川普称金正恩对奥托瓦姆比尔的逝世深感遗憾 [美国媒体]

美国总统特朗普在周四与金正恩会面时提起了美国大学生奥托-瓦姆比尔(被朝鲜监禁15个月后释放回国,一周后死亡) 并且表示他不会因此怪罪金正恩

Trump saysKim 'felt very badly' after Otto Warmbier death


President Trump said on Thursdaythat he confronted Kim Jong Un over the death of Otto Warmbier, the U.S.college student who died in 2017 after being held in a Pyongyang prison — andthat he does not hold the North Korean authoritarian leader responsible forWarmbier’s death.

美国总统特朗普在周四与金正恩会面时提起了美国大学生奥托-瓦姆比尔(被朝鲜监禁15个月后释放回国,一周后死亡) 并且表示他不会因此怪罪金正恩

“He felt very badly,” Trump said of Kim. “He knew the case verywell. But he knew it later.”


“You know, you got a lot of people, big country, a lot of people,”he continued. “And in those prisons and those camps, you have a lot of people,and some really bad things happened to Otto. Some really, really bad things.”


“He tells me that he didn’t know about it,” Trump said of Kim.“And I will take him at his word.”


“I have great confidence in my intelligence people,” Trump said inJuly after a summit with Putin in Helsinki. “But I will tell you that PresidentPutin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial.”


Like Trump....Kim is a very compassionate man...honest,loyal, and lives for his Country...also quite a family man...loves hiswife....actually all of them...great man...great reputation...


Linda N
Kim told Trumpthat Trump was a wonderful leader. Trump told Kim that Kim was a wonderfulleader. Trump will take the word of Kim and Putin but won't take believe ourown intelligence agencies. Needless to say, I believe Cohen.

金告诉川,你是一个极好的领导人。而川告诉金,你也是一个极好的领导人。 川普相信金和普京说的话,但他不会信CIA的。 不用说了,我相信科恩

did kim alsotell trump he felt bad when he had his uncle shot with anti aircraft guns?


Samantha2 daysago
Donnie, Kim,Vlad and Prince Mo the world leader dream team!!
