守护世界能依靠中国吗? [美国媒体]


Why can't China be a peace keeper of the world like the USA?


Tobias Lange
I'm sorry but this gotta be my first answer here. I normally don't do that but in this case I have to make an exception.
Before I start I have to answer a question myself. How can you think or would you think the US or the so called Western World ‘lead’ by the US is/would be /could be the peacekeeper of the world?
Henry Kissinger once said ‘America has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests.’
And that's the whole point about US (foreign) policy. The US never fired a single shot to keep the peace anywhere. I don't even have to give examples, because every single intervention is an atrocity against international law and the human rights. Everyone can do his own research about that.
If someone thinks the western interventions are lawful and right, one should consume some non-western info and or non mainstream media. To think of the US as a peacekeeper of the world is just as ridiculous as thinking that China or Russia would be isolated in the world because the US has a problem with them.
In fact most of the people in the non western world see the US as a terrorist state and rather don't want have to do something with them.
The question is not why China don't want to be a peacekeeper like the US. The question is why would China support US interests and why would it want to be seen in the world like the US, a country that is hypocrite, talks about human rights and international law, but invades, robs, murders, plunders and tortures.
To ask such questions is typical for the manipulated western societies, where people think they are so much better educated and informed than the rest of the world.





Ngoc Diep Hoang
The fact is: while the US force fails to be a peacekeeper of the world, China is have tried to invade other countries.
So, your assumption to form this question is not based on any fact at all.


William Lucas
The US may be perceived as the world policeman but is not really and never wanted to be but will serve its own unterests. China is like a big teen that does really wish to exercise their growing strength unless it serves them directly. All countries have interests and serve them.


James Pei
USA is a peacekeeper of the world???


Ali Rajpar
Huh LIKE USA we have seen USA's progress in creating peace in Afghanistan through their military so… I guess you need to enlighten your self about USA's peace keeping missions around the world and their miserable failures.


Bob MacKenzie
First off the US is not a peace keeper it is a bully that has no respect for other peoples right to chose how they want to live.
The reason the US has such a big army at the expense of education, universal health care, inclusive social safety net, proper water and sewers for all communities, general well repaired or renewed infrastructure and an enormous federal debt is because it uses the military to intimidate and extort from other countries what the US administration is told to do by the power elite that control it.
The power elite pour billions of dollars into the various politicians to get elected, so they own them when elected. This is corruption at its worst and it is done right out in the open.
The MSM brags about how much Hillary collects from corporate supporters in equal proportions to what her competition got yet the general public just accepts it as being the right thing to do.
The US is not a peace keeper and from the way China has been doing business around the world in a peaceful, mutually beneficial way, it has spread more peace in the world over the last twenty years than the US with its bombs and bullets in the last 72 years.




Provide a second for elder Jiang
You mean to export “Democracy” like America?Like what they have done in Afghanistan and Syria.


Thomas Musselman
It already is by sending ships through straits and taking routes that involve the flow of oil and other goods. It can include its troops in peacekeeping missions if it is willing to pay the costs. It’s neighboring states do not require more so China’s security is already adequate; if North Korea collapses I suspect you will see Chinese troops cross the border so that China doesn’t have millions of refugees suddenly.


Jim Wong
There are things that we can do but cannot say, and there are things that we can say but cannot do. Peacekeeping is in the first category.
In a peacekeeping mission, always on foreign soil, Americans bomb the foreign factories to stone age, and thereby eliminating commercial competitions. Stupidly China tries to help some countries to rebuild these factories and makes a quick profit. USA simply just bombs these factories again.


Vanalich Puziakin
Because USA is only about instigating wars and turning various areas into war zones, as long as it is aligned with its interests. I am wondering has there been at least one incident in history when America actually did something for real peace?


Thư Nguyễn
Because we don't need another world terrorist. Just one is enough of a headache thank you very much.


Alex Sisis
Lol. You are either brainwashed greatest country in the world or simply noob. Take whatever suits you the best.

Gord Campbell
It only recently joined the United Nations. And to be a peace keeping nation, a country still has to be invited.


Frank Zako
The US started hundreds of wars in the last 100 years and China almost none, is that how the peace is kept?


Zhang Dayu
You mean keep peace with, tomahawk? Yeah, look what does US have to show for.
Keeping China peace is to keep 18 percent of human race peace. Let that thought sink in.
China seems to prefer ‘peacekeeping’ under UN, SCO, ASEAN+, etc. multilateral structure.


Si Chen
In the last 10 years at least China has participated in UN sanctioned Peace Keeping all around the World. It is just that China does not advertise it. There are there in some of the troubled areas doing good work.


