Merkel: Brexit Irreversible
German Chancellor Angela Merkel toldreporters on Tuesday that the “Brexit” is irreversible, pouring cold wateron efforts tokeep the United Kingdom inside the European Union.
“I see no possibility to reverse this.We would do well to accept this reality … This not a time for wishfulthinking, but to see things as they are,” she said, as quoted by Politico.
Merkel is blamed by some analysts for aseries of decisions that convinced British voters to choose a future outsidethe EU.
One was the decision last year to throwopen German’s borders to Syrian refugees, out of a sense of historical guiltand a desire for immigrant labor.
Luke101 • 6 hours ago
This woman is a traitor to Germany , justas much as Obama is a traitor to USA
Piled High and Deep Luke101 • 5 hours ago
Hey Merkle... I know right.... Its all funand games till someone farts in the elevator...
cranky_1970 Piled High and Deep • 4 hours ago
The German people could simply remove herfrom office. Maybe they should vote on a Deutschexit.
AmericanIndependent121 cranky_1970 • 4 hours ago
I second that!
Crooked Hillary cranky_1970 • 4 hours ago
Or a Mexit. Get that gentilicidal bitch outof there before she decides to throw another million African men at theGermans.
TrumpBackers.com cranky_1970 • 4 hours ago
Insanity, pure insanity.
She is weapons grade stupid.
TrajanOptimus cranky_1970 • 4 hours ago
Most Germans support the EU... There is apart of their culture that is inherited. Good people.. but they do believe theyare superior to everyone else.
Μολών λαβέ TrajanOptimus • 2 hours ago
Being in the EU is like dating a bossyGerman girlfriend. Most people will not put up with that for very long.
HookemHelwig Luke101 • 4 hours ago
ALL Globalists are traitors to their owncountries.
extra salt HookemHelwig • 4 hours ago
And to the world as well because we allneed a well ordered Germany and France and England and the only way to havethat is for local control by local people taking care of their own problems.
If people are not focused on policing theirown problems and protecting their own people they cannot play their part wellon the world stage. This is the concept of subsidiarity.
We are all better off if all peoples aremore focused on their own local issues than on a central government trying todo price controls and one size fits all and so forth.
Teddi extra salt • an hour ago
Well said !
emiliani Teddi • an hour ago
"Well said"? Do you know any ofthe history of Europe since, say, 1900?
The point he made was as erroneous aspossible, and yet you're clapping away like a one-handed seal.
emiliani extra salt • an hour ago
I first have to publicly state that I doNOT like the forced conglomeration of disparate peoples ...
However, your facts are absurd: there wasno EU when France, Germany, and England were on opposing sides to a host ofdestructive wars -- last century alone!!
We can advocate our positions withoutspeaking historical absurdities, right?
mac carrol HookemHelwig • 3 hours ago
Globalists are not traitors to theircountry. They do not even recognize their own country. They are deface enemiesof anyone that wants their own country.
extra salt mac carrol • 2 hours ago
Internationalism is actually worse than theworst nationalist because even Hitler was at least confined to Germany andcouldn't take his war much further than Europe on his own.
It was when he formed international pactswith other countries that he was able to bring in Italy and Japan and thusspread the war much further into Africa and Asia.
And so it is with these Internationalistswho because they sacrifice everything at a slightly different altar from theNationalists of the 1930's think they are 100 years smarter and more moral whenin reality it has all the potential to be the same trap only bigger and harderto get out of.
Thomas Paine ✓Death2Traitors Luke101 • 2hours ago
She is a traitor to Germany and also theentire free world! Just as Hussein is a treasonous traitor to his oath ofoffice and all the legal citizens of the U.S.A.
Both deserve death for such tyranny!
LWM Luke101 • an hour ago
Very true...but the ultimate blame must beplaced with the voters of both countries which is why I have little confidencethat the trend can be reversed in either country.
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