为什么中国选择巨额投资非洲? [美国媒体]


Why Is China Investing Billions in Africa?


X Ethan
Suddenly the West comes to care about the wellbeings of African people.


Shoham Das(回复X Ethan)
No, its their own fading dominance they areworried about


Flag Unit(回复X Ethan)
No they are afraid Africa will rise.


avanade0424(回复Flag Unit)
True Africa already has WMD called ebola


You do realise that the US’s World Bank hasbeen investing in projects in Africa for decades right. These loans didn’t comewith as many strings attatched.


RicochetForce(回复JMR DEFENDER)
But they do come with strings attached, withmany arguments put forward as to why the World Bank and IMF are a force forkeeping poor countries indebted and dependent on wealthier ones.


Prïnce Nixon
Um we literally used to donate millions ofdollars to them and still do. This is why we should take care of our owninstead of giving free money to ungrateful people


LMAO! The millions of dollars were never meantfor the poor Africans, but it actually went to the corrupt politicians. This ishow aid is used. Did you actually think Africans were receiving aid becauseEuropeans had a conscience?


#Rsync(回复Prïnce Nixon)
Only about their interests in Africa. We allknow the west love destroying African markets with "aid". Lets notforget regime change. Versus what china helping Africa become more industriousto bolster china's emerging consumerist class?


tom tom
The West exploit and destroy Africa ,.evenenslave African people. China helps africa and does business with Africanpeople. Cant you see that,


Saral Thakur
Original colonizers Claiming China iscolonizing Africa.


Lol they must be very jealous.


luis Godinez
no but china is a fragile state andirresponsible spending will be China's downfall.


Thulas Mash(回复luis Godinez)
only the West sponsors war. Leave China out ofyour own baggage.


Juhi Chitnis
So basically US was bombing Middle Eastmeanwhile China was building infrastructure! Hmmm.. Ofourse China is demon.People need bombs not roads.


My Getaway
China became a demon in the eyes of the US andUS influence but its ambition led it to become the major superpower that it is,it's only a demon to the US, who fears China's ambition and expansion.


Life is what you make of it(回复My Getaway)
So let me get this straight. You would ratherthat a country such as China that does not believe in human rights, a countrythat steals from other countries, a country that enslave african govts throughloans. This same country automatically becomes good in your eyes because itbuilds roads etc in Africa just to cart away Africa's resources?. If you thinkChina cares about Africa then your the biggest fool I know. All China is doingis trying to invest in Africa for it's resources because it's current growthwon't last. It is only an evil person that will see something evil from afarthat does not believe in human rights that will seat down and do nothing aboutit. Start thinking.


Saiyan Vibes(回复Life is what you make of it)
Well if it weren't for them u wouldn't have allthe things u can afford to buy... start thinking a tv would probably cost x10more if it were made I'm usa..Just think... What is human rights anyway.. inthe west u still have to go to school and work u don't have freedom at all
China is empowering it'd citizens.. Look up howhow many engineers are created every year
U beliefs of china is simply programmed by yourcountries lying media. Research china more before u speak. China will dominatein every area in years


OB1 KenoB
I don’t really buy it. There’s always anagenda.


Secret(回复OB1 KenoB)
It is better than US agenda


Imagine being this stupid...you really thinkthe communist Chinese are more moral than any corrupt western nation?


Wow so salty. Is China shooting African withbullets??? You are the most stupid person. How many people US has been killingsince 2000?


The politicians in African makes a lot, i meana lot of money from china.. china is doing this, they built road, hospitals,schools etc in africa so they can have access to their oil and gold...


muchai Kinuthia
Don't mind . The media are retards.. onlyshowing the bad western agenda... I'm Kenyan in china....It's true American andBrits are losing there grip Right left and center...The education here fromkindergarten is on its highest notch... The Brits came with a Bible and a gun.Mentally , spiritually,and physically colonizing us... China came open..We cantake or leave...We are paying the loan comfortably...But ofcause there aremessy countries that the leadership has more or less squandered...If anythingwe should blame our leaders not china.


I don't trust US media on the topic of China.It's always negative, presumptuous and paranoid. It's always propaganda againand again.


If the west do it, It's good, if the chinese doit, It's bad


MAKZ JAY(回复msergio0293)
Because the West doesn't put people in debttraps making these countries slaves in the long run.


Mad Maxelin(回复MAKZ JAY)
The chinese gave them the option to choosewhether to take the deal or not. The west just invades and destroys thecountries while screaming 'freedom!'.


MAKZ JAY(回复Mad Maxelin)
How inept are you to not see the scale of thisproblem. Because to be honest it would be much worse than Bush stealing Iraqioil or waging wars. Huge resources that contribute in Africa would be dilutedby the Chinese due to these impossible to pay multi billion dollar debt. Andthats the point! The Africans know about these debt traps but they are blindedby greed and corruption to use these debt to their own personal gain. Africa isa stupid continent! Filled with coups, corruption and wars that it is easy tomanipulate. You know China is wrong from doing this but why are you stillignorant?


And do I have to explain how these debts cancollapse many African countries in the long run?


Mad Maxelin(回复MAKZ JAY)
All countries are in debt. Even the US is indebt to china. China wants to invest because they see an opportunity forgrowth. Instead of just giving monetary aids like the west which had proven tobe ineffective. But no.. china bad, west good


hard rock(回复MAKZ JAY)
China is lot better. You Westerners are thievesand now your shithole US is racist country. What do you expect when you treat blackpeople in your own country as aliens, ofcourse china doesn't have this killermentality. Please keep your hypocrisy to yourselves.