Jager Li
Tell me
Is there any demonstration which asks the government not to get involved in any war in recent years in China?
Look into the US, how many wars have the US taken part in the recent 20years.
What’s wrong with you


Máté Bakk
I would like to take on a different aspect of it. Why does the US think it is the peacekeeper of the world? Why should any country be that? That should be the duty of the UN in my opinion.
China cannot be the peacekeeper of the world as I doubt any country could do it in an obxtive way and not see/serve their own agenda.
China doesn’t have the military power and will to use it abroad as effectively as the US at the moment. There is also a question if we can call the US’s military action peacekeeping or simply a global power serving its own interest.



Chris Howard
Oh listen to some of the Anti American garbage answers, makes me sick! Most of the democratic nations of the world would be under totalitarian rule if it weren't for the US, that's a fact. As to why China isn't peacekeeping, because they're communist thugs that's why, just like the Soviet unx, Cuba, North Korea, and every other such regime that we fought a Cold War with our allies to fend against. Tell you what, let China take over the role as the major power in the world and you will be begging Uncle Sam to rise up, just like Churchill was pleading with FDR as his country was getting bombarded with V2 rockets. We made a major mistake in waiting as long as we did and learned that lesson well.


Duanquan Lin
How come you guys think USA who made trouble everywhere around the world could be a peacekeeper? She supports Taiwan and Japan and South Korea against China. She brings wars to the Middle East. She brings refugees to the Europe. She makes mischief between EU and Russia. So in this case USA is a peacekeeper who keeps the world away from the peace.


Adrian Lee Magill
This question looks like it was posted by a troll but I will bite.
You'll have a hard time convincing anybody in Iraq that the United States is a peacekeeping nation.
And Iraq isn't the only country. Take a look at the United States’ history and its policies and you'll see what I mean. the United States is the only country in the world that has ever used a nuclear weapon against another country. It was not required to end the war, the war was already done. However a significant amount of money was spent in developing the weapons and it was felt that they had to be used.
I will keep this brief so I will end it here.


Joseph Wang
Because China has enough difficulties running China and has no interest in running the world


Haruka Inoue
China has more than billion people to take care of first they don't need to become global policeman like Usa, Already China is getting massive amount of hatred from it's neighboring countries going same path as Usa will damage their image globally. Also China is not that powerful.


Clifford Nelson
Short answer China is smart enough to know that being a peacekeeper does not work. All it does is destabilize countries, and then the people of those countries suffer. What people want is not really democracy, but a government that protects them for abusers, and provides an environment that will give them to have a good living wage.


Jerry Mc Kenna
China cannot be a peacekeeper for many of the same reasons that the US cannot be a successful peacekeeper anymore. In Europe things went well because after the end of WWII because we didn’t use much force. The efforts by Stalin to push the Western powers out of Berlin showed our former enemies, the Germans, that we would defend their interests. It helps when the other side is run by a clumsy and murderous dictator. That was really the beginning of real peace in Western Europe. It was all based on trust that the US earned at first in Berlin. The US and Europe created NATO very shortly and the US built quite a lot of bases.
Outside of Europe, US efforts at ‘peacekeeping’ haven’t gone well. China hasn’t fought a war with allies that has been successful, so there is no place for China to have earned the kind of trust one needs to be a peacemaker. In recent years the US has lost quite a bit of that trust by rash actions that appeared have only increase instability in the countries the US has acted in.



Mas Miwa
China is, only you don’t recognize it. China has a different plan. The US version of peacekeeper is to militarily threaten and crush anyone that doesn’t tow America’s line. The Chinese version is to build undeveloped countries so they prosper and don’t create trouble. Peace through nation-building.
Somewhere in the past, I thought that was America ’s call? Peace through nation-building.


Tjandra Karta
Why the world need a peacekeeper or policeman role? If there is a need, which country law should this peacekeepers uphold? If we said, the law should be based on UN agreement, then China already be part of the UN peacekeeping force, infact US has withdrawn from this role, and now China already taking the lead in the UN peacekeeping force. Please see the below attachment.


