讲好中国故事: 不断崛起的中国科幻小说(下) [美国媒体]

网友:在中国文化中,不安分通常是严重不被鼓励的,家长和 / 或领导人的决定是不容置疑或事后批评的, 这是另一个暗示,可能存在一些文化差异,美国和其他民主国家的读者可能会觉得奇怪 (是的,我知道美国可以说不是一个民主国家,但我不想在这里纠结词汇或进行政治辩论)。

FACTOR DAILY(2019.1.12):
Telling the China Story: The Rise and Riseof Chinese Science Fiction

讲好中国故事: 不断崛起的中国科幻小说

In Chinese culture, rocking the boat isgenerally heavily discouraged and decisions by family heads and/or leaders arenot to be questioned or second-guessed. It's again another hint there may besome cultural differences that readers in the USA and other democracies findodd. (Yes, I know the USA is arguablynot a democracy, but I don't want to get into a vocabulary or political debatehere.)

在中国文化中,不安分通常是严重不被鼓励的,家长和 / 或领导人的决定是不容置疑或事后批评的, 这是另一个暗示,可能存在一些文化差异,美国和其他民主国家的读者可能会觉得奇怪 (是的,我知道美国可以说不是一个民主国家,但我不想在这里纠结词汇或进行政治辩论)。

Curious, have you read Asimov? SpecificallyFoundation?

很好奇,你读过阿西莫夫的小说吗? 特别是《基地》?

Not yet. I've been meaning to, and recentlymy wife bought me hardcover Foundation books for my birthday; it's my nextfiction to read after I finish the newest Safehold book!

暂时还没有, 我一直想读来着,最近我妻子给我买了精装本的《基地》系列作为我的生日礼物,这是我读完最新的《安全区》系列书籍后下一部要读的小说!

the Dark Forest (second book) is definitely worth the readwhatever your experience with the first book. It is quite remarkable thebreadth of the ideas that were explored.

《黑暗森林》 (第二部)绝对值得一读,无论你阅读第一部的体验如何,它所涉及的构思之广博是相当引人注目的。

Same for me.


From reading only a few Chinese/Asian booksI think the problem is that each culture has its own style of writing fictionand Chinese books tend to have a slower pace and more introspection. You alsoget that in some English language fiction, but not so much in sci-fi, so theaverage English culture sci-fi reader is going to get frustrated with Chineselanguage sci.fi.

我只读过几本中文 / 亚洲书籍,我认为问题在于每种文化都有自己的小说写作风格,而中文书籍往往节奏比较慢,更加自省, 你也可以在一些英语小说中看到这一点,但在科幻小说中就不那么常见了,所以普通英语文化背景的科幻读者可能会对中文科幻小说感到失望。

It's the same in films a lot of slower longshots.


And the jungle is the galaxy. Westernsci-fi is all about being human-centric, as if we are the only species in theuniverse that matters. Whereas Cixin, presented us with a reality, wherehumanity is only one of billions of intelligent species. Those that hadsurvived the jungle, or those that hide from the rest, or those that evolvedinto another form, or those that end up hunting, to maintain their probabilityof survival.

丛林就是银河系, 西方科幻都是以人类为中心的,好像我们是宇宙中唯一重要的物种,然而刘慈欣向我们展示了一个现实,人类只是数十亿智能物种中的一员, 那些在丛林中幸存下来的,或者那些潜伏在其他地方的,或者那些进化成另一种形式的,或者那些结束狩猎的,其实都只是为了保持生存的可能性而已。(而不是为了善恶)

So, if you want to continue to feel goodabout yourself, then stick with what you know. Keep reading western sci-fi. Ifyou want to expand your mind, then try out Cixin's novel.

所以,如果你想继续自我感觉良好,那么就坚持你所知道的, 继续读西方科幻小说吧, 如果你想拓展你的思维,那就试试刘慈欣的小说吧。

It's not an either/or. Books are oftenmuch, much darker than Hollywood adaptations.

