印度总理莫迪警告巴基斯坦:将对克什米尔袭击事件做出强烈回应 [美国媒体]

新德里/斯利那加(路透社)——周五,印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪(Narendra Modi)警告巴基斯坦称,将对巴基斯坦导致的克什米尔44名准军事警察死亡的自杀式袭击做出强烈回应,这一事件加剧了这两个拥核邻国之间的紧张局势。

India's PM Modi warns Pakistan of strong response to Kashmir attack


NEW DELHI/SRINAGAR (Reuters) - India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi warned Pakistan on Friday to expect a strong response to a suicide attack that killed 44 paramilitary policemen in Kashmir, ratcheting up tension between the nuclear-armed neighbors.

新德里/斯利那加(路透社)——周五,印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪(Narendra Modi)警告巴基斯坦称,将对巴基斯坦导致的克什米尔44名准军事警察死亡的自杀式袭击做出强烈回应,这一事件加剧了这两个拥核邻国之间的紧张局势。

Pakistan denies that, saying it only offers political support to the Himalayan region's suppressed Muslim people.


The White House urged Pakistan "to end immediately the support and safe haven provided to all terrorist groups operating on its soil".


Pakistan is due to host peace talks next week between the Afghan Taliban and the United States as part of efforts to seek a political settlement to the Afghan war, but escalating tensions with India could divert Pakistan's attention.


Indian Foreign Secretary Vijay Gokhale summoned Pakistan's ambassador, Sohail Mahmood, and issued a demarche demanding that Islamabad take verifiable action against Jaish. India also recalled its ambassador in Pakistan for consultations, a government source said.

印度外交部长维贾伊·戈克雷(Vijay Gokhale)召见了巴基斯坦大使苏海尔·马哈茂德(Sohail Mahmood),并发布了一项要求伊斯兰堡对默罕默德军采取可核查行动的外交照会。一位政府消息人士称,印度还召回了驻巴基斯坦大使进行磋商。

Pakistan's foreign ministry also summoned the Indian deputy High Commissioner in Islamabad to reject New Delhi's "baseless allegations," a Pakistani official said.


Crowds gathered in Jammu, the Hindu-dominated part of Jammu and Kashmir state, to demand stronger action against Pakistan.


India's Home Minister Rajnath Singh flew into Srinagar, the main city in Indian Kashmir, and joined mourners carrying the coffins of the dead policemen, before they were sent to their homes across India.

印度内政部长拉杰纳特·辛格(Rajnath Singh)飞抵印控克什米尔的主要城市斯利那加(Srinagar),和吊唁者一起抬着死去警察的棺材,随后他们被送往印度各地的家中。

Hundreds of thousands of Indian troops are deployed in Kashmir. Singh said civilian vehicles will be stopped if there is a major movement of military convoys on the main highway following Thursday's attack.


In 2001, it mounted an attack on the parliament in New Delhi that brought India and Pakistan to the brink of war.


Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang expressed "deep shock" at the latest attack and said Beijing hoped "relevant countries in the region" could cooperate to combat the threat.


A note to all Kashmiris, if you don't want to live peacefully in India then you should leave and settle in Pakistan or Saudi Arabia or any other Middle East country where you will be treated like royalty and have a good future, most important is that Kashmir is non-negotiable, India is not going to hand-out free territory any more, those days are over, Kashmir is a strategic asset for India, so take note, we will defend it for the next 5 000 years or more.


USA and most of the western world need to understand that Pakistan is giving shelter to terrorists. No wonder Osama Bin Laden was found living within few miles of Pak military establishment, and many ISIS leaders have their families enjoying safe life in Pakistan. There are terror camps along the border and these terrorists are trained by Pakistany Army. They are sent to rest of the work to spread Islamic terrorism and also to fight against UN forces and USA, and spread terrorism in Kashmir.

