香港(路透社)——今年二月份的香港暴乱中,活动人士点火垃圾箱并向警察扔砖块,这让Chris Lee更加确信离开兄弟姐妹和母亲前往台湾是正确的决定。美国网友:几年十年在我还是九年级时我就决定离开香港了,不是因为政治原因,而是美国的教育环境和机会更好。回首往事,我发现自己是幸运的。
Many in Hong Kong look for the exit amidChina tension
HONG KONG (Reuters) - When activists begansetting fire to trash bins and hurling bricks at police during a February riotin Hong Kong, Chris Lee became more convinced hisdecision to leave his siblings and mother behind and move to Taiwan was theright one.
香港(路透社)——今年二月份的香港暴乱中,活动人士点火垃圾箱并向警察扔砖块,这让Chris Lee更加确信离开兄弟姐妹和母亲前往台湾是正确的决定。
Hong Kong, long known as one of the safestand most law-abiding cities in Asia, has become increasingly polarized withoccasional violent protests, fueled in part by tensions with Communist Partyleaders in Beijing over the Chinese-ruled city's democratic future.
"It's not just the politics that aremessed up," said Lee, who moved to Taiwan in March and opened arestaurant. "It is also the people who have become irrational and ficklethat drove me to leave."
t. c. 36 minutes ago
Since 1997, In term of economic security andpolitical freedom, Hongkong has enjoyed more, not less than they ever had under150 years of British colonial rule. In those colonial years, all the governorgenerals and departments heads were appointed by London. No chief of Hong kongfor Hong Kong Chinese native whatsoever. And major Hong Kong trade werecontrolled by two British firms, Jardine and Swire.
Some Hong Kong like Martin Lee and Anson Fangwanted to be 100% British and live in England, but London rejected them. It isa sad story.
Just 1 hour ago
Recently the world famous Hong KongAnticorruption Agency ICAC is in the news and eroded the confidence of thepublic. The Commissioner appointed by CY Leung demoted the top dog after 30years of excellent service, who cracked many BIG cases. CY also was a subjectof corruption of taking in HK$ 50 million without reported and is with holdinginfo for over a year from ICAC. All commissioned head of agencies are so aloftwith the general public and hold no responsibility that they just tak hundredof thousand of dollar in tax payer money and do nothing. The public image ofthe govt. is greatly tarnished in the last few years.
DanF 8 hours ago
Moving to Taiwan may be a good option forsome people. While Hong Kong still holds a lot of opportunity for many, lifethere may include limitations that some would prefer to do without. Anyone whowants to be openly critical of the mainland government might feel more securein doing so from across the Taiwan Strait. Many others who desire more physicalspace than is easily obtainable in Hong Kong, might prefer to relocate too.While the mainland could be a good option for them, Taiwan may be preferable tomost other offshore destinations, since the move would not include the culturaladjustments that most other destinations would entail.
Sermsak 12 hours ago
Hong kong is too small for comfortable livingfor more than 7 million people. It is a good sign some affordable sensiblepeople start emigrating, giving those remaining behind breathing space.Taiwanese are not China friendly people and their presence to a certain extentcontributed to past unrests. Hong Kong is no longer a heaven depicted in thepast, as Shanghai and other Chinese cities become more and more internationaland affluent. I lived in Hong Kong for 5 years in 1950's and saw for myselfpoor people sharing beds taking turn to sleep in daytime for night workers andvice versa. Can't imagine how poor people live now with such a populationexplosion.
BirdWatcher 8 hours ago
Similar to US, you may need to learn someMandarin if you are planning to do some shopping while you are vacationing inVancouver, Canada. Secondly, New Zealand now has more Chinese mainland livingover there than in Australia. Originally, they only bought houses andproperties. All of the sudden, they bought farms, farmlands, and companies allover New Zealand.
Kan 3 hours ago
The shadow of the communist plague is ofcourse making everyone nervous, run away from them when you can. The longer youstay, the less chance you will be able to move. You don't even want to livenear communist citizen!
Peter 8 hours ago
I decided leaving Hong Kong as early as a 9thgrader decades ago not because purely for political reasons but a combinationof education, environmental and more opportunities in the US. Looking back Ialways consider myself as a lucky one.
Edward 49 minutes ago
Stay away from the Philippines. Chinese aredirty nasty people.
Gary713 44 minutes ago
Moving to Taiwan is not the solution becauseit's a matter of time before mainland China makes the move to take Taiwan.
richer 4 hours ago
85% of them hk people live in closet sizebedrooms. Why live like that? Because they are addicted to the nightlife, thefood and entertainment. Which is why 85% of those that went to canada cameback.
D P 10 hours ago
Good for HK-China, country and specific areais over populated. Sure those who are staying will appreciate those who leave& make more space. I would go insane too, if I lived in cramped conditionslike in HK. Not very many live like in the movies.
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Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...