这不是非此即彼的问题, 书籍本身往往比好莱坞改编的电影黑暗得多。

Why is a US programme such as Breaking Badconsidered ground breaking and hugely refreshing? For the first time in decadesthe USA has produced something where the hero is also the bad guy. You end upwith some sympathy, and conflicted, for a complex main character, with manyshades of grey and black. None of the usual black/white, so obvious it'spainful.

为什么《绝命毒师》这样的美国节目会被认为是开创性的、令人耳目一新的? 几十年来,美国第一次在屏幕上产生了英雄也是坏人的情况, 对于一个复杂的主人公来说,你最终会有一些同情,也有一些矛盾,因为这个主人公处于灰色地带,不像通常那么黑白分明,这显然很痛苦。

As big as China is getting and will get inthe future, I wonder if their movie industry will ever become a global draw.They seem to be awfully local right now. Same goes for Japan or even India.

中国正在变强,未来还会更强,我不知道他们的电影产业是否会吸引全球的目光,他们现在似乎还很本地化, 日本甚至印度都是如此。

My take on hard sci-fi is that it musteither use science and technology that we already understand, in waysconforming to that understanding, or - if it presents new technology that isposited as something beyond our understanding - it must be consistent,including other "magic" as well as interactions with things we doknow. Some examples of what I would consider hard sci-fi: "Tau Zero","Tales of Pirx the Pilot", "2001", "Seveneves",the Mars trilogy.

我对硬科幻的看法是,它必须使用我们已经理解的科学和技术,以符合这种理解的方式来推进情节,或者— 如果它提出的新技术被假定为我们无法理解的东西— 它的理论也必须是前后一致的,包括其他"魔法"与我们确实知道的东西的互动,一些我认为属于硬科幻小说的作品包括:" 宇宙过河卒","宇航员珀珂斯","2001","七夏娃",火星三部曲。

There's a rule I remember, that in hard-ishsci-fi, the author gets to invent one unrealistic thing. I wouldn't put CixinLiu's trilogy as hard hardsci-fi, as it invents a few more, but all in all,there aren't that many "fantasy devices" there. It definitely has aflavour of hardness.

我记得有一条规则,在硬科幻小说中,作者只可以发明一个不切实际的东西, 我不会把刘慈欣的三部曲作为硬科幻小说,因为它发明了更多,但总的来说,没有那么多的"幻想设备", 它绝对有硬科幻的味道。

According to comments in this thread thisbook seems to be either at the top or the bottom of the pile. To me this is agood indicator of a good book. Like in music, if you want to be interesting youcan't cater to everyone, adding stuff that some people hate will make otherpeople love it.

根据本帖的评论,《地球往事》这部作品看起来要么特别好,要么特别差, 对我来说,这正说明这是一本好书, 就像音乐一样,如果你想变得有趣,你不可能迎合所有人,一部分人讨厌的东西可能正是其他人喜欢它的原因。

I read that as “after 1948, no referencesto magic, religion, fairies (in otherwords, the supernatural) is allowed”.

我觉得应该是"1948年之后,不允许提及魔法、宗教、精怪 (换句话说,超自然现象)"。

Long overdue. When South Korea and Japanhave super interesting Sci-Fi books and movies (e.g. Korean Bladerunner "Natural City"), why not China? I amglad China is coming along.

早就应该有了, 当韩国和日本有超级有趣的科幻书籍和电影 (如韩国的银翼杀手《自然城市》)时,为什么中国不能有呢? 我很高兴中国正在崛起。

Please recommend more Chinese movies if youcan


Three Chinese movies I've seen get fairlywidespread acclaim are: 1. Hero 2. Flowers of Shanghai 3. The Legend of theDrunken Master

我看过的三部广受好评的中国电影是: 英雄,海上花,醉拳II

Wong Kar-Wai is a Chinese director I like alot.

