美媒:美国可在不羞辱中国的情况下执行仲裁 [美国媒体]



The Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague released a stinging rebuke to China in last week’s ruling on the arbitration case brought by the Philippines. Philippine presidents Benigno Aquino III and Rodrigo Duterte both risked their relations with China by initiating and in the latter case not acquiescing to Chinese demands that they withdraw the case. The Philippines should be strongly supported by the United States and our allies in this moment of need including through U.S. naval enforcement of the ruling and U.S. ratification of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:翻译加工厂 转载请注明出处


C B Teoh R26; 4 hours ago
This article keeps on mentioning "humiliating". Did China gets humiliated the answer is a big NO. So far only t US Japan and Australia clearly urging China to abide by the illegal ruling. China's prestige has not been harmed. So where is the humiliation comes from?


Ford GT40 C B Teoh R26; 2 hours ago
Your right a court ruling can only be humiliating if its enforced. But I'm not holding my breath with spineless Obama who hasn't honored our commitments to defend the Philippines sovereignty. If he had done that back in 2012; then we wouldn't be where we are now. And China wouldn't be acting like their too big for their own britches!


Here's hoping people are smartenough to vote for 2012Trump not Obama II in November!



Exocet  C B Teoh R26; 3 hours ago
No the PCA ruling is very much legal and within international law. And the rest of the world largely thinks so.
Unless it's according to the CCP's propaganda line. But they are lying like the CCP always does to save face.


Ford GT40 R26; 2 hours ago
All I can say is I absolutely agree. Take a strong stand now but up until now Obama has been a Chinese piñata that they wack and he back away. He's already broken the US commitment to defend the Philippines sovereignty. The US Navy should have stepped in and kicked the Chinese off Scarborough Shoals back in 2012 when the US Navy sat idledly by no thanks to feckless and timid Obama!
Advice! Hey Obama take some serious supplements to fix your yellow jellyfish like spine to have a real backbone and fulfill our commitments to the Philippines. Otherwise I can hardly wait until your cowardly and non committal policy is removed from office so a real president will do what has to be done. Kick China's A S S!



Johnno Ford GT40 R26; an hour ago
Obama is in his last months as President there is very little of substance that the US can do before the problem lands on the next President's desk. That means there is pretty much a 8 month gap for China to keep pressurising the Philippines and by example everyone else in the area.


What will happen? Pretty much a continuation of what has been happening. China will keep pushing until they encounter an immoveable obxt and then some form of new balance will be struck. It is unlikely that China will withdraw from anything it now holds but they may not go much further.



Informed R26; 4 hours ago
The author is disingenuous at best. The title is a lie. Everything he suggests is meant to humiliate China and increase the chances of military confrontation with it. Considering that if Chinese government is perceived by the populace as buckling under US pressure a lot more anti-US government would come to power in China proposed actions would be as counter-productive and fraught with unintended consequences as short-sighted sanctions against Russia. Not to mention that brinkmanship suggested by the author would cement Russia-China alliance which strategically is the worst thing the US can do. Well some people are smart whereas others are paid not to be.



Ford GT40  Informed R26; 2 hours ago
That's how a whimp thinks and you are a royal wussy!
No we will take Military action and kick china in the rear to get out!

David  Ford GT40 R26; 35 minutes ago
Do you dare to talk to Russia like that bullie.

Ford GT40  David R26; 8 minutes ago
Hey David the major Wuss bag we could have wiped the floor with the Russians anytime we wanted for at least 10 years after WWII when we were the only country on earth with Nuclear Weapons without the fear of retailiation!
And guess what David we can still wipe the floor with the Russians! So they better watch out! They better but cry! Because Strategic Air Command is coming with either B-52's B-1B B-2!
Along with Norad's Minuteman ICBM Missiles. And let's not forget the Ohio Class SSBN's!
Yeah I Dare! If they want some we'll give it to them in short order!

你猜怎么着,David,我们还能用俄国人擦地板!所以他们最好小心!他们最好只有哭的份!因为战略空军司令部将会带着 B-52s或B-1B、 B-2到来!除了北美防空司令部的民兵洲际弹道导弹,我们不要忘记俄亥俄弹道导弹核潜艇!是的,我敢!如果他们想要一些,我们会在短时间内给他们!


blair tim R26; 5 hours ago
American wants to force China to leave UNCLOS in order to make UNCLSO be meaningless in the world.
However China is the UNCLOS upholder in the world.
The private temporary Arbitration in Hague violated UNCLOS of on role in territory sovereignty disputes.
1) The formation of the Private team is at faulty if not illegal.
2) The ruling itself is illegal.
3) The verdicts are nonsense and are illegal.
That's why many countries in the world are UNCLOS upholder and support China's stance.
There are only two countries the US and Japan who are trying hard to push China to follow the verdicts which China treats it as a piece of garbage paper.
The US and Japan are isolated in the world in this case.

1) 这个私人团队的构成即使不是非法的也是有问题的。
2) 裁决本身就是非法的。
3) 裁决结果是一派胡言和非法的。


CHINA LOSE  blair tim R26; 2 hours ago
"Ignorantia juris non excusat or ignorantia legis neminem excusat "
" nemo censetur ignorare legem or ignorantia iuris nocet "
Chinese PRC needs to read carefully what they signed and ratified.

Ford GT40  blair tim R26; 2 hours ago
Blah blah blah. China will obey or else!



Exocet  blair tim R26; 3 hours ago
Everything you said is a complete lie.


Very few countries have supported China;s claim. Only eight. The CCP has merely brazenly lied about whop suppots sheir claim.
And you post is poorly written English whilst using a suspiciously western name whilst repeating the CCP official propaganda line.
We have a real live wu mao 'blair tim'

