你会因自己是个中国人而骄傲吗? [美国媒体]


Are you proud to be a Chinese?


Shawn Zheng
Before no, when I got to Canada, I started to read news in CNN, BBC, etc to improve my English, almost all I heard about China was “human rights” and “pollution” and other negative things..Furthermore, to “adapt” to the mainstream culture, many of my Chinese friends were like “I only speak English, and I am Canadian not Chinese,” although they had been in Canada for just one or two years. Many of my Western friends also just asked me negative things about China..I really started to doubt why I am Chinese, I yearned to be white, or Latino, anything but not Chinese


I was born in China, spent first ten years of my life there before migrating to Singapore. The very first lesson I learnt was to change and adapt if you want to survive.


I couldn’t even speak a word of English when I arrived. My parents told me that I had 6 months to learn English if I do not wish to be retained.(The school year starts 6 month later in Singapore relative to China)So here I am, a ten years old in a completely foreign country, trying to get enrolled in a school. Guess what? I could speak English well after 6 month and passed the exams for me to be enrolled into a local school. I mixed with kids who had similar background as me, born in PRC or with parents born in PRC, I gets laughed at by my classmates because of my Chinese accent(both Chinese and English). One of my teachers even told me to “Go back to your China”.


I always asked myself: “Why are they laughing at me? What is wrong with being from China? Why must I speak in the same weird way as them? Why are they not welcoming me?”. I found Singlish extremely bizarre, and their Chinese sounds disgusting and weird. I didn’t laugh at them and they started to laugh at me??? What is even more despicable is that there was one kid who became popular with the Singaporeans because he was from America???


HE WAS BLOODY BORN IN CHINA AND HE TOLD EVERYONE THAT!!! HE JUST SPENT 3 YEARS IN US AND THESE SINGAPOREANS TREAT HIM LIKE A FUCKING GOD???? From that moment I realised that it was no one’s fault but mine, I need to blend in to survive. I lost that last tiny shred of respect for Singaporeans.(I hold a Singapore passport, by the way.) These Singaporeans are nothing like their parents or grandparents, and they still criticise foreign-born Singapore citizens for not being loyal to Singapore?(Who will be loyal to a place that does not even welcome him?)


I am proud of being a Chinese, I feel really ashamed to bury my pride deep down into my heart. I have no choice, I do not wish to be laugh at, I had enough.


Forgive me, my motherland.


Tian Xia
I was born in China in the year 1985.


I used to be pro-western culture, when I was in middle school and high school in China.


Then I studied in the UK for 6 years, at the university of south Hampton.


Due to my career,I used to travel to many countries, including Syria (before war),Iran,south Korea, north Korea,USA, Brazil,the Philippines,India,Indonesia,and a few other countries.


Now I’m extremely proud to be Chinese, and I’m very patriotic.


The reason is simple:


China is my motherland, Chinese is my native language, Chinese culture was sculptured deeply in my soul.


Based on the one belt one way, the national top-strategy, we are now the top investor of infrastructure of the world, we are now the world investor.
China to invest heavily in Belt and Road countries
We just overtake USA to fill the most patents of the world, we soon became the world inventor.
China's innovation patents surge in number and quality in 2017
Now, you know why I’m so proud to be Chinese.

