特朗普为什么想要从韩国撤军 [美国媒体]


Why Trump will withdraw from Korea


Trump has stated countless of times over the past 2 years that he wants to withdraw all US troops from Korean peninsula in the long term to save the costs.


source:Trump still holds Jimmy Carter’s view on withdrawing U.S. troops from South Korea


For almost two years, President Trump has been talking about withdrawing large numbers of U.S. troops from South Korea, where there are currently around 28,000 stationed. The president’s advisers have repeatedly argued against a large-scale reduction, but he remains unpersuaded.


Trump continues to say he doesn’t agree with the argument that U.S. troops in South Korea are strategically necessary, and he thinks the United States gets nothing back from paying to keep them there, according to administration officials and people who have spoken to Trump directly about the issue. He often asks his generals to explain the rationale for America’s deployments in Asia and expresses dissatisfaction with their answers


“The president has believed for 30 years that these alliance commitments are a drain on our finite national treasure,” one White House official told me. “He doesn’t care about the intangible, he just sees the bottom line number of what it costs.”


It is said that John Kelly and Mattis strongly challenged Donald Trump when he ordered the complete withdrawal of US troops from South Korea.


source:White House chief of staff and retired Marine Corps Gen. John Kelly talked President Trump out of ordering the withdrawal of all U.S. troops from the Korean Peninsula , according to a report Monday by NBC News.


Kelly has made similar comments to legislators, and he has mocked what he views as Trump’s lack of policy and government knowledge, according to current and former officials, NBC reports.Kelly also has referred to Trump as “an idiot”multiple times.


Unhindered due to the abrupt firing of Kelly and Mattis, Trump is now free to negotiate a Grand Bargain with North Korea, and we all know that North Korea's demand for "End of Hostility" is inclusive of US troop presence despite denials by US and SK. From NK's vantage point, it is hard to justify continued US forward deployed presence once hostility has ended and peace treaty is signed.


2019 Prediction: Trump gets mild-to-false concessions on North Korea denuclearization to secure a "Korean War Peace Treaty" and spins it as a huge foreign policy victory. Trump declares victory and starts phased gradual reduction of US troops and return of wartime OPCON back to SK military.


I doubt it. It's not just Mattis and Kelly that support the US presence in South Korea. It includes the military establishment, a bipartisan near-consensus in congress, countless think tanks and analysts, and a majority of Americans support the alliance.
Procedurally, congress does seem to have some ability to prevent Trump from unilaterally making this decision. Ending a decades-old alliance is completely different from withdrawing a handful of troops from Syria.


EDIT: Legally speaking, withdrawing from the alliance requires one year prior notice as well.
This Treaty shall remain in force indefinitely. Either Party may terminate it one year after notice has been given to the other Party.
So, in short, unless you predict Trump completely trampling over domestic law, international law, and overcoming immense political opposition to an extent that is unprecedented (even for Trump) to withdraw from Korea, this ain't happening in 2019.


No one is talking about withdrawing from our alliance with South Korea. That's a straw man you keep attacking.


Does Congress really have that authority, though? The president is the commander in chief per the US Constitution, and a measure like this seems unlikely to pass the right leaning Supreme Court.


It doesn't matter what Congress thinks about it. Article II of the US Constitution says the president is Commander in Chief, not Congress. If the president orders the troops to return home Congress can't say "wait, no, get back to your posts you have to stay."
Same with every other "law" on this. There is no law, international or otherwise, that requires the President to station troops in South Korea. We are merely permitted to have troops there, not required to have them there


US withdrew US troops from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam, etc... all without Congressional approval or Congressional funding. It was all done by Presidential executive order.


Congress can always impeach and convict him if they are displeased.


Nobody is going to remove Trump from office after he secures a Peace Treaty to end a 70 year old war.
In fact, the political favorability will likely skyrocket since it is arguably a huge foreign policy victory - he can justify pulling US troops home because "the Job is done" and "NK threat eliminated" in typical Trump fashion.
Nobody is going to impeach Trump or obstruct him because a "Korean War Peace Treaty" is a huge policy victory.


We would still have defense agreements in place. The 7th Fleet would still be just across the pond in Japan. No one is talking about cancelling any of that. Not to mention we would still continue to supply the South Korean military with advanced weaponry. US troops mainly serve as a deterrent to a North Korean land invasion, which seems highly unlikely under any scenario given the relative state of North and South Korean militaries.


