Chinese citizens will one day enjoy both the affluence and the freedom that Taiwanese citizens experience. I think the Xi Jinping and his colleagues want that as well.