Mr. Positive(回复MAKZ JAY)
Debs trap? , so you r saying Afrika leaderstupid for dont know about business? This is just a same like company business, you borrow money from bank then if you work hard and earn good money , yourcompany will survive and it make your own Like Tesla , Google etc , they all indebt first in a start company .but look how they strong and rich now


MAKZ JAY(回复Mad Maxelin)
All of you are idiots! What Im saying is, isthat these debts are IMPOSSIBLE TO PAY. I didnt say anything about having debtsis bad. How are you going to expect third world countries to pay debts asambitous as this.


Mr. Positive(回复MAKZ JAY)
impossible to pay? Do you think Africangoverment not calculate first before sign of contract ? lol You r just soundjeolous .


ZZZ Sigurd(回复MAKZ JAY)
Have you been to Africa? Africa needsopportunities, it cannot collapse more. Western countries usually offer debtwith a lot of political requisites, but China doesn't. So what if the debtfails? Do you think the leaders of Africa countries don't understand theirsituations? Sometimes they just view this as an exchange--- money to buildinfrastructure to exchange for some ports.


Africa becomes dependent on China=China has control of massive continent with lots of resources


Michael H
If allthey want is for africa to become dependent, they would just do what the westhas done. which is gain freemarket access and then dump their cheap quality goods in order to floodafrica's markets to the point where africa's domestic companies can no longercompete. there's no need to build anything there. and this the west has donefor a long time. the prime example would be a post industrialized america afterworld war 2 (that's when globalism, and free trade started, because as the solesuper power, they need places to sell their goods). And this is also what euhas done to africa for a long time with their unfair treaties which renderedafrican farmers unable to compete. But then again, why don't we look at whatthe west has done in the past, which was sell weapons to rebels in africa, usethat leverage to back the faction that will then in turn be on the u.s.'payroll. They did this to pretty much every single south american countries inthe past. What china offered is as fair of a deal as you could get to be honest- unless you're willing to just completely give away your money for free. Let'sjust look at one example. When the U.S. establishes a deal with an africannation, it's done in a unilateral fashion between america and that countryalone.... and when you're this powerful and this other so weak, you have a lotof leverage on the person you're making a deal with. What china does is itdoesn't make deals with just a single country, they invite all 50+ africancountries' leaders to china, and everything is laid out on the table.


je suis Informaticien
usa spent money on wars, china spent money onprojects


Andreas Hansen(回复je suis Informaticien)
Better dead than red


MultiDEVILMAYCRY123(回复Andreas Hansen)
China is communist in name only


Chester Sabajo(回复MultiDEVILMAYCRY123)
Then die please!!!


China is stupid, they should not waste millionsof dollars on building a symbiotic relationship with other developing nations,they should spend it all on bombing the oil out of them in the name of freedom.


Daniel Jakes
“There is no hidden geopolitical agenda”
When the workers are all Chinese, and there isa massive building boom of Chinese army and navel bases. Yup, don’t see ageopolitical agenda here!


Heather Larson(回复Daniel Jakes)
So you want to take years to train those localworkers? And then ask them to learn chinese or at least english to communicate?Lol.


The legend of Timbuktu(回复Daniel Jakes)
False 90% of people used are the lovald! Stopspreading false white lies!


Luthando Nqakala(回复Daniel Jakes)
The U.S has over 7 000 military officers inAfrica, with a military base in 50 out of 55 Africa states. China? Only 1.


fireson23(回复Daniel Jakes)
Most Chinese projects in Africa consistworkforces that that are 90% local. This is a key requirement demanded by manylocal African countries. Furthermore the Chinese are very good at buildingpartnerships with already existent local African companies and businesses.
Moreover and this is what the Western mediawon't tell you. If you go to many industrial cities in China and in otherplaces in South East Asia you will see tens of thousands of African businessmenand wone who are also going to China to purchase, sell and trade their owngoods and services in China originally made from Africa. Right now there arehundreds of Thousands of Africans in China doing business and trade. Likewisethere hundreds of thousands of Chinese in Africa doing business in Africa.


Your Conscience
China is in massive debt. They are strugglingand thats why they needed to end that trade war with trump. Trump has the upperhand for now except for in the South China sea where china is laying claim tomost of it and theres not much the local countries can do. Chinese investmentin africa is great for africa and it's infra structure but with the CEO ofHuawei going through a court case in Canada, the message has been sent to thechinese business elite that they may not be safe outside of chinese controlledterritory. They need to actually gain control of african territory to be safewhich means colonization of some form. Africa has been historically resistantto foreign control and now South Africa is purging white land owners likeZimbabwe did, it shows that they are slow to learn from mistakes too.


Yerris(回复Your Conscience)
"China is in massive debt. They arestruggling and thats why they needed to end that trade war with trump"What an uneducated comment. The US has the highest debt in the world. Its debtto GDP is also higher than Chinas. And Chinas surplus to the US is only 3% ofits GDP. A small tariff on a portion of goods will only put a tiny dent in itseconomy as well as the US.


Giannis Engineer
When USA bombs Irak, Afghanistan & middleeast they bring democracy to them ... When China does business in Africawithout killing anyone.... it is colonialism ! think again people !


sajid Hossain
Usa is jealous with china.... Obviously it shldbe envious.