In fact removing US troops makes it easier to threaten North Korea with air strikes, should we want to do that, since US troops would no longer be within range of their artillery. The only way they could hit us would be to lob SCUDSs at Japan, which would only ensure that the JMSDF (which has the most advanced destroyer fleet in the world) gets into the fight.


While removing troops would make the situation more difficult to support the South Koreans in the event hostilities break out the difference is not as disastrous as made out to be. It’s more of an honorary force to keep China in check than a force actually capable of offering significant assistance.


The mutual defence treaty between ROK and US would still be in effect even after a USFK withdrawal. However, the treaty being in effect doesn't necessarily mean that the US will in fact honor it


A DPRK attack on ROK will invariably put lives of US military personnel at risk, as some form of hostile action by DPRK against major US military bases on the Korean Peninsula is highly likely, which in turn guarantees to trigger a military response from the US.
I do not have any firm opinion on whether a USFK withdrawal is likely, but this point is something that the US can exploit when they negotiate with the ROK on defence cost/responsibility sharing and etc.


South Korea: 25,000 US troops
Japan: 56,000 US troop
Germany: 35,000 US troops.
Hawaii: 42,000 US troops
Same for Japan/Germany have far more US troops than SK, and none even face any immediate land border threats like SK does.


US troops in Korea are there to hedge against China, not NK.
In the event of a US withdrawal from South Korea, Seoul will likely have no option but to join Chinese hegemony in Asia-Pacific. If US gives up on Korea, you can write off any and all US security networks in East/Southeast Asia. Japan is next in line.


Gotta have more than dinky 30,000 troops to counter 1,400,000,000 people. These troops cannot even handle the full might of an NK invasion without massive reinforcements from US troops in Japan, let alone handle China's huge forces.


The notion that a mere 30,000 US troops can deter 1,400,000,000 billion people hegemony in East Asia is laughably absurd.
US needed 200,000 troops to even conquer a mid-size country like Iraq (similar size and population to North Korea), so US needs atleast 2X-3X that to even remotely challenge China's 2 million PLA force in East Asia.


China at best will have 2-3 carriers by 2022, nothing compared to the nuclear CATOBARs of Pacific Fleet.
Once again, useless fearmongering about Chinese hegemony.


In my opinion a significant reduction of forces in Korea would be a good thing for the US, as would be a rethinking of basing in the Asia-Pacific as a whole. There are around 25,000 US personnel in Korea the bulk of which is the 17,000 from the Eight Army and the 8,000 from the Seventh Air Force. This of course pales in comparison to the 625,000 active and 3,100,000 reserve personnel of the ROK Armed Forces and even more so against the 950,000 active and 5,500,000 reserve of the DPRK.


US forces are clearly not the only thing keeping South Korea safe. The Army's rotating armoured brigade and MLRS do little to augment the ROK Army which has several thousand main battle tanks including hundreds of the very modern K2 Black Panther and a few hundred rocket launchers with the new K239 Chunmoo coming into service. The Eighth Army's troops are a token force that do not help the security of South Korea or of the United States. The majority of the soldiers are not combat troops and they have with them their family members who in the event of hostilities will quickly become a burden: tens of thousands of American civilians in a war zone being targeted by North Korean missiles.

韩国军队拥有数千辆主战坦克,其中包括数百辆非常现代化的K2黑豹型坦克和数百套新型K239 火箭发射器。

NK lives and dies by China’s mandate. There’s a reason even Kim Jong Un had to visit China on state diplomacy
The moment China no longer cares about upholding or defending the regime, the US will likely succeed in toppling it. In fact it was Chinese forces who pushed the US back to the current NK/SK border, or McArthur would have conquered the entire peninsula.


I don't know how much time you've spent in South Korea but South Korea is drifting apart from the US in significant increments. Because of prosperity the public isn't really interested (nor thankful tbh) for the US presence like they used to be. Frankly it makes me sick that these days the US gives so much to South Korea(and has done so since 1950) but South Korea turns around and rips off the US in trade/business and under the current presidency, does not stay in-line with the United States


Since Trump has been President, South Korea has not only purchased a load of American military hardware, it has also just recently announced an increase in its spending on national defense.


South Korea has no control whether US stays or leaves. It is fully the POTUS choice since it's a US sovereign choice and since Trump places "America First", it really could careless what SK thinks.


This is also not considering the huge sums of money that South Korea spends on political lobbying within US, outstripping Japan and UAE.

