如果中国人口被印度超过了,没了这几十年的人口优势之后,中国人会嫉妒印度吗? [美国媒体]


If India surpasses China's population, will the Chinese be jealous after decades of population dominance?


Long God, lives in China (1996-present)
To tell you the truth, I'm tired of hearing such a thing.
For example, some of the news media in India, India has achieved great development, Chinese feel jealous, India women's human rights than Chinese ranked high(It's ridiculous of course), Chinese this sad, India bought dozens of Su 30, Chinese fear like the topic.


India’s growing population also causes problems for one of the most diverse societies of all nations. India has numerous social and political fault points, and sharing is not something that has worked well in the Indian subcontinent before. An economy that cannot grow with the population is going to put huge strains on the civility of India.


Phillip Hartman
That’s a bizarre question. The answer is obviously no because most normal people don’t consider having the most people to be accomplishment. What concerns most people and what would be a point of pride is the affluence of each of its citizens from the richest rich to the poorest poor. In that regard, the United States would win out as it is the country which has been able to provide the most affluence to the most number of people in a single nation. Although, China is certainly catching up quickly.


Derek Gould, Studied at HKU and also taught there.
If India surpasses China’s population, China will probably laugh at India for emphasising quantity over quality.
China deliberately controlled its population growth so that it could expand economically instead.


Charmaine du Plessis
I do not believe the Chinese would be jealous, I do think it's pretty impossible to surpass the Chinese population with the ruling of 2 children per Chinese family now.