Andreas Mihardja
China has been sending peacekeeping forces all over the world as UN peacekeepers. Chinese PLA - UN forces are the biggest with 8000 at the ready for being deployed. China is also supplying the budget to financed peacekeeping forces from other nations for about 2000 personal.
If this kind of action isn’t peacekeeping - so what is peacekeeping in the opinion of the western world. Is peace keeping means : “intervening in the internal affair of a country” or does peacekeeping means “keeping the warring parties apart and providing peace in the region.”
Participating in the UN Peacekeeping forces was initially not Chinese goals. It is against the Chinese ideology “to never engage or intervene in a foreign country’s internal affair.” It took a lot of soul searching before China agrees to send the PLA on UN peacekeeping missions all over the world. It started in Mali and the latest in South Sudan. Some PLA soldiers were killed during these missions.
The western countries have a different approach. They are of the opinion they have to intervene to keep peace in a region. In some cases it is/was also intervening in retaliation or intervening for political or economical and financial purposes. Until now this kind of intervening doesn’t bring peace to the region. In almost all of the cases it triggered civil unrest and civil war. The method of the western interventions in modern times is by decapitating the leadership - i.e. in Iraq, Iran, Somalia, Egypt, Libya, South Sudan, Afghanistan etc. The result, it creates a power vacuum, and it is a free for all, for those who has the money and the guns. All or any leader of a country not friendly towards the western world must be removed and is/was the motto from the USA and its allies. This is policing the world according to western standard of opinions.
How does the western world intervene! It is by full military force with the army as the tool of enforcement or by covert operation with James Bond technology and bribing and murdering left and right. This started in Vietnam with the murder of Ngo Dinh Diem and his brother Ngo Dinh Nhu by the CIA- result the Vietnam war, It was followed by the extraction of the Dalai Lama out of Lhasa, The ousting of the Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. The ousting of Mubarak, The ousting of Saddam Hussein, the murder of Muammar Gaddafi and sons. Now they are trying to get rid of Syria president Assad. If they tried to oust Kim YongUn the result will be the same and China and ROK have the burden to control the region from the escalating civil war. Is this the kind of peacekeeping the world wants ? US thought they have success in South Sudan until they realized it was another failure [Obama] and civil war started that until now killed half a million. However this activities are not the monopoly of the Western countries. The Russian are doing the same stupidities. before with China, North Korea, Afghanistan. They learn their lessons and stopped military activities and change it with covert operations - like the US elections.
A good example was the intervention by Eastern forces [pro communist] in Somalia. A military coup was ousting the pro western president Ali Sharmarke by a pro Russian general Said Barre. Immediately civil war erupted and tribes [paid by western forces], that thought they have the strength, are fighting against each other. US send troops to intervene [Pres. Bush jr] result a disaster. The US pulled out and Somalia became a free for all country with no real government. Until the African unx helped bring peace in the region. —- History repeats itself in Afghanistan and the result is still unclear.
Is this the kind of peacekeeping, that the person is forcing the Chinese to do?







Hongda Jiang
What an oblivious & out of touch question.
Maybe the PRC doesn’t want to conduct the style of “peace”-keeping that the US does - destabilizing governments everywhere (colored revolutions), wars that create millions of refugees (Iraq), incessant drone strikes that murder civilians (AfPak), & proxy wars (Syria). That style of so-called “peace”-keeping - all in the name of “freedom” - has made its victims everywhere less secure, less prosperous, & ultimately less free.
Now back to reality - the PRC is actually a bigger peacekeeper than the US; it contributes far more troops to LEGITIMATE, UN-approved peacekeeping operations than the US, & is on course to be among the largest military contributor, once the PLA’s permanent UN reserve is trained & deployed.



Karl Vanbrabant
America never lifted a finger to intervene in the east Congo wars, which have been the deadliest conflicts since WW-2. (+/- 5 million dead) These wars ensured a steady flow of cheap diamonds, coltan and other valuable raw materials, so nobody came to help.
America also did nothing to stop the war in Angola, which killed over half a million civilians. Cheap diamonds again .
America has also never lifted a finger to oust cruel dictators like Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe, who at one point had reduced the average life expectancy in his country to just 44 years. Again, cheap diamonds.
During the run up to the invasion of Iraq, Liberia was being ravaged by politically inspired gangs that would chop off the hands of people and commit other atrocities. Liberia asked the US for help. Even just a few small army units would have sufficed. However, Bush denied the request and instead committed an armed robbery on Iraq. Liberians were so incensed that they threw the bodies of the victims over the fence of the American embassy. When the war was finally over and a new president was sworn in, who was there at the inauguration? Barbara Bush, all smiles, pretending America had anything to do with the peace agreements.
After years of fighting in Uganda, where the LRA had been abducting at least 25.000 children and turned them either into child soldiers or sex slaves, America sent just 150 soldiers and 3 helicopters.
In 1990, during the Rwandan genocide which killed between 500.000 and a million people, America didn’t make the slightest attempt to interfere.
However when there’s oil, suddenly one drunk (curveball) who says he knows about WMD’s and later admitted he lied is the excuse for invading Iraq.
I don’t think we need another peacekeeper like that.

美国从未出手干预刚果东部战争,这是二战以来最致命的冲突(+/- 500万人死亡)。这些战争确保了廉价钻石、钶钽铁矿石和其他有价值的原材料源源不断地流入市场,所以没有人来帮忙。