美国和大多数西方国家需要明白,巴基斯坦是在庇护恐怖分子。难怪人们发现奥萨马•本•拉登(Osama Bin Laden)住在距巴基斯坦军方机构几英里的地方,而许多伊斯兰国组织头目的家人在巴基斯坦享受着安全的生活。边境上有恐怖营地,这些恐怖分子是巴基斯坦军队训练的。他们被派去从事其他的工作,传播伊斯兰恐怖主义,打击联合国部队和美国,在克什米尔传播恐怖主义。

USA need to play a straight forward role and work with Indian Armed forces to get rid of terrorists camps and shelter in Pakistan.


It's going to help reduce terrorism in the region in long run, and help USA gain some edge in fight over ISIS.


If South Sudan can be freed from North Sudan in the last 10 years, because People of South Sudan wanted independence from North Sudan, then why not give Kashmiri People of Occupied India a chance, which UN has already presented in 1948, but India has been denying the People of Kashmir their Birth Right to choose their own destiny. You can Never suppress the Freedom by Force, if the people want freedom and they are willing to sacrifice their lives for it, eventually all the Biggest Armies of the World fail to suppress such Genuine Freedom movements by Force. India is illegally occupying Kashmir by force. If India is a true Democracy, then it needs to prove it by holding Elections in Kashmir and let the Kashmiri People decide, as agreed by the whole World thru UN...


India is right but Modi is not man enough to provide "strong response to Pakistan"... Pakistan had previous attacks on India, Modi declared "strong response".. and it was only a few words for re-election


Heard this from India before. They're not going to do anything. That's why Pakistan continues to harass them. India will never hit back.


Since 1947 and the English commander of Pakistan military attacked Kashmir, England, France, Saudi and US have filled Pakistan with arms to their gills. What was the need? Who was going to attack Pakistan? And who has attacked Pakistan since 1947 ? Pakistan has attacked India lock stock and barrel at least three times. Has India crossed the international border and attacked Pakistan? Obviously, all countries are just waiting to find when is Pakistan going to unleash more military.

自1947年巴基斯坦军队的英国指挥官进攻克什米尔以来,英国、法国、沙特和美国向巴基斯坦提供了大量武器。需要什么? 谁要袭击巴基斯坦? 自1947年以来,谁袭击了巴基斯坦? 巴基斯坦至少三次全面攻击印度。印度是否越过国际边界袭击过巴基斯坦?显然,所有国家都在等待巴基斯坦什么时候释放更多的军事力量。

India and it's leaders are paper tigers. All talk and no action. With scores of Army generals, Air Marshals and Navy Admirals this country never actually take any retaliation...a laughing stock of the world.


In 2008 over 50 Christians where killed by the RSS and other Hindutva Groups which Modi has close ties to but basically nothing was done to them.


India should defend themselves and taking action against the Muslim militants but Modi, the BJP, RSS and Hindutva also need to take a close look at themselves,


Truth Master
Pakistan's government has been emboldened regionally in recent years by it's hosting of u.s. troops & the subsequent input of military dollars. India has been right to shun Washington's Iranian sanctions & begin to pursue it's "better" interest.


And how do these suicide bombers have time to prepare and where do they get their info on when and where their targets will be?


Indians are watching too many Bollywood movies lately, freedom fighters of Kashmir keep giving them reality check. Haha..


The solution is very simple. Let the Kashmiri people hold a referendum just like Canada, Scotland,UK...etc has done in the past. Why is India so afraid what the Kashmir population wants. Until that happens India will keep funding 'Rebels' in Pakistan to cause chaos in Balochistan and similarly Pakistan in Kashmir.........


Well all this event will help Modi to become PM again. Who provided information to this terrorist about convoy of 80 bus going from Srinagar to Jammu? Why PM waited 12 hours before calling a meeting? Yes there will be another surgical strike and then another attack and another surgical strike. All these nonsense must stop. These events are most likely staged by RSS to help BJP win election. For RSS leader all these deaths are considered as " casualty of war" as long as results in making hindu start hating Muslim and BJP wins election. We all feel bad for the family of these brave 44 soldiers and we pray that God gives their family a strength to overcome this tragic loss.
