美国梦“焕发”在中国:评论(续) [美国媒体]


The American Dream Is Alive In China


Dear @NYTimes, start running a series on inequality in the United States. Sure, you will piss off the rich, but people need to understand the massive income inequality in our country. Why does the top 1% control 90% of our wealth and power and we think this is a democracy, an American dream, a free country?


Unless you are Muslim.


So basically the Chinese are eating our lunch. If not now, then pretty soon. And the whole America First/xenophobic/nationalistic/lower taxes on giant multinational corporations and the 1%/free market capitalism/American exceptionalism/I got mine, etc. crowd(s) will blame everybody but themselves.


Note that under Carter and Obama we have had the most anemic economic growth imaginable. Under Reagan, HW, W, and Trump we have had outstanding to solid growth. The policies of the Democrat Party (aka Socialism) kill jobs and nations. Socialist economic policies have killed Venezuela. Not a single nation in Europe has any real economic growth outside of Germany. The excessive demands of unions killed off the auto industry in America. Unions are killing Illinois, Connecticut etc., There is no free lunch. Note that in China there are no unions. There are no environmental regulations. Despite being Communist in terms of social construct, China paradoxically has the most unbridled Capitalistic economic policies in the world (as the Chinese know that Capitalism, not Communism, creates economic growth). Note: the Chinese laugh at American furor over "global warming" and regulations to control it. The only Democrat President to preside over solid economic growth the past generation, the past 30+ years, has been Bill Clinton. Bill believes in Capitalism, and its power to grow the economy. Bill values reason and compromise and JFK values America Exceptionalism. Obama and the New Democrats are Socialists and loath American Exceptionalism and have no problem with zero to sluggish economic growth as long as the government controls everything by odious taxes or fiat. As much as he is loathed by the silver-spooned intelligentsia, Trump is their economic savior.


DSS Ottawa
Soon there will be no need to talk about stolen property rights. It is us that will be steeling from the Chinese as we move backward in a world that rewards innovation.


Over 350,000 Chinese nationals studying in the United States ... Less than 10,000 U.S. students in China.. BTW- How many many millions of Americans are waiting outside the Chinese Embassy to apply for immigration visas? ZERO millions! How many millions of Chinese want to live in the United States? About 75 million...


Not long ago, Bill Clinton [ remember him ? ] used to talk to Indians, seating next to him, referred to Bangalore as the next Silicon Valley; and Indian software engineers were said to drive and dominate Silicon Valley. And this 'reputation' was based on Indian engineers having got there degrees in India and then having gone there. All Indian engineers [ even those not from IITs ] gained a lot from that reputation. I studied computer engineer degree course myself from a 'leading' engineering college in India and I refused to use that 'piece of paper' as my identity in USA. But I have heard tales of others from my batch working in tall buildings in NY. Nevertheless, I refuse to believe in any 'world class' calibre of such 'engineers' against even common American 'consumers' of PCs and software packages. Now we have this article.


Robert Henry
"It feels like China will always be strong." - Wu Haifeng Where have I heard something similar before, and recently? Oh yeah. In the United States. During my own lifetime. Guess what happens when no one else can afford to buy what China produces? Guess when that will happen?


Jen in Astoria
1) WORK ETHIC. 2) Not letting religion dominate their political decisions. 3) Value on education. 4) Centralized government that does not tolerate dissent. 3 out of 4 USED to be American values. Now, we've become flabby and lazy by allowing a Right Wing to rise up by only promising to take the nation backwards. I for one find it HILARIOUS that Chinese companies are starting to think about sending Chinese workers to new plants in America. Yes, it's a form of colonization, but in our case, richly deserved. Raise a generation of anti-science, borderline illiterates...whose work force is that? Think of the way the West treated its colonized lands...viewed them only for natural resources; the people were considered dangerous, backward savages. Now, ask where all those soybeans and pork are going.


pere anchorage
It seems it seems news media just wants to keep up harangue of how awful everything is I need America. I travel to China regularly. I wouldn't even dream of trading places even if I was 18 y/o. There are enormous opportunities in America for young people. Get off your sofa, don't smoke dope and use drugs, go to college and study STEMS or vocational and learn a good useful trade and have a good work ethic. And, don't spend much time reading the news or listening to all the negative ninnies on tv or radio.


I invite ALL Progressives to move to China!


Mike M.
What is ironic is that the New York Times clearly forgot about that most important part of the “American Dream” .... ....I’ll give you a hint New York Times, it is not about the wealth that comes just from money, but wealth that comes from a free human soul.


tdb Berkeley
This is not an accurate view. It is comparing apples and oranges. China may reach a plateau at higher levels of income and wealth as the US and first world has (and greater gaps or inequality between the haves and have nots) once a certain level is reached. The optimism of a slave becoming free in his or her lifetime is not analogous to the frustration due to lack of mobility felt by a free man or woman.


TK Sung
That's why the revolution happened in Russia and France. Capitalism in China, btw, is nothing new. They were hardcore capitalists before anyone in the West was. Then the abuse and exploitation of land-less people by land-owning class, along with the Western colonial pillaging, gave rise to the communism there.


@TKSung Good points. History repeats itself everywhere doesn't it? I would also add that China now controls its birth rate. Had China not done so, runaway population considerations may have made China's post-1979 emergence incomplete, at best.


It won't be long before we start to get stats from China on high self detriment rates (like suicides and increased incarcerations): high and insurmountable debt probably will be the culprit with a government that will encourage such. Now to prevent this calamity you would hope that there would be in place by either the government of some nonprofit that would mitigate the potential for an economic disaster that carries the potential to wipe out a host of folks.


Jay Phelan
And that is precisely why President Trump was elected President - The job of our elected leaders is to provide opportunities to its citizens first and foremost, not Chinese citizens


W.A. Spitzer Faywood
Trump was elected because too many of our citizens are way too gullible. So far he hasn't done a thing except dishonor the office of President and make us the laughing stock of the world. Healthcare, education, infrastructure, immigration reform, North Korean nuclear disarmament ....what a joke.


ebmem Memphis
Whereas under Obama we had big medicine crony income growth, increasing income inequality, defunding of Medicare, closure of rural hospitals, defunding of care for disabled children. But there was free contraceptives and college degreed able bodied childless adults living in their prosperous parents' basement got Medicaid.


ebmem Memphis
Also, they are breathing air of comparable quality to that in California, lack freedom of speech, democracy, the rule of law. Mussolini made the trains run on time. Would any rational person choose to live under fascism? In America, liberals consider Trump a fascist because he complains about the news media and insults his political opponents. Actual fascists imprison and enslave people they demonize.

