如果川普强迫所有美国公司回归美国,美国能够重新繁荣吗? [美国媒体]


If Trump forces all US companies come back to the US, will the US survive?


1. John Miele, Sales at Cassis, France
Trade is not a zero sum game.
Repeat that again…
Trade is NOT a zero sum game
Trade would not exist if both partiesdid not benefit. For all of the political xenophobia going on in the USA at themoment, one segment of the economy is conveniently overlooked: The USA exportsa hell of a lot to the rest of the world. I suppose that the jobs lost to atrade war are not worth as much as the jobs lost to free trade. Companiesdo not locate to China solely to take advantage of cheaper labor and absence ofenvironmental regulations. Companies also locate in China in order to haveaccess to the huge Chinese market. In fact, China is no longer the cheapestplayer in the labor game. That honor is now shifting to other countries, suchas Bangladesh.


2. Michael Kingsbury, former Art Director
A better question is, What happens ifChina stops loaning the United States the money to run our economy?Trump seemsto not understand that it's the Chinese who are going to bankroll his big taxcut and the almost one trillion dollar debt increase that it will cause. Doingthings that hurt the Chinese economy aren't in our best interest, we need theChinese as much as they need us.And how many Americans are really willing topay two or three times as much for many things than they do now? And onan ironic note, if the US forced manufacturers to move their production back tothe US one of the hardest hit would be Donald Trump, whose products are allmade in Asia!


2.1 Liam Crowleigh
Is it possible that Trump’s stringsare being pulled by Putin in this one?


If the US recognizes China’sbrilliance for at least the next 2 decades, then the US stands to only gainfrom this partnership. The problem is USA’s politics is divided, whereas Chinais centralized leadership so US will always have incongruence in their talkswith China due to USs internal political strife. If the US wants to get back to it’sfeet, I guess it is time for the US to adopt a political system which theyhated before, which is centralized leadership and longer election terms,provided the American people get to see a leader which can rule with diplomacyand tact. A new president comes, reverses all the work done by the last one for8 years just to satisfy the vote bank and sends the country into a total stateof confusion.


2.1.3 Steve Bloxham
Of course that is what's happening.Trumpthe deal maker is more Trump the child. Easily duped. Can barely play checkers…much less Chess. He's the kind of kid who even cheats at checkers.There is noway in gods green earth he will weather the next election. We and China canwait this debacle out. Lets not forget Nixon started this when he opened upChina. Then Bill Clinton put things on steroids when he was duped into NAFTA.Nothing to do with China but it got the mindset ready to start shipping a full40% of American manufacturing away. Nice. The entire concept of a postindustrial economy is in error.


3. Bill Lipton, Dem County Chairman -- child in 50's with stay at CampDavid
It would be hard. If all the firmsreturned to the USA, there would be a very serious labor shortage. Compoundingit would be a tremendous energy shortage.But, technologically, China couldsuffer setbacks… it would tak a decade to fully automate manufacturing andprovide artificial intelligence controls… but that would mean excluding Chinesefrom America Universities — to prevent them learning the technology. To get theenergy, America would need to go 90% renewable. The USA would survive far better thanit will under the current situation … one which opposes renewables and denysthe demographic and economic reality of Negative Population Growth and aBaby-boom population that is nearly a third of the adult working populationwill soon be retired or dead. By 2035, unless we have enormous increases inautomation and renewables, America will be bankrupt.


4. T Michael Lutas
Trump would not survive such an order.Trump has given no evidence that he even wants to give such an order.The ColdWar is over. That’s the foundation of what’s going on.China has benefited froma Nixon era arrangement where they agreed not to gang up with the USSR to pileon the US in exchange for preferences in the US market. The US benefitted too.But there were losers in this arrangement and they are at the core of PresidentTrump’s voter base so, understandably, President Trump wants to renegotiate theagreement. Sweetdeals don’t last forever.Where trade and cooperation benefits the US in 2018,President Trump will be in favor. China legitimately has developed deep skills ina number of areas where economic trade should continue and even expand.Thenthere’s the other stuff. The trade which stays afloat on hidden subsidies likeselling below manufacturing cost shipping containers to exporters is not a goodlong term investment.


8. Kerry Andrew, Senior Program Manager (2009-present)
The US does not have the capacity tomagically open thousands of invisible factories. Nor, does the Americanpopulation have the money to pay for everything being made in the USA. Theprices would be at least three times what they are now.I recommend you read upon economics.


9. Dave Eastridge, studied Web Development
'what if' anything is answered byspeculation and opinion. but not much really about national borders in theworld wide web of humanity these days. usa president does not do work byhimself beyond a mouthpiece for usa government and even that is done withspeech writers and counsel of lawyers and a staff of secretaries. promises andtreaties are rarely kept but are revised at the drop of a hat! manufacturingpollution is worldwide and shared by all nations. many parts can be made in oneor more countries but assembled in another and sold in a third and recycled ina fourth. the small 'made in' tag on products are for tarifs and tax purposes.

