为什么大部分中国人认为越南在文化上和泰国柬埔寨相似? [美国媒体]


Why do most Chinese think that Vietnam is culturally similar to Thailand and Cambodia?


Fragrant Grass
Fragrant Grass, lived in Vietnam (1991-2012)
Updated Aug 29
I am a Vietnamese who live in Beijing and Shanghai so I think I am qualified to answer this question.
First of all, I oppose the statement that most Chinese people think that Vietnam is culturally similar to Thailand and Cambodia. I have this kind of conversations many times with many Chinese. Unsurprisingly, most of them think that Vietnam is a branch of Chinese culture aka Sinosphere. Why? Because in history book of China, it is written that the Viet people of Vietnam originally came from Guangdong. Due to some conflicts, they moved down South to establish the new country which is Vietnam. Many Chinese thought that Vietnamese language is very similar to Cantonese. By so, a Vietnamese and a Cantonese person can understand each other (which is not true).


It is true that Vietnamese culture is influenced by Chinese mainstream philosophies such as Ruism, Daoism and Mahayana Buddhism. But it doesn't mean Vietnam doesn't have each own culture. It doesn't mean that we are 100% like the Chinese. And I am assured that a Vietnamese and a Cantonese person can't understand each other even though Vietnamese has some loan words which pronounced kind of similar to Cantonese. If we chase back to the origin of languages, Viet language is Mon-Khmer while Canonese is Sino-Tibetan language. How come the two be similar?


About the history of Viet origin that I mentioned above, I would not argue this matter as history is a propagandized weapon. It is written for the winners so each side has a different version. China said that Viet was from China. Vietnam said “No, Viet people were here long before some Viet of Guangdong moved down here”…


Most Chinese don't know that Vietnamese writing system has been romanized. They still thought that Vietnamese writing was characters aka “chu Nom” which developed from Han characters. I personally think that it was such a shame that we abandoned our traditional characters. The Roman characters help us learn English easier but also distant us from our ancient culture.


Most Chinese don't know much about Vietnam and vice versa. Most Vietnamese don't understand China. We have many distorted perceptions towards China. For examples many Vietnamese believe that China is still backward in economy. Many Vietnamese think that Chinese people are aggressive and they hate Vietnamese so much that we are afraid of going to China for travelling. Many Vietnamese think that China is very ugly and polluted and has nothing to see… From the Chinese perspective, Vietnam and other SEAs as well are underdeveloped and uneducated. Many Chinese people were so surprised when they found out that I speak English and Chinese fluently. They were like “but you are from Vietnam, aren't you?”.


History has made such a huge gap between us, distanted our relationship and made it become a complicated thing. I think only when both sides are open to the differences and to learn from each other, then we can have mutual understanding and compassion toward each other.


Nguyễn Thắng, Dev at Freelance Jobs
Answered Aug 9
what wrong with that thinking?
in fact we vietnamese peoples have invade cambodia too! i mean in the feudalism!
We also accept other cultures and knowledge other than Chinese knowledge and culture. There is nothing wrong with saying we are a mixed culture led by the Kinh people themselves!
Even so, our culture is still the most Chinese-like culture in all matters! Anyway we are rivals for thousands of years! This fact motivates us to learn about our enemies, and to find a way to exist by side of them!


We not really think much about how they think about us! Because we are so much like them in the way of thinking! We just noticed how much they understand us! That is the core of the problem!
You will be surprised when China is a big country with 1.4 billion people and 56 different races!
But even more surprisingly, Vietnam with 100 million people and the same 54 different races!
But at the top of these races are the "Han" peoples and the "Kinh" peoples!


Justin Poon, studied at China West Normal University (2000)
Answered Aug 24
I do not think so.
Among the three countries, Vietnamese culture is the closest to Chinese culture. Both Vietnam and Cambodia are the earliest inhabitants of the Indo-China Peninsula. They can be counted as indigenous and the two ethnic groups share the same origin. In history, Vietnam was developed by China for 1000 years, so the cultural integration is affirmative. Many ancient cultural relics are also written in Chinese characters. The Chinese components in Vietnamese are many and complex. The total number of Chinese loan words can reach about 70% in Vietnamese.
Thailand and Cambodia are different from Chinese culture, and their words are invented from ancient Indian scripts.
In terms of eating habits, Vietnamese food is more like a Chinese dish. Other countries are deeply influenced by India, but they are also influenced by Chinese people, but they are basically the tastes of ethnic minorities in southern China.
