中国没用美国芯片制造出最快的超级计算机 [美国媒体]


-------------译者:水 古 月-审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

China on Monday revealed its latest supercomputer a monolithic system with 10.65 million compute cores built entirely with Chinese microprocessors. This follows a U.S. government decision last year to deny China access to Intel's fastest microprocessors.  


There is no U.S.-made system that comes close to the performance of China's new system the Sunway TaihuLight. Its theoretical peak performance is 124.5 petaflops according to the latest biannual release today of the world's Top500 supercomputers. It is the first system to exceed 100 petaflops. A petaflop equals one thousand trillion (one quadrillion) sustained floating-point operations per second.

目前,美国的计数机系统没有一套比得上中国最新的“神威太湖之光”系统的表现。根据一年两次全球超级计算机排行榜数据,它的理论峰值性能是每秒124.5次浮点运算(peta : 用于计量单位,表示10的15次方,表示千万亿次)。这是首个超过100千万亿次浮点运算的计算机系统。

 -------------译者:水 古 月-审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

The most important thing about Sunway TaihuLight may be its microprocessors. In the past China has relied heavily on U.S. microprocessors in building its supercomputing capacity. The world's next fastest system China's Tianhe-2 which has a peak performance of 54.9 petaflops uses Intel Xeon processors.
TaihuLight which is installed at China's National Supercomputing Center in Wuxi uses ShenWei CPUs developed by Jiangnan Computing Research Lab in Wuxi. The operating system is a Linux-based Chinese system called Sunway Raise.


-------------译者:水 古 月-审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

P Ap
There is one thing going for us... it's made in china.... enough said...

 说那么多,还不是”made in China“!
William Chak
Good work China. Congratulations!!!

yankee is busy overthrowing goverments around the time for mathmatics haha

Bob Suyak
Who believes chicom mfers not I for one.

Steven Evers
Shift happens maybe even someday the USA will be stealing technical secrets from China.

 -------------译者:水 古 月-审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

The notion that this is not based on American technology is a non-sequitur. The Clintons sold and transferred out US technology worth trillions to the Chinese for a measly 3 million dollar "donation" to the Clinton Foundation. The Chinese essentially got a 50 year leap In technology for a pittance.
The Clintons have been sniffing the Chinese butts for around 30 years. Corrupt to the core.

The Chinese chips are not copies or clones considering that even the newer Crays use Intel Xeon chips.
Playing the US is number one game is a lost cause and has fallen on hard times manifested by uncontrollable corporate greed in a stagnant plutocracy.
Government has become errand boys for corporate deceit.



Sprawl McGee
No worries I've invented the Reverse Quantum computer. Instead of existing in one state or multiple states simultaneously it actually exists in no states at all in anti-time.


The majority of these comments are from people who have some fantasy that American engineering is yet another number one category for the US.
Some of the comments actually discuss consumer technology as if it was a true indication of advanced engineering.
Many young engineers in Asia spend their time doing real technological development and not writing moronic apps for consumer products.
Chinese chip development would put most us tech companies to shame.
Fools who think designing supercomputers is like a consumer phone are morons and some even think Apple is a real high tech firm.



Mel Beasley
Yeah they stole or reverse engineered the chip design.  Doubt much truth n the article other than what the Chinese would like people to believe.

Vendicar Decarian
Really?  What parts did they steal?  The CPU is incompatible with every American CPU in existence.
Can you support your claim?  I don't think so.

William Chak
stolen? how come nobody could catch up?

Very professionally put article capturing the important details.


I am pretty sure that the U.S. Defense computing technology surpasses 124 petaflops. Also speaking of using supercomputers to design products virtually instead of building prototypes I believe Microsoft's HoloLens Augmented Reality (AR) would make strides in that arena.



Vendicar Decarian
"surpasses 124 petaflops" - VIc12481
You are guessing of course.   
Can you also guess about what the capacity of the Chinese Defense Computing technology super computers?


chris chuba
Well now Obama can really say to us in the U.S. 'you didn't build that'.


Tom Kornack
China is winning. 


Richard Cranium Jr.
what's the prize?


Vendicar Decarian
The world.

Vendicar Decarian
America is losing.



Charles Diaz
When the Chinese overrun the United States... I'll be their friend. Just the stupid comments here by the majority of my countrymen who think Trump is going to fix it all or that Hillary is the answer tells me who's going to be my friend in the future. My fellow countrymen decry Chinese imports and then go buy those imports all day long. They love to blame the politicians in the two major parties for everything and refuse to admit their own culpability in the crisis. The same people claiming the politicians are rotten are the same idiots voting them in. The U.S. Constitution is shedded by both sides of the U.S. political class and the dolts here screaming "Constitution!" can't  recite the preamble and have no idea what it means. Bunch of ignorant blowhards.

当中国超越美国时……我会成为他们的朋友。我的同胞们的愚蠢评论认为特朗普将解决这一切或希拉里将告诉我们谁是我们未来的朋友。我的同胞们谴责中国的进口货然后整天购买这些进口货。他们喜欢指责两党的政治家,而拒绝承认是自己的过失导致了危机。他们还指责政治家是堕落的,可是投票给政治家的就是他们自己。美国宪法已经被政治阶级束之高阁, 可是这里的白痴们还大喊“宪法!”,可是他们连《宪法》的前言都没背下来,也不懂宪法的含义。一群无知的吹牛大王。
