At Least 75 Dead in Nice AfterGrenade-Filled Truck Plows Into Crowd, Officials Say
At least 75 people have died in the Frenchcity of Nice after an attacker plowed a truck, which was "loadedwith" grenades and other arms, into a large crowd during BastilleDay celebrations Thursday night, officials said.
The incident left an "apocalyptic"scene, according to eyewitnesses, on the famed Promenade des Anglais, put thecity on lockdown and drew swift condemnation from world leaders.
Robert 37 minutes ago
The French people don't deserve to beconstantly on guard, nervously peeking over their shoulders, or altering theirdaily activities, for fear of becoming victims of a religous lunatic. The timehas come to put an absolute end to this lethal fanaticism! The First duty ofgovernment is to provide security for its citizens! Providing defensive halfmeasures acts only to embolden those who threaten and harm us. We MUST takegreater action to solve this problem once and for all! NO MORE CODDLING! NOMORE DIPLOMATIC NICETIES! Take them out NOW before more of our precious, dearloved ones are taken from us! THIS MUST END HERE & NOW...... FINIS!
Vive La France!
PatC 2 hours ago
30 dead and over 100 injuries so far. Guncontrol and liberal immigration policies are not working out too well in Franceare they.
Cant wait to hear what Obama and Hillaryare going to blame
Brad Boettcher 23 minutes ago
I've often thought that an eighteen wheelercould make a great weapon of mass destruction in the right circumstances, evenwithout any explosives or other weapons. Luckily I'm not a sicko. Unfortunatelypeople who ARE sickos aren't necessarily stupid. Imagine if this had been aneven larger and denser crowd, like a big concert where people are penned in?Could've just kept going like a mower through grass. Good thing for everybodythat I'm an atheist and don't care enough about anything to kill anybody.
toyo 2 hours ago
Over 60 Million homeless refugeesworldwide. The United States now has the largest illegal immigrant populationin the world, 12-20 Million. It cost our government over $800 BILLION a year toincarcerate, house, feed, provide medical care, clothing, education, legalassistance, etc. And every year hundreds of thousands sneak across the southernborder. Once here if a child is born it is considered a US citizen and isentitled to all rights and benefits. The parents are allowed to get financialassistance, housing, food stamps, medicaid, etc. This is choking us to deathand it must stop now. Please push to deport each and every illegal immigrantand children born by illegal immigrants.
Rick 2 hours ago
Any bets that it was one of their refugeesthat they took in?
Build that wall Trump.
Rob 1 hour ago
Of course an easy reflex reaction would beto escalate the violence and strike back, if the attacker was Muslim. Thatwould just raise the death toll. The question that needs to be asked is why somany young Muslim men are suicidal and so angry that they want to take as manypeople with them as possible. What's happening to them in their childhood tomake them like that? How can we help them? One of these days, these suicidalyoung men are going to get their hands on a nuclear weapon. We have to dosomething.
Jan M 26 minutes ago
Anyone want to bet that this horrific actwas inspired by Islam? It's not a religion. It's a political ideology and needsto be illegal.
Rob 19 minutes ago
The religion of peace is at it again. LOL,yeah, lets let MORE of these animals in our country.
Annastasia 2 hours ago
After just reading about what the Somalirefugees did to that neighborhood in MN recently, I have no hope for an"innocent" transition to life here.
Dragon 52 minutes ago
It wasn't the drivers fault, we need moretruck control. See Libtards how stupid you sound !!!
Trucks and Guns are TOOLS, Be HONEST wehave a PEOPLE PROBLEM !!!
Truck control or Gun control laws will notstop a KILLER from KILLING...
A wise man once said.... Where there's awill there's a way...
Legislation against the law abiding willnever FIX that PROBLEM !!!
My condolences to all affected by this actof terrorism...
We have a PEOPLE problem NOT a TOOLproblem...
The Jack 56 minutes ago
If we don't control immigration, this iswhere our country is headed.
We, as Americans, underestimate theinfluence of cultural elements within our society.
For example, I've had a Muslim co-worker,who was educated in college and graduate
school here in USA, but he had verynegative things to say about the USA. I told him
to shut up and never say it again.
000000 2 hours ago
Considering the truck driver was alsoshooting people and died in a shoot out with police, why not just call it aterror attack? Instead of "fearing it was"
Ozarkdahlin 2 hours ago
Can't blame guns.
Moshe 27 minutes ago
Ah, the joys of multiculturalism! Comingsoon to America, yet again, unless the Americans are smart enough to electTrump, remove the various bleeding-heart impediments, make Islam illegal, stripall Moslems of citizenship and deport the lot of them to Islamic countries.
dan rathers drunk, again 16 minutes ago 115
Hillary and Obama will bring thousands inun-vetted, while Trump says he'd put a hold on it until we could understandjust who they were before coming into the country and possibly doing somethinglike this. Which is the more sensible plan?
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...